Tree of Savior Forum

Objective Disadvantages of Swordsman

it’s only on archers.

Another problem with switching weapons is it cancels all relevant buffs. So for example I cast Finestra, if I switch to my sword, it automatically cancels and I have to wait the whole cool down to recast. What would be better, is I switch to my sword, the buff stays but becomes inactive until I switch back to my spear.

Ideally once buff is cast, it should remain until the duration is up or it’s manually cancelled.

Meanwhile, QSs can cast Running Shot w/ GC and then switch to a 2H rifle to go machine gun mode if they want.

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That would be particularly interesting for skills like Guardian and Gung Ho. You receive a penalty for taking them so they’re not a straight buff, it would allow for a more dynamic play style, and solve having to cast 50 skills every minute.

At this point I would be surprised if IMC doesn’t have plans to add auto switching.

hmm IMO imc’s putting lots of drawbacks on our skills just because we’re tanky rofl , why don’t they just remove the tankiness and insert dps buff like when you take an offensive class you get an str boost and damage boost , get hp boost and def boost when you take a defensive class and give dmg boost and hp boost when you take support classes … jeez their taking the tankiness part so serious when i just want to take a glass cannon build lol…


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doppel should be glass cannon build, lets see what doppel c3 brings us
i want to believe, but its not easy bro, not easy =/

I feel like they are way to harsh on Swordsmen, but I don’t know about them being a class cannon. That’s more of an archers job, and there should be differences between the classes, I do understand what you’re getting at though. It doesn’t matter what build or what circles you take, you’re a tank and that’s just how it is.

IMC needs to stop giving drawbacks/penalties to all Swordsman abilities, and instead implement stance buffs that reside on the 2nd buff bar.


  • When you go 1 circle in Peltasta, you gain a stance you can turn on/off that increases your hp and threat generated by 30% but decreases damage you deal by 20% while active.
  • When you go 1 circle in Highlander, you gain a stance you can turn on/off that increases damage dealt with 2H weapons
  • When you go 1 circle in Barbarian, you gain a stance you can turn on/off that increases your AoE attack ratio by 4
  • When you go 1 circle in Hoplite, you gain a stance you can turn on/off that increases crit rating by 30%
  • When you go 1 circle in Rodelero, you gain a stance you can turn on/off that increases Magic Resist by 30%, but decreases defense by 15%
  • When you go 1 circle in Cataphract, you gain a stance you can turn on/off that increases Movement speed by 6


And only 2-3 stances can be active at a time, so a Swordsman player has to decide on which stances they want active to determine their strengths in a given situation.

Maybe make the number of stances available increase after every 3 advancements… I don’t know. It’s just an idea :3


for a start they could just outright remove the disadvantages of the current buffs. its not like swordies are going to outshine wiz and cleric if thats implemented. but it’ll make them more tolerable.

@staff_john @Staff_ines


I like the idea, but in the state that Swordsman are in I don’t think there should really be any disadvantages, maybe their stances would be a minor buff with no down side, ie. Peltasta is 10% HP and threat and no damage decrease.

Yeah thats how it is here in TOS, i mean swordsman class no matter what you build or whatever stats you take you can easily tank bosses im talking about physical attacks

if you have enough defense tanking is really easy even non-tank builds can tank bosses lol def stat scales so well in this game you can test it if you dont believe me try the 220 common grade plate armor it can make you tanky enough with added plate mastery ofcourse also get aspersio and you’ll see what i mean

the only problem atm is mdef which our armors should also have or if armors can’t have
mdef, imc should make con have mdef scaling like .5 mdef for every point allocated in con tbh idk why imc even made spr IMO imc should get rid of spr and distribute its effects to the other stats
Spr gives off the ff atm:
Increases max SP pool by 13.
Increases SP recovery rate by 1.
Increases block penetration by 1.
Increases magic defense by 0.2.
Note:SPR increases the potency of several buffs, debuffs and healing skills, making it a useful stat for support oriented Cleric classes.
Unconfirmed: SPR raises natural resistance to status effects

sp pool,recovery rate and block penetration and debuff potency should all be added to int just make sure the potency scaling doesnt become OP or just remove it

mdef and debuff resistance should both be added to con

This way by allocating more stats into con we all can have better defenses and some debuff resists

