Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions on auto-attack Wizard?

Greetings everyone!

So, I’ve searched the boards for something similar but didn’t find anything relevant.

I’ve had the idea of making an auto-attack wizard since I saw the Thaumaturge class and Transpose still switched STR with INT. Well, that changed, but then i got into the first CBT and discovered how great wands were.

So, how about making a wander? This is the build I have in mind:

The Featherfoot class seems very insteresting because of Ngadhundi, provided I read that right.

It seems that the overall consensus is getting Linker C2, but I couldn’t find room for that.

Either way, the idea here is to be slightly braindead and just auto-attack things forever. Enchant Fire makes your attacks deal more damage, linking makes your single-target damage apply to everyone and Thaumaturge makes everything more interesting by swelling you up for great amounts of damage. The build seems to be very nice for parties too!

Any comment is greatly appreciated! Also thanks for reading everything!

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The only effective build I’ve seen with this concept is going Chrono3 for Quicken, then using Sacrament/Blessing Priest-Pardoner buffs + arde dagger type weapon + enchant fire for spamming auto attack. Since all those buffs are bonuses for each hit, it does respectable damage.

Relying on a slow strong auto attack just doesn’t scale well at all.

I’d wait until the founder beta launches before makings builds, from what as been data mined it seems some skills aren’t the same as the Ktso current versions so builds that works there could have issues here.

The bigger one that’s been floating around is the Linker nerf , a lot of their cooldowns could be higher here then on ktso.

Here you go, my build is basically what you’ve described. It’s really a great build, but it’s not entirely oriented for iOBT… yet.

Hello dear folks
Check this out

3 op skill for battle mage in Chrono tooltips :

Name Type Max Level CD SP
Quicken Buff 15 40s 52

Temporarily increases the attack speed of you and your party members by manipulating time.

Name Max Level Skill Type
Haste: Increased Evasion 5 Haste Active
Description Effect
Increases your evasion by 20 per attribute level while [Haste] is active. SP +5

Name Max Level Skill Type
Quicken: Critical Rate 5 QuickenActive
Description Effect
Increases the critical rate effect from [Quicken] by 5% and decreases evasion by 2% per attribute level. SP +5


As a Chronomancer myself, I ll said that those abilities can’t be ignored if you seeking for being, like you said, a “Auto attack mage”.

Enchant fire is also a plus here as Thauma c1 and maybe linker c1.


There is other melee mages that shine, not focus on auto attack but play close distance as : Kino - Featherfoot.

I hate to be that narrow-minded but this 2 different categories of mage dosent synergies well.

A little plus. You said in your top post that transpose change STR to INT which is not the case.
It’s Int and Con. I personaly don’t put any int point in my mage build. Weapon/Equipement and skills to the job to have damage.
spr, con & dex are 3 nice way of build a mage.
I usually used transpose to give me a burst moment when I did not had a life or a dedicated healer close to me.
Str and Int…there are the 2 blandest stats for magicans atm. ( exception for very specific build where int give more damage a bit more damage example : crit tolerance )

Thanks, guys! Lots of information here!

That video in particular was very informative. I was glad to see that a full INT build didn’t get too far behind a pure DEX one. However, I probably wouldn’t run this build with a melee weapon, but I probably would use a Wand.

I said Transpose USED TO swap STR and INT. That was in the tooltips back in the first iCBT, I think. Maybe it was a mistranslation, but it was stated as such in tosbase. After the fitst iCBT it was changed to CON and that’s why I said that idea was gone :slight_smile:

That looks like a great build! And oh my, the description is so well detailed! Thanks a ton for sharing! The fact that it uses a Wand fits my plans perfectly!

However, since it requires full investment in DEX and CON, and a very specific equipment set, I might build it in a secondary character. I’ll just focus on another path and gather resources (muh-muh-muh-money) to get all the equipment pieces.

How would you path into Rank 7? Would you go Thaumaturge C3 or Featherfoot? I think the Ngadhundi skill could have a good impact on the build.

Thanks once more for sharing!

(also if there’s any way to reply to more than one person in a single post, please let me know >< )

EDIT: A video on the build in action would be AMAZING if you could make it after the Open Beta! Let’s bring more people to the cause of the auto-attack mage!


I was considering either:

  • Featherfoot for survivability.
  • Warlock for the darkness pillar/protection balls which would proc more explosions.
  • Alchemist for awakening items/money.

Thaum C3 sounds like it won’t give much of a damage increase for those extra 5 levels on your arms buffs, although the enlarge head thing to increase INT for more damage on your spells would be nice. Another option is C3 pyro as a lot of your damage comes from spells too and more levels into flameball/flame ground are welcome.

Out of the 3 above choices though I mostly favor featherfoot because it’s a cool class.

