Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions on auto-attack Wizard?

This very helpful. Thanks for the explanation.

I was thinking on Cryo > Psy > Alch build, but I tought that could have a “room” for Alchemist on AA build. Thanks for all explanation.

Now I must decide what path I should go. Probably I’ll do Cryo + Psy, because most Alchemists will do the Pyro + Linker build.

Thanks again! :grin:

No problems, my friend! I don’t know much about Alchemists, but from my experience trying to make an optimal AA Wizard build, I can see there’s very little room (actually 0 room) for things that contribute to the AA goal :slight_smile:

I am interested in making this build as well. I have some silly questions that I hope you don’t mind to answer ^__^;;

I was wondering about your Thauma skills, why do you choose to invest in Swell Body? How about Transpose, Reversi or Shrink Body?

Can flare be used with Enchanted Fire?

Why do you prefer Bone Painting instead of Blood Sucking?

What kind of stats ratio are recommended for the build? (You mentioned about INT. On last cbt, con seems to always be popular so I am curious about the reason).

And for the equipment, it’s Cafrisun set + toy hammer + arde dagger, is that correct? What do you mean by “wand attacks” (on your tos simulator)?

Hope you don’t mind answering my questions ^^;

Hello Kizuna! I’ll try to answer your questions to my best abillities. :slight_smile:

I chose to focus on Swell Body because it helps in the leveling process. Since it doubles the XP obtained and the loot dropped, it’s helpfull for farming materials too. However, those points can be spread on the other skills. I suggest getting lvl 2 Transpose, since that makes it last for the skills cooldown and Shrink Body at lvl 1 or 2, simply for utility. I don’t see myself casting it that much though, only in panic situations. And even them, swelling them might be better since it makes them move slower, making it easier to run away.

I don’t Flare can be used with Enchant Fire. Enchanting your weapon with an elemental property gives you a “second” hit on each attack based on that elemental damage, and that’s it. It doesn’t make the enemies burn, at least as far as I’m aware.

I prefer Bone Pointing over Blood Sucking because it’s ranged, meaning you can cast it from a safe distance. I find it strange that the tooltip of Blood Sucking and Blood Bath is literally the same. Perhaps there was some confusion during the translation process, because those abilities feel redundant (excluding the benefit of having the same skill on different cooldowns). But yeah, the idea here is to not get very close (more on that later).

For now, I intend to go for a 4:1 INT - CON split. If I find myself running out of SP, SPR might be needed, but I’ll add to that accordingly. Since we won’t be spamming skills I think it’ll be fine with the above INT/CON split.

Now that’s the thing, I don’t intend to go for the Toy Hammer combo anymore. Up above I posted about a Staff I found, called Staff of Power. It seems wonderfull for this build, since it allows you to focus on INT instead of STR or DEX, making your spells quite potent early on, without the need for a stat reset. Up above you can find a video on the attack speed of staves in general, and it seems good enough for me to give it a go. Link for the staff is here:

My mentioning of Wand attacks in the build comes from the fact that the staff can only be equipped at lvl 220. So we’ll need a weapon to use up until that point. Since we’ll start focusing on Thaumaturge earlier than that, equiping a good rod and a dagger/shield seem to be the best option. Rods are one-handed ranged weapons that can be equiped by Wizards, Clerics and Swordsman (for some reason) and have their ranged attack damage based on your magical attack, not physical. I wrote Wands in the build description because I honestly confused the words, hahaha! But Wands and Rods are pretty much the same thing… right?

For now the build has changed a bit. I moved some points during the early Wizard Circle to serve the porpose of leving faster, spread out the Thaumaturge points a little bit from Swell Body and that’s it. However, I’m seriously considering droping Featherfoot. If we get a new Circle before I get there, I’ll go for Chonomancer c2 at the end, instead of Featherfoot > X. Level 10 Quicken seems too good to give up on, and Chronomancer offers even more support for parties. I just don’t drop Featherfoot for Chrono c1 right now because it’s very underwhelming compared to Chrono c2.

If anything wasn’t clear enough please do tell me and i’ll try and explain my reasoning better. I hope this helps you out!

EDIT: Also I was informed that late game Pyro c1 is underwhelming, so it might become Cryomancer instead. Damage may become lower but cc is eternal, hahaha!. And since we aren’t going to use Arde Dagger anymore (staves are two-handed), pyro loses some of its point.


Alright guys heres my 2 cents on an Auto-Attack Wizard. (I left skill points for preference)( I also intentionally left it at rank 6)

Rank 1
Energy Bolt: Not necessary but it’s nice to have with its bonus damage increase from sleep.
Lethargy: For the debuff. Though mainly for the attribute which increases strike damage (Party Play).
Sleep: You know why!
Earthquake: Some AoE if needed.

Rank 2
Fireball: Same as with energy bolt from Wizard
Fire Wall: Why the fudge not! Do you see its attribute!!!

Enchant Fire: Refer to Fire Wall
Flame Ground: It’s stupid good, other than that Refer to Earthquake

Rank 3
Everything is pretty much self-explanatory
I only added this because people love themselves some linker

Rank 4
What self respecting Auto Attack mage wouldnt have Thaumaturge?
Honestly you only need one rank of it though.

Rank 5-6(7?)
Come on lets be real… Do I really need to explain this choice?
I would say to go all the way and get C3, but hey you might want a rank 7 class.

Stat wise I would just go full Con. With Thaumaturge you can just use transpose and turn it all into Int or (with the attribute) Half & Half.

The build seems fine, but only if you are going for melee auto attack. If you are going to use Rods or Staves, I’d say Thaumaturge c3 is very much needed. Swell Brain offers 45 extra INT, and then there’s this:

So yeah, that’s 145, which is CRAZY for any build that intends on using Magic Attack. And also works very nicelly to give you a ton of HP with Transpose.

And then here’s the issue I’ve been having with the build. Thaumaturge c3 is a must because of the huge INT increase it grants, but Chronomancer is kinda useless at c1. So there’s no way for it to fit for now.

What I suggest for now is to go Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Thauma > Chrono c2 > Thauma. And when the next class circle is released you pick Thauma c3.

Thaumaturge is one of the classes that you should either go for c3 or don’t bother at all, in my opinion. And if your build uses INT as an offensive stat for your attacks, I’d say c3 has a very big impact because of Swell Brain alone.

EDIT: Now, if you wish to go for the Arde Dagger + Toy Hammer build, then Thaumaturge c3 loses most of its porpose and the build you posted should work very well with lvl 15 Quicken :slight_smile:

But you see the problem here is you said you want an Auto Attack based build. Which with a Wizard you would want Chronomancer C2-C3. Thus the problem. I’m not saying Thaumaturge is bad or it shouldn’t be taken, but the alternatives are more superior if your quest for Auto Attack build is to come to fruition. Now yes if there are more ranks (which is to come) then you are completely valid.

But I guess everyone has a way to play.

I just feel like an almost permanent bonus of 145 INT can’t be ditched. It’s more than half of the maximum INT you can have at lvl 280, even if you plop all of your points down on that stat. The impact that this can have in a build that uses Magic Attack is huge, I think. And since it also spreads to your whole party, every caster will love you forever.

Because of that I don’t know if Chronomancer is flatout superior to Thaumaturge in what concerns auto attack. We’d have to make the math, and see how the inscrease in attack speed of Quicken impacts your DPS compared to the huge amount of damage Swell Brain and 5 more ranks into Swell Arms offers. Of course, all of this is considering you are using a weapon that deals damage based on your Magic Attack, like a rod or a staff. If you are using a knife, such as arde dagger, it’s clear that the winner is Chronomancer.

I think that Chronomancer c2 is superior to Thaumaturge c2, but Thaumaturge c3 is superior to Chronomancer c3. Hence my suggestion of picking both Chrono and Thauma at c2 for now, and then grab Thauma c3 as soon as possible. :slight_smile:

Ill agree with you on that, but this skill right here son is the beez kneez


Yes, I agree. I myself am a sucker for Chronomancer and can’t wait to be able to get it at c3 together with Thaumaturge c3. But alas, That can’t be done yet.

Concerning Thaumaturge vs Chronomancer for auto attack, my opinion is:

Thank you so much for your detail explanation Vektor :slight_smile: It helps me to understand more about the circles.

Bone Pointing is ranged? I see. I thought it just stays still and hit one monster at a time?

About the stats ratio, I am still skeptical because of the past icbt. As the monsters are getting stronger, I think CON is more important than INT in terms of survivability. It took just 1-2 hits for the monsters to kill me when I did 4:1 ratio for INT:CON. Or maybe I am just too clumsy that my character died often^^;

Chrono! I thought about that too, it would be nice to go for Thau 3 Chrono 3 lol. Sadly it’s difficult to do so at current state.

What do you think about WIz 3 Thau 3 FF? I’m thinking about this build (Wiz 3 Thau 3) for its benefits for future classes. Something like this:

No problems! I must say I’m only theorycrafting, though. I’ll start testing everything once I have access to the game, so I have yet to see if things work as nicely as they do on paper. :slight_smile:

Bone pointing works just like that, it stays still and hits one monster at a time, but it does so with a projectile. I don’t know how big the range is, but it’s ranged. The video on TOSbase doesn’t show that well because she casts the bone right on top of the monster.

