Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin Build Compendium and FAQ [Updated 29/04/2016]

Thanks! That’s good enough for me.

maybe getting an oracle, plague or pardoner would be much better? or no? oracle for dispell and ground shield for magic, plague for pandemic on conviction? or pardoner for discerning and more magic res?

it depends on how you want to build your char. I went oracle due to roleplay purposes, its fun and fits my str pala well. Though other classes would have been just fine as well.

with oracle and paladin have you tried the zoo doctor? change monster and conversion?

conversion yes, not worth the point; no matter what build you take xD. due to 1 skill point = 1 monster count, and you’d out-DPS nor ever need a cannon fodder as a cleric.

change monster, not yet; will most likely get at least 1 point for testing

Oh my dear God.
I’m not sure I’m ready for reading 400+ replies right now. The first post by itself is amazing work though… just… no, really. Why are topics like this not pinned.

THAT SAID, I do have questions. Sorry if some of them have been answered before, I’m also sharing my thoughts about a build I’m making so it should be good feedback though.

Some quick feedback then: on the Diev section, it might be worth mentioning that Carve is pretty much Pally’s only pierce skill. And on PvE known issues, isn’t how Pardoner shamelessly steals half of the class’s support options - including a C3 one, and to the point taking a Pally to ET is heavily suboptimal compared to simply taking someone with enough SPR to use Barrier scrolls - a big enough issue to deserve a mention?

…I mean, I’m sure you guys know the issue much better than me, but imo it should definitely be there. It’s not a bug, just horrid game design, but so is elemental damage not being applied in Battle League.

Questions: (click me) :arrow_backward:
  1. On Aukuras having soft taunt, is this effect only applied when the torch is summoned, or whenever an enemy comes into the torch’s range? Also, is the accuracy decrease effect still bugged?

  2. Why is the CON suggestion on the SPR build that high? The base survivability should be considerably better than STR Diev1/Monk1, given Magic Defense/Barrier and SPR’s magic defense. Wouldn’t some of those points be better off in getting 80 INT/leftover in SPR instead, especially since we have Zaibas?

  3. On the STR Diev1/Monk1 build, how are Palm Strike and Hand Knife used? They’re there but they aren’t mentioned on the rotation. In particular, should Hand Knife be used with the armor break attribute, or without? Its damage doesn’t seem that high (unlike Palm Strike) and the animation is slow, so on bosses it might be best to use it for armor breaking, but that sacrifices its AoE mobbing potential (same AoE attack ratio as Smite).

EDIT: Deprotected Zone + Hand Knife seems to create a line AoE for some reason, at least according to this thread, as well as knock-up even Large monsters. Needs testing, but if it’s doable consistently, one more very tempting reason not to go for armor break.

I probably have more questions, but let’s stick with these for now :<

SPR physical build idea: (clicky) :arrow_backward:

Based on other threads, I was going to try something similar to DEX-based Diev1/Monk1 Pally (just with Krivis in place of Diev). The idea is that even if DEX scales horribly as a stat, and even accounting STR’s huge bonuses, Smite still scales better with DEX than STR… I haven’t tested, but it’s very easy to believe.

However, at least in paper, a SPR build might be able to bring much more crit rate to the table than DEX would ever be able to with Zalciai’s debuff alone. Not counting the crit attack part and every other SPR support/SP/defense bonus. I mean, it’d be minus 230-ish crit resist at lv5~6… is it even possible for opponents to have more than 100% crit resist? I’d assume it’d be something like opponent at -100% flat = +100% proportional chance to crit? (So double crit instead of guaranteed crit… but double crit still sounds pretty damn tasty)

EDIT: the biggest limitation here is Zalciai’s cooldown. However, it should be a satisfactory setup for endgame, where mobs have 60k+ HP, as well as bossing.

I guess that was what @Clarityrence wanted to test?

