Tree of Savior Forum

On behalf of Indonesian steam players: "this is why we hate our local publisher!"

Dear OP
Could you please not use the word “on behalf of indonesian player” because not all indonesian player who play game TOS is agreed with your opinion in this case.
Or maybe just changed it to “on behalf of indonesian player who play in steam”
I am indonesian and play in steam too but what you do now by make a bad statement about local publisher is inappropriate

From the points you’ve just explained. You are only explaining how bad Indonesian people’s attitude are. Not the publisher. Thank you for the information, mate.

well if one of indonesian attitude is bad it doesnt mean all Indonesian people’s is bad
just dont generalize everything

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For everyone who read this.

Let me clear one thing.
Gemscool did an innovative way in pre-publishing this TOS. They create a group consists of about 100-200 highly-influenced players from Indonesia to help them promote TOS and do some kind of explanation about their policies.

When Steam announced that they will do OBT a month ago, some community partners already WARNED that if Indonesian plays in Steam, their account most likely will be banned, because there was an agreement between IMC and Gemscool that there will be Indonesian IP block for TOS in Steam.

But some people still didn’t listen to us and here’s the result. For everyone in IMC, please ignore their absurd reason because we already warned in every Community Group that we managed. It is harsh, but we are trying to make a better Indonesian player community. First step is to make them learn that every rules isn’t for nothing.

LMAO, you must be one of their staff, aren’t you?
Nice try though, but let me tell you something as well:

  1. As so many people have already said, Indonesia is LISTED as one of the several countries in SEA that can redeem/claim the game copy. You can check it by yourself. Do i make myself clear? Okay next.

  2. The IP blocking took time just right before the Indonesian’s CBT. So many people already got the copy and suddenly you just take it away? That’s not how it works, big guy. At least not ever once happened in the history of Steam. The only way to square this up is by doing a full refund, but that’s not what we really aim for, is it? We ain’t demanding any refund! We just want IMC to give us an ALTERNATIVE to play ToS outside of the broken indonesia server.

Listen here buddy. Just because people doesnt give a damn about this nonsense thread you made, doesn’t mean you have to be that “tryhard” guy who sway people from the bitter fact. We all know what is truly happening. You can’t hide a corpse that’s been rotten for years.

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And you can’t hide the truth of how ignorant you are :slight_smile:
Indonesia server most likely will be full of bad players, but it’s us who create the community, not the publisher. It was people like YOU who always whine about “publisher is bad”, “publisher is sucks”, yet u don’t understand ANYTHING as ur knowledge. :slight_smile:

Indonesian players community is so bad to the point it is disastrous.
Sure I understand that Steam did a mistake on the Founder’s Pack system. But the obvious solution for this kind of thing is only one : Refund.
Not IP unblock.
Aeriagames just faced the exact same problem with EOS and they refund Indonesian Players 2xAP they’ve spent. The only different are : Aeriagames didn’t put any disclaimer for Indonesian IP Block, so they felt responsible and refund twice of amount.

Steam most likely will do refund for you, 1x amount you’ve spent. Deal with it.

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Just a note… people buy rmt. RMT lifes on…

Guess who makes RMT be sucessful…

leinchtwidsaber and arisu, you’re both talking about the same crap. The very reason I NEVER touch any game published and/or managed by Indonesian online game companies. Been that way for 10 years and still going.

What leinchtwidsaber said is all true. I can vouch for those points. Been there myself both as a customer who got shafted in the arse because of those points and as the the one causing those points as well.

All the games I played in Indonesia can be enjoyable and pretty damn fun… at least for the first couple of month since they launch the game officially. Then those things started trickling in… from just rumours and fake/misleading info… eventually they turn out to be true. From that point the crap just spreads and spreads everywhere till the game is just full of them. The publishers / managing company has been complained to endlessly, they acknowledged the problem but they seem to just don’t give a hoot. In my experience, one game exploit can take months before they actually fix it.

And as I stated above I’ve also been to the other side. The ones doing all the bannable stuff. Yet I somehow got away with it all. Botting, exploiting, using cheat/3rd party program, RMT. They’re not doing crap against all these. At some point, the only reason I download a game from Indonesia is to just to do all those things and grab as much of the in-game currency as fast as i could and RMT them before the inflation hits which will only take about 2-3months after a game launch.

I regret nothing. It fatten up my side pocket quite a bit. But after a few years an I could afford better ISP with much more stable international ping. I just left all of those behind and got myself to know the meaning of “the grass is always greener on the other side”.

Honestly in those years I can’t even define it as “playing games” because the only reason I “played” those games is to make IRL money or at least get back what I payed to “play” those games. They’ve become more of a chore than entertainment. **** it I’ll say it straight, MICROSOFT SOLITAIRE WAS MORE ENJOYABLE than those chores.

For the topic : Whatever we say about this current issue will have less priority than the CONTRACT they have signed. Unless that contract can be voided with democracy (which I really doubt), we will just have to sit and wait. But if people have nothing better to do than to rage and complain going all keyboard warrior in the internet, well… not much I can do about that.

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Because it’s not publisher who fix it. it’s the developer. In TOS case, every bug that will happen in TOS Indonesia, will be fixed by IMC. What makes u feel Gemscool is the one who should fix it? Are you serious?
It’s not like the bug doesn’t appear in International Server. It’s just global community appreciate the game itself, unlike most of us Indonesian, so they rarely exploit it.