On the other hand wiz and cleric classes will benefit from the other effects

Not sure if this can make int based classes op but this is where the magic should miss or be blocked issue comes in making magic miss and be blocked would make int classes take dex for them to hit their target thus making the stat allocation more trickier because atm all int based classes just take con and int and call they’re build gud lol

I’m not sure about removing SPR, I like having five different stats to invest in, makes for more build types. We really just need rebalance. I understand IMC’s thought process (I think, obviously I can’t know for sure,) with Swordsmen getting more HP per level, and CON increasing HP, it seems like they wanted Swordsmen to simply have high HP instead of magic defence, while giving the other classes the ability to defend against magic attack making them more interesting as well, it must have seemed like a win-win. Unfortunately the balance is off. Swordsmen shouldn’t just get more HP to make up for the lack of mdef, no one wants that, so the answer lies in giving Swordsmen the ability to defend against it. We know there is a unique Swordsmen armour on the way, so hopefully that offers both pdef, and high mdef, that would mostly fix the matk being overpowered issue. But another way to help balance things (IMC ruled this out already, but my point still stands,) would to have the ability to block and evade matt. Instead of it being like patk, with a 100% damage reduction, it could scale with certain factors based on armour, block, and evasion. For example, an enemy deals 100 matk, I have 50 block, I successfully block and I receive 50 damage minus any other mdef I have (keep in mind that definitely shouldn’t be the actual equation, it’s just an example.) Now players who invested in block and evasion don’t feel cheated.

I should make an important note that we don’t want to swing the other way and make Swordsmen overpowered, they already have high HP and if they have too much mdef that could really make Swordsmen impossible to kill, the key, as always, is balance.

hmm yes we have five different stats but only the str,con,dex and int are taken currently, spr is nothing but a stat that gets increased if a gear has an added option increasing it

tbh i want it to have variations but still keep the def and mdef intact like:

set a gives good def and mdef with bonus con and elemental resists/ defensive proc effects

set b gives a much lower def and mdef from the set above with bonus damage / additional atk or elemental atk bonuses

in short i want a defensive set and an offensive set so we could choose between tanky and glass cannon setups

might make us overpowered but idk if you already tried pvp(TBL) you know no one is overpowered once you get cc’ed by the mages rofl

this is really good but imc just stated their stance on this and the answer is no, magic can overcome anything because its “MAGIC” LOL

Priests/Chaplains are a thing, although they are probably the only class that scales off spr.

They need to remove damage penalties on those two pelt buffs and add magic defence increase by % on guardian.
This buff is weaker than a party wide defence buff than priest offers in term of number and comes with a ridiculous drawback.

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they definetly need to remove all the penalties, even on finestra and such. other jobs get better buffs, loads work on their party and they don’t have debuffs. most are even stronger too, if they want negatives the positives need to exceed them. look at the new concentrate, at the most it forces you into a strength build and the worst is it doesn’t add damage so none of your hard won attributes or crits even make use of it.

as for magic defence, i’d say more is good but perhaps better equipment is the answer. high m.def without other bonus stats on neck pieces and such. and for block and evade, perhaps they could have a limited functionality against missiles type magics, damage reduction perhaps; since those one nearly all home in ontop of everything.

SPR needs some rebalancing especially after they nerfed it by giving block penetration to STR, (I agree with that change though.)

I like the armour idea, that’s really good. Of course it would have to be balanced, so the buffs could be minor but still very present.

Yeah they flat out said they wouldn’t change it. I do understand their reasoning though. They want Magic to play uniquely, and I really appreciate that. Instead of just numbers on the screen no matter if you use a sword or a spell, IMC is giving them different mechanics, which is great. That’s why my solution was a compromise, blocking and evading would still play differently while being balanced. Still though, credit where credit is due, IMC made both a magic and physical system that has their own mechanics, their own strength and weaknesses, and that’s cool and really adds variety to their game.

Yes and a bug happens if you switch too much and fast. Your weapon dissapears on your hand lol. Have to re put it again in the swap window key again.