Tree of Savior Forum

Open world pvp suggestions won't be implemented (anytime soon)

You write a lot yet say nothing.

Your whole reason to write this is because you don’t want PvP channel because you don’t want “”“toxicity”""? This is incredibly petty.

People complaining about not wanting an optional feature that would satisfy a lot of people without hurting anyone can’t be described as anything but “petty”.

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i dont agree with this… pls dont turn this game like a boring MMO wich nothing to do at end game…

open world pvp will bring fun for those thrill seeker and high lvl players who able to conquer the PVE aspeect of the game.

if you dont want to do pvp then move to channel where pvp isnt allowed.

dont make it that you know the future of this game… you know nothing… winkwinkwink :wink:

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After reading that whole chunk (both this post and your OP), I’ll just list out your arguments for the sake of simplicity and so people won’t have to bust their head trying to respond

  1. PK should be designed carefully, preferably early in development, else it would be contrived/sloppy.
  2. Toxicity/griefing/negative atmosphere
  3. It realistically won’t happen
  4. In relation to point 1, it clashes with the lore. Games must be designed with tons of developers and artists and writers putting their heads together blah blah blah

My response
@1 and 4: nope. I agree that probably some minimal degree of effort should be put in its implementation. but no matter what, having the option is always better than not having it. lore is not a valid excuse, as others have already explained why. you should highlight some benefits that having no PvP channel would give.
@2: rubbish. it’s optional, and toxicity can manifest itself in any part of the game, not just PvP. it can even manifest itself in the regular 5v5 PvP now and future large scale PvP that TOS might have. are you saying those should be removed too, due to their potential for toxicity?
@3: doesn’t hurt to show interest and display a healthy demand for it. for all you know, it could be another market for IMC to tap ($$$$$$$$$)

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It will happen in 4 to 5 years because they need to balance the game as much as possible before adding it and they need to figure out how this PVP Channel or Server will work.It will take a loooooooooooot of time to make it happen the way the majority wants it.When RO came out there was no PK server nor WOE in YEARS lol.PVP channels or PVP servers won’t come out before the GVG feature that their are planing to make in future.So until then I don’t see it happening at release or any time soon.Instead of saying I want it to happen because this and that show them your version of PK in details so they can start it on it quick and maybe use your ideas.There is many ways to go about a PVP Channel or PVP Server,so give them actual feedback and not only +1.

I’m still against it but I respect people opinions and decisions.

Yes. Who would like to be Pked while farming? But a channel dedicated to people that do is not a bad idea. I play mmos for the pvp content. I want to have a purpose in my grinding, farming, crafting etc… and i would like to see it shine in pvp. To have some higher lvl pker come and kill while Im hunting or trying to get to another area or whatever, would discourage me from even trying anymore because Id feel it would be a waste of time. You can hate it or like it, its just my opinion. I want alot of pvp content, I just dont think its nice to go and kill lowbies for fun and i dont think thats whats this game is about.

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No pk, at least not yet.

Oops i ddnt see yours XD. Immah change it haha.

Just provide an optional channel. Balance isn’t needed as people will find good cookie cutter builds (and corresponding counter) and use those. Nobody honestly gives two hoots about the story in the long run, it’s a pleasant aside but not the element that brings you to the game (and keeps you there). I think a lot of us like to be able to fight one another under any circumstance. If it’s a big mess everyone will leave and the channel can be removed due to low population, if people continue to use it then it’s a success, regardless of other discussions.

Provide the PvP channel on release, and the player numbers will indicate whether it’s a success or not.


I care about the story and I’m sure others also so your wrong in that note.Furthermore,you guys can write whatever you want about it because they’re is going to add that feature just not at release but rather in a couple of years.PK servers or channels is not easy to put,they need to work on it like I mention on previous post.

If it was so easy to put PK don’t you think it would of already been in the game.There is a reason why it’s not in game right now.I believe is going to come out regardless but in a couple of years.

What reason? I would like to hear your reasoning.

All that interview says is that they haven’t been planning it so far, not that they’re never going to implement it even if the playerbase shows interest in it. You can’t possibly be trying to turn a “we don’t have that” to “we refuse to have that”.

Yeah no ■■■■ a feature takes effort to implement, but you’re greatly exaggerating that factor. Rebalancing doesn’t even have to be the focus, it’s literally a question of adding a system, not custom-designed content like areas and stuff. It won’t take away from development time so much that other aspects of the game will suffer for it. That way of thinking is the equivalent of saying that players shouldn’t ever try to convey a request for certain features.

