Tree of Savior Forum

Off-Meta Featherfoot?

I have a W3/E3/Wa2 in the making but it kinda bothers me that elememes are a dime a dozen, and I was always fascinated by Featherfoot class (bloodbath FTW). The point is, all the builds are W2/L2/T2/F2, and I don’t want to make a farmer (I have my SR for that). Are there any good FF builds?

On a side note, with rang 9 in mind I kinda prepared this build (I like the 3/3/2(3) builds :P):

Wiz 3 for Surespell and Quick Cast. Magic missile for fast levelling. Earthquake 15 because honestly I never use other Wiz skills. May switch to Reflect Shield 15 but I don’t think it’s that good of a choice either.

Thau 3 for max buff Swell skills. Shrink/Swell Body not needed since this is not a farming build. Transpose 15 since the leftover points.

As for Featherfoot, I never made it that far so I don’t know how it works, so I just copied the general FF build. Regarding rank 9 I left the C3 15 points unspent. But I guess the 5 points in the new skill Enervation is mandatory since it gives a huge damage boost, so that leaves me wit 10 points unspent. My guess is they should be used to max the Blood Curse and Kundela Slash but that’s just me.

As for equips I went for generic damage Wizard class setup. Not sure about some of the cards and gems.

EDIT: Switched to 2 Transpose and 13 Shrink body, as for R9 build maxed Kundela Slash & Blood Curse.

SR got 20 sp consumption per hit with laimacon. Not sure if you still want SR for farming.

Try using shrink body with swell left arm attribute for +120% magic attack on shrinked targets. It will greatly boost your damage against mobs.

Sleep is a good skill, why are there no points on it? :o

It’s fine if you don’t mind killing stuff one at a time.
FF has terrible AoE and Magic Missile alone isn’t good enough AoE.

I second what @Wooshin said. Sleep is really good.

It still seems good. Just have to use Running shot and Marching Fire more now.

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I got SP pots for that ^^

Yeah, I thought that lv 15 Transpose was kind of an overkill. Maybe 13 Shrink Body and 2 Transpose for full uptime.

Because in my half a year of playing this game and trying out various wizard builds I haven’t used Sleep ONCE. (well, few times actually but I really don’t see the appeal of the skill.)

In some instances I’ve noticed that high single target outperforms AoE (or maybe that’s just me), and I don’t mind killing mobs 1 by 1 XD

Also, does Featherfoot need Quick Cast? It seems to me that Surespell is enough…

Well, it’s better than picking Earthquake if you get mobbed or something.

No, you don’t. Surespell is enough because of Blood Sucking.

If you plan to use Earth Quake, I’d recommend putting 1 point in Lethargy as you’ll hit monsters with Lethargy debuff twice with Earthquake (not for twice the damage,though, the 2nd hit will be weaker and is afaik not affected by Blessing).

To be completely honest all I’ve been doing is dungeons to lvl up and while I do have a lv330 SR and Corsair/Shinobi, regarding maps I haven’t gone past Dina Bee Farm (lv160 map), so I don’t know how useful Sleep is on high lv maps, hence my dislike for it. But if it’s good at the lv300+ maps, then I’ll drop quake and put 15 in Sleep.

Wizard skills:

I’d drop Earthquake to 1 (at most…) and Quick Cast to 0. Quick Cast won’t effect any of your skills…at all, as far as I can tell (I don’t have a Thauma 3 or a Feather 3 yet but I’m pretty confident their skills don’t have cast times either.) I would highly recommend lethargy for the strike damage attribute for parties. Sleep is good, but you probably won’t get much use out of it except for sleeping mobs before you self destruct on them. I’d certainly rather have that then any points in Earthquake though.

I’d also consider maxing Surespell for quality of life. In a build like this, 5 skill points in Wizard is pretty cheap.


Looks pretty solid. I’d throw a point in Reversi for the fun of it, but otherwise I think the point placement is pretty obvious. Shrink Body will be a pretty big deal, especially at Feather 3, and without link killing swelled mobs will be a pain, so you’ve hit all the critical points.

Killing anything will be a pain in the ass until you make it to Rank 7 though. Better get there quick before the R9 patch comes and makes leveling difficult again :stuck_out_tongue:


Blood Bath is honestly terrible. I got it level 1 on my FF and regret spending the one point in it. It’s funny to use it, but the damage is poor and the healing is negligible. You are better off having another point in Levitate. Kurdaitcha and Bone Pointing are good where they are.