Why it took so long if developer should fix it? Because they don’t even know how to replicate the bug. So they have to figure it out themselves. And as the programmer, you know, it’s sucks. Really sucks.

Of course player can contribute to give information how to replicate the bug. But in Indonesia, they SELL the bug tutorial. No shame.
As the publisher, can you do any action to the bug seller? No.

Exploits being replicated across all servers in a game, tutorial to reproduce the exploit consistently being spread out like peanuts and SOMEHOW the developers didn’t notice ? Or is just the publishers / managing company just don’t give 2 ****s about it and never notify the developers ?

This is my experience playing one of the game in Indonesia. There used to be hack report in that game, and my character has been hacked several times, and I put the report several times too. For years, there are no reply from the publisher at all, until when the game declining (about 4-5 yeas later), there was suddenly a letter saying that the hack report has been processed and I got my item back. Notice it’s not reports, but report. When I said which one, they kindly ignore me. I won’t spend a month game card just to check whether it’s true or not especially for the games that hasn’t been played for years. If u want proof, I can try dig my emails for it.

Yea, bug tutorial spread out everywhere, and most of it are scams.
Of course developer won’t notice everything in each server. And all publisher surely will notify the developer ASAP, then in most cases, the developer will try to reproduce it on their own staging server.
Then another problem appears :

  • The bug can’t be reproduced because internet speed difference (most in-game bug in Indonesia server caused by slow internet connection/frame delay)
  • Bot/cheat case needs a long time to fix it properly. Once u learn how to programming, u will understand it.
  • Most developer doesn’t give equal attention to every server. They have a kinda mindset “If it never be a problem in our server, then it should be no problem in yours too”. Surely they need to learn player’s behaviour from every country. I’ll give you an example from Atlantica case. Once, it got a platinum coin dupe bug. It first seen on Friday. Saturday morning, they give a report to developer alongside the tutorial. You know what happen? The developer didn’t give permission to turn off the server for emergency maintenance until Monday morning. The bug already spread too far till the point some players even have a thousand trillion gold. And to make it worse, they didn’t do rollback. That’s the start of AO Indonesia’s downfall.

You should understand that publisher is the one that aim for profit, and the one that don’t want to lose their users. Surely in most case, publisher doesn’t coordinate well with the developer, but there’s most likely because language barrier or developer’s lack of understanding local player’s behaviour. Publishing license rarely put publisher on the driver seat for the game they publish. It’s always the developer. Every event, every action, needs developer’s approval. That’s the truth. I don’t force u to believe me, but it’s true.

In other side, yes, Gemscool as local publisher we’re talking about, needs to improve their customer service. But, from what I know, TOS will be their all-out game for this year. That’s why they gave up the license of AO and Cabal Online. They want to focus in TOS, you can see their moves in pre-publish time.

If the problem is the community, why blame publisher? We should try to make our community better, not to talking ■■■■ that not even right. =_=

All the more reason to not trust local publishers if that is how they operate. I’d rather play with a higher yet tolerable ping on international servers than to play local BS which will just frustrate me all over again.

Having the main company like IMC opening up branches just like some other game companies like Wargaming or Blizzard will be so much better as they will deal with those kind of crap more properly. If the local publishers is competent enough maybe it’ll smooth things out a little bit and make some crap more tolerable but I highly doubt it. They are way too lax here about in-game offenders and very, VERY slow at dealing with them. Honestly I just think they put more manpower into tax dodging than the game itself.

And I still can’t agree that it’s entirely the community’s fault. The publishers never bothered when the community is rotting away. They just keep milking the money. Games which shut down in Indonesia still have some servers up and running in other country with the same publishing and licensing method.

Oh well even if they still wont allow us to play here
Dont think that ur winning, cause we are not stupid enough to fall into the same mistake twice

Thank You …

never trust local publisher… (publisher beside main publisher)

if this not fixed, im going back to FFXIV

well i’ve played atlantica before ( one of their RPG’s ) and it didn’t ■■■■■■ up too much. there’s no RMT, scam, and such. but the game is just too boring ( frankly, i dont know the problem because i played it on their cbt, so yeah. ) so probably that’s why the game didnt go too well

but you know, RMT are exist on every game, even on the first RO. i remeber doing this stuff very often :grin: so probably your argument is invalid.

now, rather than you guys keep blaming to the developers that you consider “shitty”. why just we try it ? i mean, just… give it a try, you know. i know you guys are pretty upset about this IP block things, but believe me, i do. probably they do their best since this is a “blockbuster” mmorpg, and keep this under their control. :slight_smile:

oh the game with cry engine ?

so you want to generalize all in one? seems interesting

why dont we give a try to local server, its free to play same with the inter one, less lag btw

if u feel dissapointing, just leave and u got nothing to lose.
like some of you will spent some bucks for inter one… idk :smile:

the fact that im playing right now with stat and skill reset in my bag stated that ive already spent 49$ for this game, yet i got questioned by those who still wait the free tagging shown lol
also the way you said nothing to lose, well sorry im going to lose my time, if i playing into local publisher then they closing just because the local pub screw up, so still no you can enjoy it urself tho, from your point of view its nothing to lose, only something to gain i pressume? well like all those 85% population of gold seller in indonesia lol. now that people who gonna bought those gold is already at international selling tokens i wonder how long you guys stay ingame, sorry just asking esp with the current trade sytem … oh wait i was gonna say good luck