Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

I agree to you. a lot of people whine because they didn’t make a perfect build and so lazy to make a new one. even i tried some mmo with imbalances and group hating one job class because it doesn’t help in a raid or dungeon. having a lot of class gives you choices which means it has good and bad ones. gamers these days give up too easily.

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It is easy, level up a character with a “desired build”. If it is good, is good, if not, try it again. It isn’t that hard to get past lvl 200, right? I did it 5 times already. o.o
(leveling in a slow pace also)

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Nah, just make new char. This is not ro private server. Stop suggest stupid thing. Each class has their own purpose. So many good guide in forum already.

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Rebirthing was about as optional as choosing to level your character.
The benefits of having a lvl 99 rebirthed character compared to a normal lvl 99 were pretty huge. Both statswise and skillwise.


Right. You are aware that cookie cutter/top builds dont make themselves right? People invent these. Try to figure out a good build for yourself, and you might be surprised to find that your ‘‘need to reset this’’ character isnt all that bad after all.

So far I havent had complaints doing just that. As far as party grinding, I wouldnt know since I solo.

Why not spend this time remaking your character, wouldnt that be more productive?

If you already have a lvl 200+ character to begin with, that applies to you too. If you could already invest the time to make that a character, it isnt strange to assume you have the time to remake it better.

As far as having a character leveled to rank 7 and finding out the skills didnt work in the way you thought they would as is case for Dream and others:

Thats your own choice (read: choice, not fault) for being a ‘forerunner’ and rushing to max level so close to the games release.

Many of us (myself included) made our ‘perfect build’ before starting the game (on release day), but we were just being unrealistic to assume it would be that simple with so little information available.

Don’t expect your first character in a MMO, with this much freedom of build choice, to be a perfect character.

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OH GOD PLEASE NO ! MOBA Players crying, MMORPG too hard for them :<

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When people want somthing they do what ever they need to get it.
So you wil see more of this.the moment tbis post is not on page one we will open one get over it.

No one say its hard . if any thing the game is in the easy here. somthing like30%-50% of skill in this game dont even do what the text on them sayingm. So imc will add this or you will see this posts more and more sbd more.

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In a perfect world you might actually have a point but you’re missing one glaring factor here…

No game’s balance is perfect. Especially not this game.

When there are blatantly obvious and glaring imbalances among the available classes that aren’t easy to spot from birds eye, it’s basically inevitable that people will ■■■■ up. Not everyone will, but a lot of people will. Simply because some classes are plain and simply not as good as others.

It’s an inevitable result of the current state of the the game’s structure. Probability says there will be tons of people who mess it up because it’s so easy to do. You can’t prevent it no matter how much “it’s not hard to not ■■■■ it up” logic you wanna push.


So what you are saying is that I’m missing a point that has zero relevance to the topic?

And this matters…how? Making mistakes or wrong decisions is natural. It’s not the end of the world either.

And the best thing about games is that you can always start over and do things better. (if you care about ‘better’) You can’t do that in reallife.
Isn’t that ‘‘reset’’ good enough for you?

Gee, I wouldnt know. It’s not like I went and decided to go solo on a ‘‘none-top pve build’’, or anything.

If you care about being ‘‘the absolute best’’ you should perhaps consider playing a game without this many variables (stats, classes, possible builds).
If you dont care about being the best, then what does it matter if your build isnt the best possible dps for your base class?

Did you forget to enjoy playing the game somewhere along the way?

Let me improve that for you so it’s more in line with reality:

How do you mess up exactly? What qualifies as a ‘bad build’?

Jintello asked the fair question what people consider a build that ‘should be reset’, and got no response.

And this is the main issue you face. You shouldnt try to prevent it.
That means you are playing the game with the wrong mindset.
MMOs are a very poor genre for making a ‘perfect character’, so you shouldnt aim to do this if you cant handle the result.

Please dont make up arguments I never used. Theres plenty of others already doing that.

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Omg, like, this isn’t going to progress the debate at all to say, but your method of arguing is insufferable.

My advice: less rhetorical questions, more addressing the actual points and possible solutions.

Hint : “It’s fine the way it is” =| a solution.


Solution - Do research or find a game more suited to your level

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Expecting every player to have an equivalent level of researching skills is asinine to say the least. Either by you or the developers.

Finding a different game is not a solution, only Tree of Savior loses in that circumstance.

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Those players get to make their second character better than their first and have the ability to not only use Google but to use their “messed” up character to get things for their second.

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@Dream Can you pls have a SS for your skill bar to see which skills are disable while Burrow.

Due to the lack of information on certain skill interactions, possibility of incoming changes, and flat out broken-ness of some mechanics, giving people a small class shuffle every once in a while is not only fair but almost needed.

Even if after a big patch everyone rerolls to a certain class (easily preventable with circle limits) you run into the issue of overpopulation. no party needs 3 C3 Thaums after that OP buff ect…

Let me fix my (hypothetical) main character with thousands of hours of playtime down the road please. He will most likely be irrelevant through no fault his own…


Better ask @Jintello he is very knowledgeable on these stuff and might even give you a full list of disabled skills while using Burrow.

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What’s this? A video from before early access showing burrow off from Google? Hmm what do I see here?

It’s almost as if Korea has been playing the game for months or something before us…

Edit - wonder if more videos exist


Wow. That definitely gave me the list of all skills that can be used while using Burrow. So useful.

It’s such a coincidence that the video you linked is the one posted on this forums multiple times already. Yup, definitely coincidence.

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So you think that IMC designed the game under the expectation that we would all be watching Korean game play videos well in advance of the ITOS release so that we could be fully aware of what all high rank class skills do, carefully watching each video to make sure you observe the skill you’re attempting to understand better.

And you’re calling us the idiots…


No, but if you used that thing found in your skull you would see he couldn’t use all his skills while using burrow. Which if you again used GOOGLE you would have known about.

Not to mention your class is STILL viable. But no cry me a river. Does your college allow people who get women’s studies degrees to come and trade them in for an actual good degree without doing any work?