I’d seriously consider dropping the points from Ngadhundi and putting them in Levitate. At R9 you will get an attribute that will increase your damage by 30% when Levitating, so having lots of time on that will be a big deal, and the extra damage from having Ngadhundi will be completely dwarfed by the absurd damage of Kundela Slash 10 with the double hit attribute. Decay is cool, but it doesn’t help you all that much, and it already has a duration equal to its CD at level 1, so I don’t think you’ll need the points in it.

Otherwise, obviously max Enervate and Kundela Slash. Blood Curse if you plan to use it a lot, but with a full int build your damage will probably be pretty lackluster. I might leave that at 5 and use the points to max Blood Sucking, to squeeze more out of its terrible CD. That will leave you with enough points to get Levitate 7, which is 44 seconds of +30% damage on a 65 second CD. I might actually drop three points from Blood Sucking to max Levitate, because FF damage stacking is lol.

As far as general comments, as plenty of people have mentioned you are going to have a rough time dealing with large mobs as your only real answers are Magic Missile and Blood Sucking. And as I mentioned before, leveling up to Featherfoot is going to be agonizing if you aren’t skipping the first six ranks with Instance Clears and 8x tomes. But you will have all the single target damage, especially once you hit FF3, and in most situations you will be able to easily sustain yourself with Blood Sucking. Your SP might hurt a bit once you start stacking up all the R9 attributes, but pots are cheap so it’s not that big a deal.

My FF is the standard 2/2/2/2(3) build, so I can’t say with certainty, but I suspect you will have an easy enough time with general PVE and missions, but you might have a bit of difficulty with the mobbiness of dungeons before you shred the boss. HG will also probably be a bit rough (you’ll probably have the damage to kill things, but if you are killing one at at a time your sustain might not be able to keep up). You’ll do fine in most parties with Shrink/the Swells/Lethargy if you get it to play basically as a support, not to mention Decay and Curse, on top of your damage.

Also I’d check to make sure your damage wouldn’t be better off with a Rod/Dagger, as the Swell Right buff will be pretty hefty. Not sure it’ll be enough to overtake a Regard Horn (especially with trans), but might be worth looking into.


Wow that’s a wall of text. Thanks for the input!
So the revised build would look like this? (still stubborn about Lethargy)

That’s why I have Transpose; to convert my INT to CON :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. Now I don’t know what the best progression for rod/dagger is and what’s the best dagger gem. I just copied it but that’s how it goes:
Main Hand: Blue
Off Hand: ?

Main Hand: Purine Pevordimas Rod > Windia Rod > Heart of Glory > Solmiki Rod
Off Hand: Arde Dagger > Small Crystaras > Pajoritas Dagger > Lionhead Dagger

I usually use sleep after grouping up monsters to take less damage and keep them grouped together.

Personally, I would get at least 1 in Blood Bath and get Reversi.
Blood Bath has a “hidden” effect of interrupting Devil, Animal and Insect bosses. Not really important, but it’s useful sometimes.
Reversi can get rid of some annoying magic circles.

Yeah, that skill build looks much better.

The problem with transposing into Blood Curse is that you need to heal up before exploding. Yes, Blood Sucking will do that very effectively, but chances are you want to save that for after you explode so you aren’t running around with 20% HP. I guess 20% will still be a significant amount after a transpose, so it’s not like its super critical or anything, but it’s something to keep in mind I guess.

I think you are safe to drop a point from Shrink to get Reversi. You only lose 1 second on the debuff, so I don’t think you’ll notice the loss.

There are no good dagger gems for FF. Just gem it whatever way benefits any other character you have that may use it.

@Kanna makes a good point about Blood Bath. So I’d consider that as well. I would probably drop a point from Levitate if you were going for it as its only a loss of 2 seconds, but taking another point from Blood Sucking wouldn’t be the end of the world either.

For gem I’ll go with green, more crit rate is always welcome.

