Tree of Savior Forum

Out of all the trolls on this forum, IMC is the biggest one

1… People constantly complaining that swordsman is under powered since day 1

IMC solution? give archer AND cleric swordsman replacement classes
nerf swordsman right in the sweet spot (guardian nerf) to effect both dps and tank swordies alike

2…People constantly complaining about bots and hacks

take 1 month to finally respond to complaints and then do nothing afterwards for another month, leave the guys literally advertising their hacks for sale on the forums alone

3… put pointless troll skills in the game just to give trolls supplies to troll with

such as linkers share teammates pain , which has 1 use…trolling

clerics guardian saint move…for trolling

squires penalty reduction…sadness

4…compensate people who had the token instead of people of bought the token

literally slap the people who spent money on your game in the face while rewarding random people who played the market, that is a very good thing to do to your supporters!

5… create the most game breaking bugs yourself from your own maintenance’s and then leave them there

party quest freeze bug anyone? that is a gift from IMC

6… Kill your entire player base, and then remove channels and dungeon space to the point that it creates issues with whatever tiny player base you have left , just so people can still complain about it, just for them

7… create systems that reward toxicity for your toxic community

such as

DPS ranking , to further remind everyone about the HUGE imbalances in the game , again giving fuel to trolls to just trash talk non meta people

Rewards only to top DPS in world bosses

creating a monopoly for certain items, rewarding the imbalanced meta builds / exploiters even further

claiming diversity and then doing everything in your power to ruin that diversity? ok?

8… restricting the hell out of normal players under the guise that its to counter bots, but it did nothing against the bots it just made normal players have to spend money for tokens to trade with themselves ,one of the greatest ponzi schemes to date

IMC new slogan should be

Punish the Supporters, Reward the cheaters


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To be fair, guardian saint is useful if the cleric has no con (which is stupid), provided you have a tank buddy that’s willing to become a meat shield while over healing the said tank it would be proven useful.

//pleasedon’trape me

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I mean theres a reason this game has a sub 20% retention rate.

10% or less by year end


oh i forgot to mention the dungeon que system rewarding you for playing with random people instead of your friends

the party quest freeze bug+ dungeon que system + unable to trade

has made this into a pretty good single player game

also people cried on forums for events alot

imc then decides to give 2 of the saddest 1 min long events that make u go to some noob map and look for an item

and then a bunch of pvp events to further reward imbalance


We know IMC is freaking cancer.
We should not ask for anything, cause the way IMC does ■■■■, it will be implemented in a gamebreaking way

I use to hate the ■■■■ you posted but I recently put in my 2 week notice in to the White Knight Academy. I can finally say what’s been in the back of my mind since Early Access. “F#CK IMC AND F#CK THE TREE THE SAVIORS CAME FROM!!!” That is all.


Witnessing your turn around has truly been a roller-coaster…


You know it’s bad when a troll has good points


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Seriously let’s burn this game down. I have more than reasons now to hate this actively before quitting. Now finally I understand why ppl are so loud at hating. Because this game is frustrating. It’s 1% of it could be.


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“oh i forgot to mention the dungeon que system rewarding you for playing with random people instead of your friends”

are we still onto this?
because bonus exp for random is fair i think

ever since my cleric friend went on hiatsu, i went to public random party. There are many times (70% of it, in fact) where there isn’t a single cleric and people had to spam health pots to get through the dungeon.

There are even people who straight up told the team:
“oh, no cleric? guy, we gonna just rush the boss and get this over with”

I think that extra bonus exp at least made it worthwhile.

I’m not defending IMC for anything else but this is pretty straight forward why the bonus is justifiable

IMC = I’m clown. Poor clown stop trolling people.


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Gotta say, this games in a pretty sad state atm. I decided to play it again and give it a fair shot after being jipped in the beta keys due to the “not your region” bug that occured with steam and their keys… aaaaaaaand I don’t know wtf happened.

You can clearly see that alot of love and attention went into creating this games world and story and gameplay in the initial development. It looked like it had alot of promise.

But now the game has somehow reverted back to an Alpha esq state, where there’s a TON of game breaking bugs floating around, and no hotfixes in sight.
Things like the Cleave skill disconnecting people, Class’s being unable to hit the select class button (rendering the character useless and dead and forcing a re roll or to just quit the game), the map not being visible, The “moving too fast” in quests bug…

There’s LITERALLY a LIST of GAME BREAKING bugs that have lingered for MONTHS now.

I’m honestly surprised IMC let it get this far, and still now aren’t rushing out hotfixes for these major issues. It really shows that they’re truly apathetic to the state of the game.

Maybe they’re just a bunch of content wage slaves, happy to sit back and collect their pay checking, while waiting on the KR devs to do everything for them…

Maybe they have no freedom to fix ANYTHING under the localization license they have from the KR devs and they have to sit on their hands while we flail around with the game essentially on fire, screaming for help, watching in horror…

Maybe they’re under funded and under staffed, and don’t have what they need to hire the talent to pull off fixing a game like this…

There’s alotta things that could be going on with IMC tbh, and I doubt we’ll get to find out until the day comes where the game either closes and the devs write some blog somewhere about what went on at their offices. OR unless a disgruntled employee quits and writes a blog about it “anonymously” and submits it to IGN or something.

siiiiiiiiigh… Either way, I hope a miracle happens and this game gets fixed somehow. It’s genuinely fun. and not alot of games are these days. So… yeah. :confused:


As far as I unterstand the Korean devs are IMC. IMC isn’t a publisher that bought a license fir the game, they are the original developers and are self publishing the game. Funnily they gave the game to a “professional” publisher in Korea.

But they are probably understaffed … or at least the ToS team is as the company seems to be working on a new game already.

Huh. So they’ve abandoned ship already? That’s depressing. Didn’t realize ToS was already a dead game.

Just lost all my motivation to play :<