Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions and Thoughts on Cryomancer3 + Chronomancer3

Hello everyone,

I know theres a lot of topics about Cryo/Chrono. But I want u guys to gimme some thoughts on this build that Im wishing to follow:

Im planning to do PvE/PvP support oriented obviously.

And what about stats distribuition to this build? 2:1 INT:CON or 2:1 CON:INT ?

I would do something like this.

With Int & Con

I would go for Wizard>Cryo3>Chrono2 and put Linker somewhere, because chrono3 ain’t that worth as linker would be (except you got a linker in your party already)

Are u sure that Chrono3 isnt worth it? Pass spell seems a pretty broken ability.

There is a time in the game, where you always have skills or something to use, you don’t need to run waiting for CD. Yes, you can make a lot of stuff with Pass, but… Linker… Dude, Link is the top1 more overpowered skill in ToS (Tied with Taunt and Ice Wall). You can go for Chrono3 but I guarantee you’re going to regret not going for Linker.

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You don’t HAVE to get linker, if you had to everyone would get it. Cryo3>Chrono3 is godlike CC/support build, go for it if that’s how you roll. Also, Linker got nerfed hard.

Edit : I’d go for something like this


Lol so there’s still people believe linker is OP :imp:

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What…just to clear this up. One rank of linker is not remotely, not even subjectively, better than rank 3 chrono if you already have rank 2.

If you desperately want linker badly whatever reason -soloing/questing maybe- thats cool. Now for the comparison.

Joint Penalty - 6 mobs (Im assuming anyone taking linker 1 is using a monster gem since thats the smart thing to do), 22 second cd
Hangmans Knot - 2 second bind 15 second cd (in reality up to 22 sec since it must be used in tandem with JP)

Quicken - negligible
Haste - 5 additional move speed for a total of approximately +15 instead of 10. For all party members.
Slow - max slow can stop players, and fast enemies with the massive duration on it’s ground aoe plus a duration on the debuff itself. An super slowed enemy can stay like that for over ten times the duration of HK’s bind. And with no target limit at all. Underrated skill.
Pass - I really am too lazy to explain how much more useful this skill is in parties compared to a single rank of any other class…sorry haha

Again if you’re set on a specific path and you’ve done the research already by all means. More power 2 u. I’m just here for the counter argument.

the deal with linker is that linker is 3rd rank, not 2nd rank
so you would have to go
Wiz>pyro/cyro>link2/3>Chrono2/3 and waste 1 rank on pyro or cyro
on the other hand
wiz>cyro3>chrono3 has no wasted ranks
also, since it’s a sup wiz, i think 4:1 or 4:2 Con:int might be a better idea

also, linker did just get nerfed on its CD, it hurts alot

it doesnt make sense to to compare a linker 1 and chrono3 btw

Why would you consider c1 Cryo a wasted rank? Surely it still provides some value to the first build?

This is terrible advice -.- Pass is one of the best support skills in the game.

what do u do with an icewall without pp
or lvl 5 ice bolt/ ice blast

my rule for cyro is go 3 or go home.

That makes sense. Just curious since I’m still considering between the first and second build.

Thanks everyone for opinions. I do believe that Cryo3/Chrono3 is much better than Linker in any ranks, mostly after it got nerfed (JP + HK).

I trully believe that Im going this build (after gather some info and research):

With 4:1 CON:INT.

I know this gonna be hard to level up but in endgame it will payoff so hard and I believe that Im gonna be pretty well accepted in parties. And with this build I can do really well arena/pvp.

I like your build. However, i think you should go more int in the beginning to make leveling more easier. Then switch back to 4con 1int mid levels Con is needed later levels.

honestly if you’re going for this build, you need a party, or a friend. otherwise full int or not you do no damage.

same with support clerics i would think u need a party or friend to level you, even to the end game.

Agreed. Cryo-Chrono is a full support, just go full con. Int has no purpose. Find a partner or a stable group and you’re good to go.

That completely ruins the build

Cryo 3 Chrono 3 is EXTREMELY useful and requested for Earth Tower among other things.

Linking is not necessary. I’d even say there comes a point where its redundant.
You link 6 to 8 mobs maybe? But there’s 20 to AoE down.
You link 6 to 8 mobs maybe? But there’s only 1 boss.

Cryo and Chrono 3 together is extremely good support and crowd control.
Chrono 3’s Pass skill is extremely powerful in accelerating how fast things wiill die because guess what, Earth Tower has a timer running, no sitting waiting for cooldown.

imo linker is best paired with pyro and feather for a solo dungeon grind build.
it is secondary in effectiveness against 20 mobs.
if you take linker 3 for the stat buff skill, it really depends on what pt members you have to make it work. so it would be best to already have 3-5 friends for a made party.

the problem with builds like cyro3chrono3 is that they are only good once u reach rank 7.