Well, the thing is that as a Thaumaturge you have Transpose. At lvl 2 you can keep it up for the whole cooldown of the ability, so HP shouldn’t be a problem. You can either be super tanky by swapping the two stats or you get an exact 1:1 ratio if you use the this:

You must however keep in mind that when you cast Transpose and receive a HP increase, you have to heal it up, you don’t just jump to full health. That’s where Featherfoot comes into the scene with all the life drain spells. Having to cast it to go to full health every 70 seconds in situations you need to be bulkier shouldn’t be an issue.

Actually with Transpose, you can chose if you want to go for 4:1 INT/CON or the other way around, since you can balance it out or invert it as you wish.

Now for the build, I’m not sure if I like Wizard C3 here. I’m not seeing much benefit in this choice. Sure, it can be a great choice depends on what comes up, but I wouldn’t gamble that hard. If you intend to go for an auto attack build, there’s very little room, even at early Ranks.

What I don’t like about wiz c3 here is that both Thaumaturge and Featherfoot are good against single enemies, with the auto attack boosts and the single target spells Featherfoot has, so giving up on Linker seems very risky. I cans ee you having a very hard time fighting large groups of enemies with that build. Taking into account that pretty much the only reason to go wiz c3 is Quick Cast and its upgrade, I don’t think it’s worth it. Nothing you cast takes that long, and giving up Linker for the damage bonus makes you lose too much, in my opinion.

If you are worried about later ranks for this build, keep in mind you can always get Chronomancer and Featherfoot to circle 3. That alone is 3 extra circles. Considering I think it’s essential to get Thaumaturge at Rank 8 when it comes out, that’s the whole build. So if nothing good comes out for the build, it can still get to lategame well enough with what we already have.

I’d do something like this:
Wizard > Pyromancer > Linker > Thaumaturge > Thaumaturge > Chronomancer > Chronomancer > Featherfoot > Thaumaturge > Chronomancer at Rank 10. Or any combination of FF/Chrono/Thauma at later ranks, as gameplay requires.

Another option you can go for is to ditch Thaumaturge completely. I love the class, but I worry about how well it’ll scale into endgame, since the buffs from swell arms and brain don’t seem to scale with level. Maybe at max level the buff they offer will be too low, who knows? If that’s the case, it becomes easier to go for, say, Linker/Pyro c2 and chrono c2 and FF, allowing you to pick chrono c3 or FF c2 next rank. Or they could buff Thaumaturge to have its bonuses scale with level. Too many variables for now, sadly, so a reroll might be necessary at some point or another.

EDIT: And after posting I see the wall of text I have produced. Sorry for that!

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Just a bit of advice. Get Transpose to level 3. At level 2, you will be able to reapply it right away, but the point is to never let it go off as it will make you lose hp.

E.g. You are at 30k hp with Transmodify and 15k without. When the buff goes out, you’re at 15k hp. You reapply it and your max hp goes back to 30k, but only at 15k current hp until you are healed. If you have level 3, you can reapply the buff before it ever disappears with a 9ish second window to do so. This makes it so you never have to worry about getting hp back when you reapply the buff.

This is something important to keep in mind with any buff that causes something to drop that you have to do stuff to get back when gone. Hope that helps! o/


I thought transpose cut you back to your normal max HP even if you recast before the timer ends…intentional mechanic to make it less op. Is this incorrect?

Thaum1 is suddenly much more appealing if so.

I’ve never heard that before. Is this something you’ve observed or are just assuming?

I’ve neither played thaum or researched its skills, but I remember reading this so I’m very curious now. I can look for the source(s) after work maybe

Edit1: its mentioned in this thread once or twice
Unless I’m missing something here

I read about this as well :frowning:

Is anyone doing this build? Maybe @Vektor?

How is going? How are your stats? Can someone describe the overall experience?

I intend on doing this build, but a few factors held me back:

  • Thaumaturge buffs are fixed. So they might become irrelevant as the game reaches its final stage with Rank 10 at max level 400+.
  • This build costs a lot. You’d need an Arde Dagger, perhaps a Toy Hammer for mid levels and Power Staff later on, not to mention money to max out the Swell buff enhancements. And don’t forget spending money on scrolls and whatnot. I need to farm money first.
  • A full support Wizard build sparked my interest, so I might focus on that first.
  • Linker nerfs made me sad.
  • This build might be better when we get Rank 8, since it’ll allow you to go Thauma c3 > Chrono c2, giving you lvl 10 Quicken and lvl 5 Haste.
  • Last but not least, my ping is currently atrocious, so I’ll hold back from making an auto attack build for now.

So yeah, for now I put this build in the backburner because of those reasons. However, if any of you guys are willing to try it out, I’d love to hear how it’s going :slight_smile:

Do you/we even know where that Power Staff drops from?

It is more or less essential to make the build shine