Not all characters can fight other characters.They need to set a minimum Level requirement to start the PK system and that is where the class balance comes in play.They need to determine what is the right level to start the PK Mode.Almost all PK game servers has a death penalty,the experience is loss when you die or you lose loot maybe both at times.They need a system to rewards those PKers with points and those Anti PKers (like bounties) who kills them so it gives the PK experience a purpose or else it will just be trolling and griefing.The experience rate is different and so does the drop rate from the regular servers or channels because now you got players to worry about.They need to makes sanctuaries in certain areas in the game because towns aren’t good enough.You can’t have open PVP right outside of towns,so they would need to make some maps none PK.Talking about none PK maps they need to choose which area are PK and which are not.Obviously the lowbie areas aren’t going be allowed PK.Anyways I can go on and on but you get the point I hope lol.

Lets say all my reasons are invalid or make 0 sense,tell me why PK wasn’t in the game already when the first Korean Close Beta came out?Why wasn’t PK part of the game design?Why do you guys have to ask for PK Mode if it was done already in so much games before TOS and made the those games successful?

I don’t mind having it but there is work to be done for it to come out good.

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i never said they will never put it in the game,I stress it a lot that they are going to do it not just at release.In a couple of years yes PK would exist In my opinion.

Keep the pvp in the arenas, and the grinding in the fields… OWPVP is meant for games where EVERY character in the game has a reasonable set of skills meant to harm/kill enemies. I cant imagine playing the flute on my pied piper while strolling through a flowery field, followed by a mob of cute little bears, then a cryomancer shows up, freezes all of us, then shatters us to dust. That would be pretty dumb. Open world pvp is not a great idea…

But WHAT will they be griefing when players can just switch channels? Nobody can harass you in some extraordinary way when you can just keep playing the game by switching channels. If you’re in a PvP channel then you should fully expect to have to engage other players, otherwise there’s literally no point.

The droprate/exp rate suggestions were made specifically because of the fact that it is not as reliable of a grinding source as on a regular channel due to constant risk of interference. It’s not a gamebreaking factor, it’s just something that actually means people can play on it without it being suboptimal in every way.

Sanctuaries are only necessary around the statues and in towns. Anything more than that would just be pointless, you stated that there was a need for it but no actual reason why. On a straight-up PvP server then yeah I understand why, but on an optional channel it’s not nearly as much of an issue.

PK wasn’t in the game in the kCBT because it wasn’t a requested feature. If it’s a largely requested feature that has a viable implementation, then they have no reason not to take it into consideration. Just because something was not in a kCBT does not mean that it shouldn’t be done later, that’s ridiculous. It’s like saying that no more additional features should be added just because it wasn’t there at the start of development.

PK modes have been in previous games, albeit not frequently. Difference is that over the past few days, there has been constant interest shown in something like that being added to ToS, meaning that it is in fact something players want regardless of whether you personally want to accept it or not. A PK channel hurts literally nobody, and your entire argument boils down to “it takes too much time in development” which is completely false as it’s not adding custom content and just setting rules and regulations. Certainly there will be additions to the UI and stuff, but if you seriously think that the development time for that rivals any of the other features in the game then I’m going to have to call you out for being biased as all hell. The primary requirement from IMC for this to work is in terms of setting the regulations and balancing the risk-reward.

So you can’t imagine playing a support class in a party just because the game has OWPvP?

  1. Nobody asked for those things except maybe the level restriction to avoid too much lowbie ganking (which isn’t even something that bad since they can just go to a normal channel if there are too many high levels)

  2. The korean beta didn’t have them because THEY WERE BETAS. There were a lot of more important things to focus on that early on the development and also BECAUSE NOBODY ASKED FOR IT YET.

We are asking for an optional channel, not to force PK on everyone.

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I’m sure they heard and know about PK and also knew people would ask for it before they even started making this game.There is a reason that PK is not in the game right now especially when a lot of past games had them and were successful.My guess would be that their not ready rather than not enough demand.But I don’t know 100% the reason why.

Time will tell

No, because it’s a goddamn beta. They don’t know ■■■■. That’s exactly the reason they are ASKING FOR FEEDBACK NOW.
You don’t make any sense.