Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin Build Compendium and FAQ [Updated 29/04/2016]

I was considering Krivis for Daino and Aukuras, and simply because I already have a Diev c3 (going Druid 2) and want to try a different class. I wouldnt mind going the diev1 route but if there was another option i’d be more willing to take that instead.

Hmm, I don’t think you’ll need Daino as a Paladin3 though. And Aukuras needs a lot of leveling (Krivis3) to become good, at lv5 it’s just meh.

The usual choice if you’re STR would be Diev, yeah… plays quite differently from regular Diev3 too, in that Carve becomes a reliable dmg source (and can provide Pierce-type), and your dmg is mobile (not Owl-dependant).

If you want to go SPR though, Krivis is viable, Zalciai with SPR is crazy strong for physical builds. Will let you crit as much as (or more often than) DEX builds, since crit resist can go into negative numbers, and with a much stronger crit attack. The only limiter is its cooldown.

Or you can just go Priest1 for res/Monstrance I guess. Monstrance will disrupt your dps though, due to cast time/clunky animation and short duration, so I wouldn’t recommend that path too much unless you want res.

Oh cool. might give the SPR build a shot. Stat wise would i follow the build in the op, con and spr only? or give some points into str? Thanks for all the responses btw, it really helps!

@milktofu I’d go with only CON/SPR if it were up to me, up to 80~100 CON as you reach the higher levels, rest SPR.

You might want to ask @Clarityrence about it though, since they’re testing that same build rn.

thanks, ill shoot him a message :smiley:

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so the above patch changes says increase in smite damage and AOE attack ratio increase? is it implemented here? the tosbase calculator says attack ratio of 3, whats the AOE attack ratio of smite in ours?

its 3 too. but in tooltips are 6 ( 3 from skill 3 from cleric stats ). And it can do bout 3 enemy with 1 AOE defense. So 3 enemy are what will you often too get (cos mostly enemy have 1 AOE defense )

Daino will be for party play. I just don’t know how many levels in it are needed.

Priest, Chronomancer, and even Linker that has Spiritual Chain can total up to a lot of buff slots occupied. Your party members’ own buffs take up slots, too.

But I think Krivis 1’s Daino should be enough for normal situations.

Higher level of Aukuras isn’t worth it I feel. Most builds take 1 or 3 only.

In case if you are thinking of Restoration + Aukuras + Animus combo, I’ve heard that the Restoration bonus WILL NOT be converted to Magic Amplification, even though it seems to or supposed to be working. Not sure if bug or not.

Stat build wise I’m unsure myself.

But I don’t like to split stats 3 ways. Stats in this game scales better when you put more into them. I suggest reading up on how stat bonuses work to get a better feel of it.

Hmm will Animus be affected by aukuras? If it does then restoration should work too? If restoration really works then it is a really good bonus to up the restoration attribute.

My friend tested the Restoration + Animus, doesn’t work. Not sure about Aukuras.

But, in theory, if it works, your build will not have Smite, because you will want to max out Restoration. So your solo leveling will be seriously gimped. But then again if it works it’ll be a full support build and you would have someone/party/guild to level with.

The core idea is to give your mage friends (Wiz3Ele3Warlock, for example) extra Matk boosts (Animus gives Magic Amplification, so for simplicity sake just halve that). The original post of this thread listed this build I believe, the result is about 300+ Magic Amplification (150+ MATK).

Even if it works I’m doubtful if it’s worth it. High end wizards have easily more than 3k MATK, assuming high/full INT build.

For my build (Paladin c1 only), I can put 4-5 points in restoration (depends whether I want lvl1 turn undead) while having max Resist Elements & Smite.

If it works then just having a level4 restoration 151 hp regen + 100 hp regen attributed will yield around 100 magic amp for every animus user in close proximity. Seems really good combo for a Paladin if IMC decide to make it work.

If it works and at the same time doesn’t drastically alter your build then it’s fine. It’s a bonus. Just not sure how significant the increase will be.

So they would still buff this? seeing the ktos patch notes if ever it would come to Itos, AOE on 3 monster is a bit meh, or maybe need gears with atack ratio in it

Hopefully they will buff smite. It is really lacking at the moment. Even if we get more aoe ratio it really isn’t helping much. The damage is too low considering past 240+ most of the monsters have 100k+ hp.

The only saving grace for smite now is… female paladins have a really cute animation when using smite… heii yaaa~~ XD

Can anyone help provide some feedback on this int paladin build? I’m going for mainly int and con with some spr. I don’t mind that its not meta, as long as it has relative success in pvm and questing

[quote=“Clarityrence, post:474, topic:155803”]
But I don’t like to split stats 3 ways. Stats in this game scales better when you put more into them. I suggest reading up on how stat bonuses work to get a better feel of it.
[/quote]Uhh I’ve read the mechanics guide o.o… what I meant when mentioning you was that you have experience with SPR Paladin with Zalciai, so you can give good feedback to milktofu.

Oh I was saying that to milktofu, sorry.

[quote=“Clarityrence, post:483, topic:155803, full:true”]
Oh I was saying that to milktofu, sorry.
[/quote]Oh ok, sorry for the misunderstanding then.

It’s not tat bad…100k HP monster is like 30seconds solo. 5Sec spend on debuffing though… >_< the only thing is sp consumption is crazy when solo lol

For a support class…is counts pretty good.