Tree of Savior Forum

NPC [Knights of Kaliss] "Assitant" Chief Hans

Bug Description :

There are so many things wrong with this I don’t even know where to start.
-Character name should be “Assistant” Chief Hans
-First sentence is terrible grammar and would be better like this:
“I am going to bring the thieves in through the central city area.”

However, the very next sentence implies that my character, and not Hans, will be bringing them in. This whole dialogue should probably be retranslated from scratch, because trying to fix it off a bad translation like this could change the dialogue significantly from what was originally intended.

I do editing for translations from Japanese to English, so stuff like this bothers me. Thank you!

Hey there,

As fas as I know, the quest dialogue for this area and beyond have not been worked on. You probably will see more mistranslated dialogue.
Thanks for the NPC name. That should be changed to Adjutant General Hans.