For build I think this is the one I’ll go with, I honestly don’t feel I need Reversi because how many mobs cast magic circles anyway (the only ones I remember are Vubbe mages from Crystal Mine). I also considered dropping Kurdaitcha in favor of Blood Bath but with the new attribute coming (Deal damage with each footprint equal to your magic attack) I don’t think it’s such a good idea. But I also feel like 6 in Blood Sucking is kinda not enough… @TwilightsCall , how you’d distribute the FF C3? >.<

The healing of bloodbath is only relevant at lv 10+ because it heals 500hp per tick, is pretty useful. But, witth the changes on FF3 I’ll put only one point on it and max levitation.

I probably would do the same thing as you just linked, except I’d move 5 points from Blood Curse into Blood Sucking.

Kurdaitcha is important because the Curse effect doubles the damage from Kundela Slash. Yes Bone Pointing does the same thing, but Kurdaitcha can Curse a large mob all at once where Bone Pointing can only do one at a time. Might not be terribly relevant if you only kill one at a time, but I imagine trying to thread the needle to get to the one mob that happened to get cursed would be pretty frustrating.

I’m not entirely convinced Blood Bath is worth it, but I can’t dismiss it. It’s only one point, which we aren’t particularly starved for, so I might end up getting it anyways.

Why? Isn’t Blood Curse FF’s strongest skill? (despite the drawback)

Blood Curse can certainly do a lot of damage, but I would probably say Kundela Slash is the strongest skill for Featherfoots (…featherfeet?). Though Enervate and Blood Sucking also make good runs for the title.

Blood Curse is too costly (HP-wise) and has too long of a cooldown to be used for reliable, consistent damage. While it’s fun to explode on things, it’s not something you will really do very often unless you have a healer (and even then, the best you could do is once every 65 seconds unless you have a Chrono). And in the end, if you are going to be doing the Transpose - Blood Curse combo, having fewer levels in Blood Curse won’t effect your damage all that much anyway (unless you have a high trans weapon I suppose) since most of your damage will come from your HP, which isn’t effected by the skill factor.

Though I will say my FF’s weapon isn’t even a Pract weapon, so I might be underestimating the effect those 5 skill points would have. But at least in my experience you end up using Blood Sucking a LOT more than Blood Curse, and that justifies the choice for me.

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But BC’s cooldown is 36 seconds? And 1747% damage seems like an overkill, but… Yum.

Frig, it’s so hard to decide where to put points into X|
Let’s weigh the value of skills:
Blood Bath: @elizeu_os is right, no need to waste a point here since it’s effect will be too small to notice…
Blood Sucking: Healing skill.
Bone Pointing: 1 point for debuff.
Ngadhundi: 1 point for debuff.
Kurdaitcha: With the coming attribute becomes good damage, 1 point is enough.
Kundela Slash: One of the 2 strongest FF skills, max this
Levitation: With the new attribute coming, FF skills will deal 30% additional dmg when levitating.
Blood Curse: One of the 2 strongest FF skills, but eats up 60% of our HP.
Enervation: Enemies hit by this debuff will receive bonus 756% damage so it’s mandatory to max.

So it all boils down to how to distribute the remaining 27 points between Blood Sucking, Levitation and Blood Curse. The thing is, how to assign these points to achieve the best balance. The decision is hard for me because:
Blood Sucking: with self-healing skill I wouldn’t have to depend so much on pots and healers.
Levitation: The longer the fly, the longer we deal additional dmg.
Blood Curse: I may be a numbers nut but not maxing this seems like a huge waste to me.

With this said, I’m considering:
Blood Sucking: 10 (seems like the best balance to me)
Levitation: 7 (44 sec duration, with 65s cd we have 2/3 uptime)
Blood Curse: 10 (if anything survives this blood atom bomb, we still get healed by attacking the cursed enemies)

FF is the only wizard with 2 infinite aoe ratio skills at rank 9 if im not forgetting
Blood curse has infinite targets and Enervation also hits infinite targets (assuming non-flying)
it cant hold a candle to elementalist, sure, but it has aoe capabilities, I kill plenty of mobs in ktest with enervation + MM

think of FF as a support DPS of sorts that can really excel in single target

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Kurdaitcha damage is ■■■■, dont count on it.
blood bath 1 is needed for the passive attribute on healing
Blood Curse is an amazing party heal in boss scenarios, consider maxing for party support.
Blood Sucking is great damage, specially at 15, but the hitbox is very very small, its a shame

If you’re lowering points in anything, I’d lower bloodsucking, keep levitation maxed, cause 50 seconds is beast

also please, please, PLEASE dont use green gems on FF, magic cant crit