Tree of Savior Forum

Off-Meta Featherfoot?

About the blood bath lv 10, its heal is pretty good, but our future is to be flying ff most the time, so the cure will not affect us, 1 point just for extra damage…;

So I’d be better off putting that point in Blood Bath then?

Wait, what attribute? I check the FF attributes and see nothing of the sort.

Which to use then? Red is for patk, and I doubt I’ll attack with dagger. Blue is for block, which may actually be good. Yellow, I don’t bloody know what it does.

Enervation has a 10 target limit.

FF has an attribute that enhances the healing of any sources that requires bb and bs.

Kurdaitcha is still good as a 1 pointer for quick hexing
just dont expect it to do good damage, its pretty poor, like 200% matk 1 hit per footprint, no aoe

Its Called Featherfoot: Restoration or something, its the very first attribute you see on the npc list (I assume you HAVE a featherfoot)

I’ll assume you’re talking about off-hand gems:
Dont use anything? Wait for skill gems to be available and hope you can use one there?
Greens wont do anything for you.

Enervation has a 10 HIT limit, double check your facts, it can debuff any number of targets inside the aoe (which is huge)

Kurdaitcha just need to change for flying using =( I hope IMC changes BB for a aoe debuff that makes enemies bleed…

Oh sorry, you are right ^^’

(and the 10 hit limit is per target, we should be clear :P)

You simply ask too much for a FF build. I tried to theorycraft builds quickly, and you end up really fast with this conclusion : you need Wizard 2 + Linker2 or Psycho 2 or Cryo3 to pull mobs, while Linker is the best choice by far for FF. Now you can try Wiz2 > Link2 > Filler > Filler > FF2, but there’s a good reason why Thaumaturge is in a FF build. As long as there is no classes in Wizard tree which are able to mimic JP effect, builds for FF will stay similar.

Couldn’t have said it better, it’s all about what you expect from it
you cant have a build that excells in everything in the game, would be silly.
After playing ktest, I honestly feel like FF fits a support DPS role, with thaum 3 in it to potentialize its own single target DPS.
the addition of enervation to the rotations, make it so Kundela Slash isnt the only skill we have for dispatching mobs, and can instead rely on stuff like MM or Blood Curse + some gimmicks.
I suggest you decide what you want to do with it, and THEN build upon it

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That’s nice to hear that their AoE is a little better. Do you know if it works with summons like Sorcerer?

no reason it shouldn’t
anything that hits debuffed targets will trigger the damage tick, even other players, so I’m sure summons will do the trick too

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