Tree of Savior Forum

Opinion on my EXPLOSION build? :P

okay then :smile: , in my opinion you needn’t max superspell as you wont use it very often , just leave it at 1~3 point , better save those point for sleep , it’s a great aoe cc ( i saved me many time in dungeon xD ) ,
in elementalist circle , max meteor is good but remember the higher the lv the longer the cast , even with quick cast it’s still pretty long ( i leave it at lv 5 for 2,5 sec cast and big aoe ). Freezing sphere is not very good ,you should drop same of it point for electrocute ( the more lv , elestrocute deal more hit , even more with join penalty as each hit is seperate you should max it ) and hail ( hail is super great on boss and bunch of mobs ) , i normally just use FS as a skill filler ,keep prominence at 1 , it damage is not that great and it hit very random , save that 3 points for hail for longer duration => in conclusion : you should max eletro , hail , frost cloud , the rest is depend on your taste ( i also like meteor xD ) :wink:
one thing i should remind you about linker c1 , it’s good for solo , but for team play , it good at low lv but not very good at high lv or dungeon because mobs is very crowed , 5 link is not enough ( high lv mob can even resist hangman knot )
ps: this is just my opinion , you dont really need to follow it completely , just do what you like and that is fun for you :smiley: , feel free to ask me if you have anymore questions :ok_hand: :grin:

Go Wiz3-Ele3 before anything else.

Aww… Really? It came quite as a shock to me when you told me about the hangman’s resistance of the high level mobs.
Anyway, it’s good to know your sharings of experience. I thought FS was a pretty good single target skill though haha.

I just had an idea of going Pyro instead of linker. With Pyro, I can get Fire Wall attribute: Increased fire property, enchant fire buff => These 2 skills will boost dmg of the meteor “EXPLOSION!!!”.
And also fire ball can give burn dmg (dmg calculated based on INT).

However, I heard people say fire wall sucks after nerf. Do you know what was the nerf and why do people say that? What do you think of the idea going pyro? xD
I know LOTS and LOTS of people going elementalist >> warlock/featherfoot nowadays so I want to do something different because I don’t like mainstream and I wanna make a unique build of my own :stuck_out_tongue:
What would be your choice instead of linker?

eh? could you please tell me the reason why? xD

i dont think going pyro is a good idea o3o , those atribute is just flat number and small , and also pyro c1 is very bad at high lv compare to other class :sweat_smile: i prefer rune caster ( it got a similar skill like meteor ) :sunglasses: , fire wall is only good at high lv which is at c2 and c3 , at low lv it got only a few number of hit ,only 3 squares at max and 45 second of cooldown

Did someone say EXPLOSION?!


Because Frost cloud is your strongest damage you need it as soon as possible

Ehhh??? Really? What is the name of that skill from rune caster? I haven’t seen any skill demo of rune caster >.<.

I wonder if there are any other Wizard subclasses that can buff/debuff Lightning/Fire/Ice elements at Rank 1 T.T

here in tosbase simulator it changed to rune of destruction , oh and rune caster has a skill that buff 300% ice magic attack though it doesnt work with frost cloud and hail :cry: , i hope they will change it in the future :sob:

Megumin-chan :scream:~~ EXPLOOOOOOOOOSION

My point exactly~~~ EXPLOSIONNNNNN!!! :skull_crossbones:

Awww… damn T.T btw so ice sphere dmg is no good even for single target although it’s a c2 skill? O.o

it good but not as much as the other skill that i mentioned :smiley_cat: , even in bossing hail do better

I see… even the hail dmg in description is so low haha :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure about surespell? I rely on it a lot and it feels nice not having worry about running out of time.
What else are you going to use your points on? 5pts energy bolt 1 earthquake 5 magic missle 5 quick cast 15 sleep 3 lethargy.
You have 11 pts left. Might as well invest 10 in surespell.

um , i only use it when casting spell like meteor , electrocute and hail are fast enough for me xD , beside , getting it up all the time costs a lot of mana ( along with quick cast ) , i prefer reflect shield ~ same effect ( although it has limit hits ) + reduce damage + longer duration :ok_hand: and a party buff ( it quite helpful if you run into a party without a healer in dungeon )

it shows only damage per hit so it not that big xD , imagine 1 sec per hit = 309 , then 20 sec = 309 x 20 = 6180 , even just half of that duration is bigger than FS already :point_up:

Read the title and thought you were going to do a build based around Squire’s arrest, and Shinobi’s mijin no jutsu as a suicide bomber but I guess not.

Hyperion knows it :stuck_out_tongue:
And if it’s squire or shinobi, it would have been in the swordsman section, not wizard though :mask:

got your point but imaging that 309 is 3090, now lets see how many hits youre willing to take :wink:
I need a foolproof way to get spells through and surespell does the trick nicely imo