So, after taking a look at the item database, I came across this beauty:

Sure, it makes it so we can’t use the Toy Hammer. But this opens up a new set of possibilities. With the Power Staff we can make a build focused in INT instead of DEX, making the leveling process easier early on, without the need for a reset, and keeping our character extremely versatile. Since the staff attacks from a distance, it’s also safer and requires less investment evasion. A 200% damage increase might be just what we need to justify going for it instead of melee, don’t you think?

This also makes Thaumaturge C3 usefull, since now Swell Brain also increases our damage, because we are now focusing on Magic Attack and it gives a boost of 45 INT to us and our party.

If I understand it correctly, staves are 2 handed, is that right? If so, we can invest in Swell Arm Enhance: Swiftness for the right arm. Since we aren’t using a dagger or shield in the right hand, it increases our accuracy and evasion by 6% per attribute level. This makes our smaller DEX investment flourish, even if it’s percent based.

Here’s a video I found on the attack speed of the staff. Granted, it demonstrates the effect of Quicken lvl 10, which we’d only be able to get if we branched to Chronomancer C2, which I don’t intend to, but the first seconds showcase the unbuffed attack speed and that doesn’t seem to bad.

What I really like about this idea is that it allows us to be a Pyromancer, with Fireball and Flame Ground while also being very strong in auto attacks and supporting parties along the way!

I’m eager to listen to your opinions on this :slight_smile:

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Nice find! Yeah, that staff is indeed a great weapon for a melee wizard. However, the high level requirement just to get that staff (not to mention actually trying to obtain it wherever it drops) is a little challenging. But the weapon can be substituted for toy hammer in early gameplay, so it’s not too big of an issue.

Now then, let’s do a little assuming and some math. Let’s say you take about 150 base DEX by level 220 for crit and the rest of your stats go into INT. You could even do 4:1 ratio instead if you really wanted to.

By 220 you will have around:

  • 104 points into INT = 205 INT - 425 magic attack.

  • 425 x 3 (200%) = 1275 damage each hit.

  • Add Lv15 swell left arm (154 physical/magic attack) = 425 + 154 = 579 x 3 = 1737 magic attack + 154 physical damage = 1891 x (critical multiplier) = total damage on hit.

  • If you have C1/C2 pyro in the build, you would have (without swell left arm) 1275 + 15 + (x)skill scaling = 1290 + (x)skill scaling. With swell left arm you would get 1891 + 15 + (x)skill scaling = 1906 + (x)skill scaling. I don’t know how well enchant fire scales and what or if it actually scales with any stats though. I read on some reddit post that it does but it didn’t specify and said the scaling was bad. Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend enchant fire at all or just take level 5 and go linker instead. Even with the nerfs it still is good.

  • If you take C2 thaumaturge and have Lv10 swell left arm (111 physical/magic attack), you would get 425 + 111 = 536 x 3 = 1608 magic attack + 111 physical attack = 1719 x (critical multiplier) = total damage on hit.

  • I’m not sure if swell left arm scales with any stats but if it does, you can factor the scaling in there as well (whatever it may be).

So let’s say you just go pure INT. This might actually be better, especially if you decide to take transpose. And that’s another thing, this weapon makes transpose more viable in the melee build. In my thaumaturge build, it wasn’t viable because of the stat distribution I chose.

By 220 you will have around:

  • 222 points into INT = 436 INT = 656 magic attack.

  • 656 x 3 (200%) = 1968 damage each hit.

  • Add Lv15 swell left arm (154 physical/magic attack) = 656 + 154 = 810 x 3 = 2430 magic attack + 154 physical damage = 2584 x (critical multiplier if any) = total damage on hit.

  • If you have C1/C2 pyro in the build, you would have (without swell left arm) 1968 + 15 + (x)skill scaling = 1983 + (x)skill scaling. With swell left arm you would get 2430 + 15 + (x)skill scaling = 2445 + (x)skill scaling.

  • If you take C2 thaumaturge and have Lv10 swell left arm (111 physical/magic attack), you would get 656 + 111 = 767 x 3 = 2301 magic attack + 111 physical attack = 2412 x (critical multiplier if any) = total damage on hit.

So in my opinion, just taking C2 thaumaturge would be better as you only sacrifice a few hundred damage at most on each hit in return for utility from say, chronomancer which would even further increase your DPS anyway because of quicken.

It might be even better to not choose chronomancer at all though because if you choose a higher DPS class instead you could get even more DPS from synergizing your skills with your auto attacks instead of being purely auto attack based.

I think I might make a build/guide based around this weapon sometime and incorporate a bit of my melee thaumaturge I already have made into it. Also, I don’t really know how the build would fare against my melee thaumaturge build DPS-wise.

