Tree of Savior Forum

[Official] Sage thread

Rank 200 ? What you mean ?

Max lv is like 330 now (Previously 280) and lv 600 is the final Max lv
Max Rank now is 8 (previously 7) and Rank 10 is the final Max rank
*Except if i’m wrong but I think those are the information we got.

I’m still keeping my point… Not maxing chrono make it not viable in this kind of build Either you got for chrono 3 at R7 or you take something else. PASS is one of the reason you go for it.
The utility of haste isn’t worth 2 rank it will actualy SLOW you down when killing thing. Quicken is pretty much useless for you Stop sure give you sometime to setup i guess… But if you going for Cryo Kino PP combo you also loose Runecaster that got this sweet +300% on ice damage. why is Mimic listed as rank 200? is that a typo then?

Well the class isn’t even there right now.
They just put it like that because that what they did.

This class don’t exist and we don’t know what rank it going to be …
Then what can we put…
OH i know let put it Rank 200 just because !!!

There never gona be 200 rank That would be crazy and think about the amount of time it took for R8…

Hi guys!

I’ve tested missile hole with the bleeding skill of Fletcher and unfortunatelly the bleed effect works. Just the “first” damage is absorbed.

so is Prominence a opject or a magic circle? im rank 3 right now for reffrences so im currently Wiz 1 cryo 1 and Kino 1

prominence is probably neither… I’m not sure but it more a overtime spell taking effect kind of like a Moving around magic missil if you whant … I could be wrong but that what I guess the spell would be.

Also it depend of what you whant to do with your build ?
Do you whant a support ?
Do you whant a dps ?
Do you whant something hybrid ?
Do you whant a Boss Killer ?

Mixture of damage and support

Missile Hole is bugged. Recasting it while the buff is still up only refreshes the duration but not the hits. heres my reworked build after your suggestion on chrono

@momory32 max lvl 600 max rank 10 - I got that info aswell, but look at this: 280/7 is 35 lvls each rank, with rank 8 the jump is from 280 to 330, which means 50 lvls instead of 35. I’m not sure anymore if 10 ranks will be the maximum or 600 will be the level.

@hazerddex ranked 200 like mimic or murmillo are classes that were there before but for X or Y IMC don’t want to releases them, so the (lazy)optimal way to conserve those classes without removing anything is placing them to lvl 9999 which is unobtainable. For the rest momory has already answered you I guess.

@Cemeska So basic hit is absorded, but bleed effect deals 1 damage or the whole damage? I mean, I have tested flare shot and it keep doing 1-1-1-1-1 damage until 16 hits.

@DontMindMe Are you sure about that? I’ll take a closer look tomorrow and update OP then, hope they fix it with the whole bug quests set.

Bleed effect deals normal damage. Not just “1”

Does anyone know if the 1 damage you still take when getting hit while using missle hole cancels channeled skills? Like psychic pressure and helbreath?

think we might wanna veer away from this a bit. Rank 9 starts at like lv 312.
Im certain rank 9-10 wont require nearly 300 lvs.
Going by current trend we might get rank 10 by 380 with a cap of 450.

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Well, i remember from an early QA before the game was released they were asked up to what rank would be available on release. They said rank 10 or 11. Of course this didnt happen, but this means they might have planned to rank 11.

But one thing that supports only having 10 ranks is the whole “80 classes” thing. Right now we have 64 classes including rank 8 and hidden. That leaves 16. Each rank gets 2 classes per base class so that means if we get no more hidden classes and 10 ranks it would equal 80.

However if they decide to give extra circles on those later ranks we could be looking at 12 ranks which could mean ~lvl 600 cap. Its all speculation right now though…

Lets not get off track from sages though. What sage builds are you guys making? Mine is pyro3>linker2>kino>sage. nearing rank 7 now.

i play pyro2-link-chrono3-sage atm. still rank 5 tho. i plan to make other build almost like yours except i initially intend to choose warlock than kino. but with things going not well for warlock, makes me wonder what other good filler class beside kino.

Mine is wiz3/thau1/sorc3/sage1

Pyro3 kino 3 sage here, as soon as they release agni I’ll skill reset and try using hell breath + missile hole for the lawls. Haven’t tested much yet about aise + double fireball + micro dimension + PP, but all I can say now is that they melt.

Has anyone successfully used portal? I just can’t save locations, it says “Can’t save current map” in all the maps I try it.

I’ve saved my points just near sage NPC (future attributes and stuff) and over the goddess hand statue in Manahas, both succesfully, are you trying to save warp in a dungeon or something?

what do you guys think about micro and ultimate dimension?
is worth it to max? I feel micro is a 1 point wonder for duplicating only
and ultimate is the way to go but I could be wrong what do you guys think?