Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions on cryo/chrono/kino build?

Gonna make a cryo/chrono/kino, thoughts?

Also, I don’t really know what abilities to max out so please leave suggestions.

I’d say if you’re aiming for the ice wall + PP, to do cryo > psycho > cryo instead, so you can level a little bit easier. Cryo 2 is generally considered pretty bad, but I’m guessing if you’re going for the combo, you want as many ice walls as possible. Cryo 2 isn’t a bad choice for that, but another option is to get a circle in pyro, and add fireball to your combo, similar to that in the ‘Build of Kings’. Pyro would also help with leveling. Feel free to ignore me and take cryo 2 though, as I haven’t played with cryo/pyro myself, so I’m not sure just how well it’ll work. Other then that, I’m assuming that the cryo/kino and chrono3 are set in stone, so there’s not much wiggle room for alternate circles.

There’s some skills I’d prioritize in your build. Here’s a suggestion build based on your build.

I put some more emphasis on sleep, ice pike, quicken, and slow, as the early wizard skills drop off in damage, ice pike is generally considered the best of the cryo skills, and that stop prevents all damage, making it mostly emergency CC rather than something used that often.

Thanks! I haven’t even played so this is all theorycrafting to me, but would pyro + chrono instead of cryo chrono and kino be better?

imo youre left with 3 choices here - either commit to cryo 3 wich is worth alot more than psy 1 or go for psy 2 wich is alot more worth than cryo 2

the only ok things in cryo 2 is sub shield and a higher icewall - tho sub shield 5 aint the best - low proc chance and 20 seconds until you can use it again cd is 50 seconds after enabling the freeze duration attribute (tho a + cryo equip helps a lil bit in this just dont ever equip a staff)

downside: you got no damage at all…ice pike is your main damage skill at early level but falls off prettyyyy hard in the mid game already

psy 1 doesn have any ok thing despite the cryo “burst” combo wich isn significant without rune - sure you can melt low quest bosses with it but…meh its damage falls off late game without rune - and psy pressure scales super high with skill level + getting the stun passive at circle 2 makes it a viable choice for 1 v 1 pvp as well and some easy grinding through the 180-230 levels

as for chrono 3…op cant say much else - best circle 3 in the game at this moment - if you wanna grind fast also in the 260+ parts of the game chrono 3 is the class to go - combines with mid cd classes like ele 3 (talking about 20-50 cd timers for those classes who work pretty well with chrono) its an amazing circle 3 class

I meant it as trading your second circle in cryo, cryo + pyro + kino as an option to cryo + cryo + kino. Fireball also gets affected by PP, shooting out sparks.

PP hits 9 targets, while cryo 1 gets 6 ice walls. So the tradeoff is basically trading in 3 walls and c2 ice skills in exchange for fireball being added to the combo and pyro skills to help level. Like I said, I’m not that sure of the viability, but it’s a thought of another potential option.

before people get the wrong idea:

you can only hit a total of 6 icewalls with your pressure at MAXIMUM but a higher icewall increases the damage an icewall can take from pressure aka - a level 15 icewall will endure a full psy pressure - still you can hit only 6 tiles with it no more but less if you dont stand in the middle front of it while casting

  • casting them on the side doesn increase the splitter count for some reason only from front…but if you cast it just and only from the side it does it to the front…awkward but damage doesn icnrease even hitting those to the side + all in front all together

this way you hit 13 tiles “visuable” but killing low dung bosses by hitting just the 6 front tiles goes same speed as hitting 13 (like those to the side provide no dps)

Oh, I was wondering more about going a completely different build, because the ground DoT of pyro works in Stop

Do you think that pyro + chrono is better than cryo + chrono?

Another possible build would be to go cryo kino2 instead of cryo2 kino. Again, you’d lose some ice wall damage, but kino2 get the attribute to stun while using PP, letting you stunlock groups and have an easier time in the parts when you’re waiting for your ice wall CD.

Would the ground DoT from Pyro be better with chrono compared to cryo?

I wasn’t actually aware of the combo of flame ground + stop when I suggested it, but even a c1 pyro has rather good sustain damage. While the combo does sound good, I think the biggest benefit pyro gives is the sustain damage on targets that don’t move out of your skills, and how little downtime it has compared to cryo. Cryo is mostly firing off ice pike, and using your ice wall combo, then kiting while it’s on CD, while pyro often has flame ground running and fireball charges. It’s really the choice if you want to specialize in burst vs sustain. I think cryo has lower DPS, but it can CC and you can save your burst for safe parts of the fight.

I might wanna add that since you’re going chrono3, dropping cryo entirely for pyro might be a bad idea, since when you eventually hit endgame, pass is going to help a lot with cryo’s long CDs, letting you fire off more ice walls

nope a cryo 3 provides more utility - in my opinion a pyro 3 isn really that great but its a “lower than average” dps source late game since you got no real dps other than icepike

So I guess I’ll go for wiz1 cryo3 chrono 3 for burst?

What do you recommend more then? :o

Definitely a solid option and a popular build, though I might want to mention that this is going to lean more of a party support build. It’ll be excellent for disabling and clumping mobs, and buffing the pt, though it’s individual dps and solo play, compared to damage focused builds, will be somewhat more difficult.

If you’re asking which is better between cryo3 and pyro3, its fair to say they excel at very different things.

Are you looking for gameplay that best supports your party in tough situations, or do you want to solo, farm, and grind well?

My experience: I really enjoy pyro3 and can see it performing well with Pass (still 20-some levels to go). On the other hand it struggles with ranged mobs for example, which stubbornly refuse to be lured. Sleep does’t work on flying mobs either so every once in awhile the lack of cc can be a pain. Fieballs are very tedious to use in melee oriented parties.

What cryo lacks in solo gameplay it makes up for in party gameplay. Plus, since its a cc oriented class its not as impacted by scaling.

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i’m looking for something that compliments chrono while doing decent damage, whether it be in a party or solo doesn’t matter much to me

Just gonna make a list of possible ranks 2-4 and my thoughts:

cryo > kino > cryo: It’ll rely on ice wall + PP mostly to deal significant damage, and in between ice wall CDs it’ll struggle, but it’s probably the ‘purest’ build for just that combo alone. The weakness is it’s a bit too much of a one trick pony.

cryo > cryo > cryo: Most conventional, and maybe most effective, of the possibilities. However, it is built for party play, and would struggle outside of parties.

cryo > kino > kino: A medium between having the combo and being able to solo. PP’s damage is pretty good, and the stun would help you pull it off without getting interrupted.

pyro > cryo > kino: Would be the easiest to solo, though I have concerns if it’s too ‘jack of all trades, master of none’. Build would get combo for bursting, and pyro to fill in the downtime. I agree that pyro c3’s damage isn’t that spectacular endgame, I’ve been pretty happy with my build where I’ve taken a single circle of it.

Another possibility is to fit in linker in some of these builds. While it doesn’t specifically synergies with anything in particular, linker’s utility makes it so that it can fit in practically anywhere and still help both solo and party play.

It really depends on what you want to do. I have a question though, why are you bent on going three circles into either Pyro or Cryo? As far as I heard Pyro 3 is really weak and underwhelming, and will not age well into the game.

Linkers and Thaumaturge are also a good option, the latter goes very well with Chronomancers early on but I’m not sure how the damage of Swell Arm 5 will age. It is a good party support still. Linkers also go very well with Fireball users, and even Icewall users, nowhere as effective as a Psychokino in a boss battle but still able to clear bunch of mobs well.

@caudaite Is it even possible to go Pyro and Cryo? I don’t think you can do that.