Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin Build Compendium and FAQ [Updated 29/04/2016]

I never said don’t play paladin.

I went over the stats, both int & str have the potential to shine when later ranks are added. Neither are a waste, they just are rather lackluster/depressing damage wise currently.

And i am comparing it to other cleric dps options, those are the only relevant ones to begin with. Carve Owl, Possession, Aspergillum, Effigy, scaled incinerate and so much more can all scale far higher then what you can do with a paladin.

Also aoe + ranged dmg is more preferable, as you don’t want to melee stuff to death in ET. Sadly both int & str palas are almost equally undesirable there (zaibas is decent if you have a linker though, but still lacking due to the low skill level).

For reference of a pala in et, see this channel:

I do have a int paladin2, but also haven’t logged in for a while. And there’s several int pala showcases in this thread iirc. + a diev3/druid2 for comparison.

Just pick str or int for palas depending on what you like, it really does not matter.

Okay. Thanks for the info. Appreciate them.

Paladins have all of two skills that really care about any stat. They’re very generalist, and could function fine on a build with no damage stats at all.

Yeah I was think to build something like a 1:1 CON SPR pally just for the fun of it.

thats sounds good, since both INT and STR wont do a great deal compared to other classes

Lvling will be a pain tho. Unless buying buffs but I really do not fancy that.

Indeed, but you’ll be a well around Tank / Support then ? you can expect that.

You need Priest C3 to go Chaplain

Quick question: Is Turn Undead good as a 1 point skill?

I gonna make a paladin probably a INT build (Cleric c2>Krivis>Paladin c3>PD).But I have some questions.
1-Stats,just put 1:1 INT:CON,when hit 80 CON,just put all points in INT?
2-a hybrid build with STR:INT:CON worth it or nothing hybrid is a good idea?
3-Paladin C1 worth it or paladin starts shine in C3?

Paladin c3 or no paladin. Barrier is the only “good” spell. I went cleric c2 - krivis c1 - pally c3 - pd. Im lvl 227 at the moment im writing these lines and lemme tell you, unless you have the patience of a monk ( real one as in tibethan monk) or you have a dps friend that you play with everytime you play, DO not go paladin !!! Im full INT and the only spell that hurt is your cure. Thats it. Forget all that if the mob is flying, then all you have is 2 x smite and 2 x conviction. Then you whack-a-mole untill the mob dies. So forget about the mobs kill count per map achivements unless again if you are rly patient. Now in party / dungeons play: you will heal fine, regen aura is meh @ best, aukuras meh @ best if the boss dosent knock it outer space, daino well rly scrollable and rly situationnal, divine might is very good (but not pally only), resist aura is frikkin good for the buff and debuff, barrier is ok but even with 300 + int it still hit mobs for ■■■■. When you reach r7 and get pd you get some balm on your wounds and be like: well @ least one more dps spell ( that scale with int) and more healing, but honestly those things dont make it for the average class that is paladin.

Well… I’m just here for the outfit then. After reading so many arguments and counter arguments, the experience is now rather pre-empted.

I guess it’s a matter of perspective. I have much respect for those of you who do the math and crunch all these numbers. I admire you all for putting a lot of time and trying to see the best in the class. I’m not a fan of game math. I’m just here to play, and more than anything I just want to stay within my desire to play all the classes with blue icons. A bit silly, I know, but that’s how I see my game coming along. Peltasta C3 isn’t a popular choice but I did it anyway.

At the end of the day though, it falls on the player how they want to treat their game.

Right now I’m all for INT Paladin NOT because it damages better than STR but works better all around. I’m getting it for the support and I don’t care if a full priest or full cleric can do it better. :blush:

I’m taking Cleric 2 > Priest 1 > Paladin 3 > R7 Open.
Priest 1 buffs are generally reliable for Solo and Party. Aspersion’s +% Defense is something relevant. At Lv.5, 28% Physical Defense. Monstrance is a 30% buff to Dex which is a big thing for Archers and Swordsmen alike.

If the new ranks turn out to be a slouch, I can always go full Priest to further improve on support.

Got back; been awhile and this thread has gone very long… xD

Seems you’re mostly int builds; Sadly I cant comment much since I’m an STR type. Feel free to ask me if you have questions.

~~Dragonfang [AoE-Support Phys-DPS Paladin3-Cl2Di1Pa3Or1]

I’m planning to go for C2 - K1 - Paladin 3 - Oracle, but with CON:SPR 1:3 build.

My plan is to make an anti-magic PVP support that can do well in PVE and dungeons as well.

Based on the fact that you have Oracle and reached late game already, any comment on this build?

How will it fair for PVP and GVG?

(I actually have a C2 - Diev 1 STR CON build that is close to Paladin 1, but switched to CON SPR build after I learned that both INT and STR won’t scale well in terms of damage.)

Question: Does a Pally have any synergy with Kaballist?

I’ve read in other exchanges that the Rank 7 Classes are all viable options. :blush:

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If PvE support, you wont be dissappointed with your defense; were nearly impossible to kill, and with the right equips be able to reach 500+mdef. As long as you have sagewall and aias, you’re good to go.

DPS is a problem though, our smite is easily avoided. The best you can hope for is Conviction and let your party do the killing. (Your lightning will come handy here)

If you want to know about counterspell, most people dont know how to deal with it and will ragequit when facing you xD. Just keep in mind that in most situations, the more you prolong a battle, the better it is in your favor.

As a paladin, I try to avoid PvP; were not that well enough equipped for it. But we do boasts insane defensive and sustain capabilities. Just no offense.

This is difficult, most paladins roll STR for smite; or they just take Pala1 for restoration.

The problem in kabbalist is that its INT(Mattack) based. And because of that, longterm viability is unknown if your STR. The only skill that either build (STR or INT) would benefit is the HP % increase buff, but you would be giving up a rank for it, and you loose quite a lot if you’re STR based.

Every class7 is viable; just not optimized depending on how you build your char. (i.e. if your INT, you’d want a rank 7 class that scales well on that stat. Though an STR can still use those classes with reduced effectiveness)

Thanks! That’s good enough for me.