Given the thread feedback, and assuming lv1 skills with lv5 Simony are enough for lv5 Pardoner scrolls, I was thinking of going for the following build (SPR-based):

For stats I’d like to try the SPR spread but with only 70~80 CON, starting with the 80 INT for Cleric/Krivis leveling. The idea is to try Monk1 out in rank 8… or, well, probably in rank 7, maybe even 5. If rank8 takes ludicrulously long to come out the linked build is what I’d level up and use, though. Double Strike and Carve would definitely scale better with STR than crit rate, however I don’t have space for Carve and Smite/Palm Strike should scale better with crit rate. That’s what I want to test: the equivalent of a crit build, but with SPR in place of DEX, with very good support and access to most of the important Simony skills.

I’m not sure how much of this actually belongs here, and I’ve definitely written way too much… but overall all that needs to be understood is “hey, thanks guys, you’re awesome” and the feedback. I’ll be grateful if someone takes the time to rate the build idea and reply to the questions, though!

Hi guys… Just wanna ask whether having a con : spr build 1 : 3 will benefit greatly from restoration lv 15… I’m planning to get pal 3… (3 more class level to reach pal1 atm).

I can’t test it myself yet, but based on what i read from Wurmheart (that resto lv 1 will add bonus to heal tiles the same as lv 15), _Nekorin on the other hand said that lv 5 boost her/his more than lv 1 does. So I guess maybe they both have different build, in that Wurmheart’s stat probably didnt allocate any int, and _Nekorin’s heavy on int… the resto lv will affect heal amount that’s increased by INT. So, currently that’s my conclusion. I really need clarification on this… Thanks

[EDIT] Retract message. Based on Nekorin’s vid here :
Any increase by Restoration to heal tiles (tested on sample lv 1 - 5) isn’t affected by the skill level itself… So my understanding now is that Restoration is adding around 50% more heal per tile regardless of its level.

Thanks guys for the awesome research…
I might wanna test on mass heal when i reach paladin later… The formula might be different as shown here :

Healing of mass heal which is fixed amount, 1550 boosted to 1704 by resto… which is almost 10% increase, not around 50% as i’d expect…

[quote=“dora_san, post:451, topic:155803”]
[EDIT] Retract message. Based on Nekorin’s vid here : increase by Restoration to heal tiles (tested on sample lv 1 - 5) isn’t affected by the skill level itself… So my understanding now is that Restoration is adding around 50% more heal per tile regardless of its level.
[/quote]Yeah, leveling Restoration only increases the passive HP recovery. That’s also good in that you only need lv1 for it to be effective though.

Also, apparently something does affect how much the heal bonus is: INT. The thread mentions that “Restoration has double scaling with the Int bonus on heal”. Though I’m not sure if that just means Restoration heal bonus scales with INT, or if it means the bonus increases how INT scales with Heal.

Yes, based on testing with @kriiss_mail the healing bonus given by restoration seem to be centered around the (int bonus + hp recovery) part. But the actual formula is still pretty much elusive at this point. It is roughly around 1.8~2x of the bonus.

Heal tile without restoration = 5% hp heal + Int bonus (which is (int+85)*1.5 *1.1 ~ (int+85)1.51.3, taken from tosbase) + hp recovery

Heal tile with restoration = 5% hp heal + (Int bonus + hp recovery) * restoration bonus (approx 1.8 ~2) [As proposed by kriiss_mail and tested by both of us]

If only there is an add-on that can log our heals + our statuses each time we heal (hp recovery and restoration on-off)… then we can have more information to work with.

Right now adding restoration levels doesn’t really add much to healing bonus.

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@_Nekorin do you know if Restoration also affects Heal damage?

nope itsnt give effect too heal damage.

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[quote=“kriiss_mail, post:455, topic:155803, full:true”]
nope itsnt give effect too heal damage.
[/quote]aw, too bad. Still a good skill though.

EDIT: (I love that these forums allow simply editing for updating a topic, no need to double post)

according to @kriiss_mail’s testing, Conviction does properly reduce Earth resistance as well. Seems there was some kind of misunderstanding. I assume this will work normally for Smite bonuses, too.

On other news: the thread's outdated in regards to relevant Cleric patch notes, KR Conviction got a dmg buff when it hits anything stunned, this probably requires a Swordie mate or something to stun things for you.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY! Resist Elements got a huge buff, now it also reduces all elemental damage (I assume except holy/dark) by (2.5% * skill level). So at lv15, it’d be 15% nullification chance, 37.5% elemental dmg reduction, on top of the resist buff/debuff… making Paladin that much more desirable. :sunglasses:

There are still key points to be fixed, such as the Conviction + Smite bug, but we’re definitely on the right track.

Actually, does anyone have a vid properly proving and documenting the Smite bug? If not, we need one, that way we can make a bug report thread and annoy them with it until it’s in “known bugs” list lol…

It isn’t outdated. People should stop assuming that the Korean Patch is as relevant as they think. These KTOS patches might take MONTHS to get here, if ever. It isn’t an uncommon practice for a non-Korean version of MMO to lag behind the Korean version for more than a year.

It was also noted that iTOS’ patches are quite independent of KTOS. For example, iTOS has nerfs to classes that KTOS doesn’t have.

If you want to make your build according to specific patches of the Korean version, be prepared to live with the current state of the class for a long time.

If you are looking for something future proof, Paladin isn’t the class you should be looking at. Go Wiz3 or something.

[quote=“Clarityrence, post:457, topic:155803”]
It isn’t outdated. People should stop assuming that the Korean Patch is as relevant as they think. These KTOS patches might take MONTHS to get here, if ever. It isn’t an uncommon practice for a non-Korean version of MMO to lag behind the Korean version for more than a year.

It was also noted that iTOS’ patches are quite independent of KTOS. For example, iTOS has nerfs to classes that KTOS doesn’t have.

If you want to make your build according to specific patches of the Korean version, be prepared to live with the current state of the class for a long time.

If you are looking for something future proof, Paladin isn’t the class you should be looking at. Go Wiz3 or something.
[/quote]The post mentions patches like Monk’s Double Punch/God Finger Flick giving debuffs that increase [Strike]-type damage though, which is KR-only content. So yes, it is outdated.

I’m well aware of the information you provided. The patches info isn’t meant to advocate anyone should make builds based on kToS patches, so please don’t assume that’s what I’m doing.

**EDIT:** I've noticed all builds suggested, even those without SPR, go Barrier 5. But considering all leveling Barrier does is adding a paltry amount of MDEF and increasing duration (Barrier lv1 already has 100% uptime, assuming you'll stay in the same spot for that long), is it really worth leveling?

MDEF scales really badly in PvM… and in PvP there’s no real use for Barrier until IMC fixes people going through it. Those points could be better spent somewhere else, like on Turn Undead for mass mobbing, or Restoration.

That I’m not sure. It could be for the duration. CD is at 40s and lvl5 duration is 60s. That means you have 20s where you can have 2 Barriers up.

Other than that I don’t know. Perhaps a more experienced player can answer that.

[quote=“Clarityrence, post:459, topic:155803”]
CD is at 40s and lvl5 duration is 60s. That means you have 20s where you can have 2 Barriers up.
[/quote]Oh, you’re right, hadn’t thought of that. Still, that doesn’t sound all that useful…

I quite like the priest paladin build in the main post. Would this be alright for general pve content/solo play and GvG? (not really intending to do ET/bossing i have my diev for that)

I’ve changed some skill levels around for the build, is this ok? or could i make improvements?

Stats im thinking of going CON:SPR:DEX.
Whats a suitable amount of con to have for gvg? after i reach that ill just go something like 2:1 dex:spr

ill either take chaplain rank 5 or rank 8 whenever it comes out

I think it depends on the purpose of taking DEX.

In my view, a support will never have enough CON in GvG.

@milktofu you should look for feedback on whether Priest3 not focused on INT/SPR is enough for supporting in pvm right now. I know it’s enough with those stats, but not sure without. It’s ok not to want to do endgame pvm, but you need the basic tools at least, no?

Also, dex isn’t really a thing for pvp/gvg unless you’re getting it for accuracy. Dedicated pvp/gvg phys attackers will be DEX-heavy in order to hit evasion builds, anyway.

You apparently need a lot of CON for effective gvg… a recommendation given to me earlier was 40% of my stats.

hmm thanks, yeah i may reconsider then. I may just go for a str build for general pvm/solo play. Thinking of cleric 2 krivis paladin 3, what rank 7 would be best for me? Monk/PD or even krivis 2?