Tree of Savior Forum

Outline of RMT Policies and Definitions

The 50 acc incident is the most recent thing that happened so no wonder people keep sending the 50 acc thing here

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People who can’t “sacrifice their time” and exploit or RMT to get or maintain an advantage are in fact cheating. It’s funny that you are simultaneously holding this belief and wondering why all your posts are getting flagged because it should be obvious as to why.

The rules are very clear cut, and willful ignorance is a very good way to get yourself banned. Just don’t cry about it later.



My Friends are a part of my very soul…

Their Happiness is my happiness and their shame is my shame…


@QueenofPainn I will give you both the benefit of the doubt and this


Yeah it is so crystal clear that some SEA bokors are still alive despite being banned and unbanned like a week back. I wish we have cherry here. Why does NA one get perma banned while ours don’t

Flagged because a certain individual refuses to have her point rebutted and opinion disregarded , gathered her group of lackeys to mass flag the post in a bid to savage her egoistic alter-ego forum handler “Csiko” known on the forums as a narcissusistic bully.

And it’s unlikely I will banned , because I don’t have 50 alts like the guy you and your lackeys detest so much


Why is this even flagged lul

Your post was flagged as spam : the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected.

and by community it means the one or 2 cheaters that felt attacked by it and flag spam it xD

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We are on opposite side on this thingy , but I have to agree the flagging thing is all retarded

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Hello newer player (around less than 2 month) so i will try to give maybe another view of the situation.

I don’t think the “rules” are being well brought to newer players, RMT should talk about REAL MONEY, and here for instance we talk about a bigger situation that probably need it’s own thread or “news”, i’m talking about multi-account, i won’t go in the topic of yes/no it’s a good thing to do it, but as an old MMO player i did indeed play multi-account on multiple other game for different reason.
I didn’t bent to the multi-account in TOS for various reason that i won’t go in detail nobody cares, but the things is i didn’t even knew such rules existed because multi account shouldn’t be related to RMT, i did read the post about the 50 account story ban and if this news is related to this, it’s poorly brought because i just spend more than 2h reading all of it to understand a bit more of the situation.
So to me if there is a need to restrict multi-account for the sake of preventing funneling, then it need to be clear, funneling an account is in no way = RMT.


It is a catchall rule. IMC can never prove that one player giving another 500M worth of items or buying their nucle powder 1M each is RMT, but it certainly looks like RMT and it’s exactly what the RMTers do.

So they ban indiscriminately for that behavior. It isn’t hard to avoid doing those things so- don’t do them and you will be fine.

They’ve said as much multi accounts if fine for partying; Want to set up a buff shop for yourself, go for it. You want to carry your healer through some content, go for it. Its when the items start going from one to the other in high quantity/value that it teeters towards RMT territory and you might find yourself banned.

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