The toy hammer does do a good amount of damage when combined with the pyromancy skills and the huge amount of explosion damage proc’ing every 3 or so auto attacks (which does 1000-2000 damage). And if you think about it, if you do go 4:1 DEX:INT with the staff you might hit 3000-4000 damage roughly every few hits. So yeah, you most likely will do more damage than the toy hammer lol.

This is all just theory crafting but if it works, then it’ll be a lot of fun. Also, sorry for the lengthy reply. :v:

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that if you choose C3 thaumaturge in this that max swell brain gives you 45 INT which is roughly 104 magic attack plus that extra few hundred damage from max swell left arm.
Edit 2: In addition to the above, I forgot to factor in the magic damage from the staff itself.


Hey does anyone know how the damage calculation between quick cast’s attribute and the power staff works? Is it 1.52 or 12+.5?

If it factors at all, that is.

Thaum + Chrono is your best option, since you can boost you ATK by enlarging your right hand + increase your def by enlarging your left hand + increasing Atk Spd with Chrono skills. I think you can get a debuff with wizard that decrease foe’s evasion and boost your chances to hit him.

PS: Rush Tri-sword for sweet +40 STR + Hit Rate

WHOA! You don’t have to apologize for the long answer at all. Quite the contrary, thank you for putting so much effort into it" :slight_smile:

So what I get from your calculations is that Thaumaturge C3 and Pyro C1 is the best option, right? Because with Swell Brain at 5 and Swell Left Arm at 15 the damage output would be crazy. Since we are considering using a 2-handed weapon now, Enchant Fire becomes a bit worse because now we can’t use Ardent / Karacha Dagger, correct?

What you say about the build is true though. Getting to lvl 220 just to use the key item is too much. It’ll be a long road indeed. However, what offsets that is the fact that you can build just like a normal Wizard, focusing on INT and using spells to level up until that point. The fact that this build works as a “normal” caster and provides party support with all the Swell buffs makes it even more interesting to me. You can level as a caster with Pyro spells supported by Hangman’s Knot until 220 and then boom, become an auto attacker, and that’s great! It’ll certainly help reduce the monotony that other builds might posess.

So now I’m considering going for Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Thau > Thau > Thau and at rank 7 (at this point I should have the staff already) either go for Featherfoot because of Ngadhundi or Chronomancer for Quicken. This will depend on the bonus Ngadhundi offers to missile attacks, the DPS increase that Quicken offers, the amount of group play I’ve been having (which would make Chronomancer favored) and so on.

Overall, I have a strong feeling that this could work, since the character would start as a caster, turn into a “support” mage, with Linker and Thaumaturge spells, and at the end game become an auto attack monster, while still keeping all the previous qualities.

So the build is now looking like this:

What do you think?

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Not bad, let’s continue this discussion through PMs. XD

Don’t do this, please. I really want to do something like this build and this discussion is super insteresting for me. :sweat:

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Same here. Such specialized builds are always interesting!

My first char will be a Aclhemist and I’m thinking in play as a AA Wizzard. My main purpose is to use Swell Body to get extra loot and kill mobs fast. I tought to do something like this:

Wiz1 > Pyro1 > Linker1 > Thau2 > Alch2.

What do you guys think of if? It could work for a solo Alchemist?

Don’t worry guys, we are cooking up something AMAZING! :smiley:

JeNSeN, I’m not sure if this is the best path. Alchemists lack options that impact on killing things, and AA Wizard builds have a very hard time fitting everything it needs in a single build (I’ve been having a headache trying to fit what I consider essential in a single build). So I wouldn’t recomend going for an AA Achemist, honestly.

The thing is that with an AA Wizard you want Pyromancer for Enchant Fire, Linker to spread your single target attacks, Thaumaturge at c2 or ideally at c3, Chronomancer for Quicken… It’s too much. There’s no room left for aditional classes that don’t impact the build, such as Alchemist.

In the other hand, building a spell caster Alchemist sounds much more feasible. If I were to build an Alchemist I’d follow this path, since it requires way less class commitment than AA. Something like:

  • Wizard > Cryomancer c2 > Psychokino c2 > Alchemist c2
  • Wizard > Pyromancer c2 > Linker c2 > Alchemist c2

First option makes you usefull for parties because of the crowd control cryomancer offers, while freezing enemies has great synergy with Psychic Pressure. Your uses in a group would be offering good damage and crowd control.

Second option pairs Pyromancer’s explosive single target damage with Linker’s utillity, spreading it to all linked enemies. Hangman’s Knot + Fireball is a very strong combo, and it works with Fire Pillar too. Your uses in a group would be offering very solid damage and the utility of Linker c2.

Those options are much easier to build for and give your Alchemist good utility at both single player content and group PvE. They also complement each other well, without the need of later game classes, making it very solid picks for someone who wants to focus on the Alchemist class.

Hope this helps you out! :slight_smile: