Tree of Savior Forum

Current State of Progress of the Official English Translation


I am here to represent the English Translation Group at Github and share with you information on our progress translating the game.

The translation effort is progressing smoothly and we’ve done a great amount of work improving everything we can. If you have played the first iCBT, you will find the storyline and dialogue much more comprehensible and enjoyable to read compared to before.

We’ve been supported by a very talented and organized team of passionate individuals who worked tirelessly on weekdays and weekends to ensure this CBT, and the finished game in the future, will be an enjoyable one.

Also most worthy of mention are our friends in Korea who have generously gave us means of checking our work in the Korean CBT3. With their support, we’ve been able to ensure our work reads and flows well with the context of the game.

For the upcoming 2nd iCBT:

Dialogue, Quest titles, Item names, and UI terminology has been the focus of our effort. I would say that stuff has been covered from Levels 1 - ~160. This is a major improvement compared to our coverage back in iCBT1, which was around Levels 1 - ~40.

There is still work to be done, though. As much as we have had support from the Korean CBT, there have been areas even the Korean CBT couldn’t help. We will be focusing on these during the course of the upcoming English CBT.

As you play through the game, please expect translation issues to remain in the following areas:

1) Dialogue Buttons, NPC names, objects on the field: These rendered as Korean in the Korean CBT, so we couldn’t check our work.

2) Class Quests: Obviously, our friends in the Korean CBT were not going to play every possible class combination for us to work on class quests. This will be something we might try getting information from players on. If there are people willing to screenshot every line of dialogue and the quest log for these quests, it would be a great help.

3) New Lines: Quests have not been static as we worked. IMCgames adds new lines regularly and has inserted quite a few new lines very recently. Do not be surprised if you see translation quality drop once or twice every few lines or see “NoData” with a date of “20151001” or “20151016”.

4) Some skill names and attribute descriptions: Some of these rendered in Korean no matter what and some new skills have been added very recently. Older skills should be fine.

Please enjoy the game and its storyline! I certainly had fun reading and writing it, I’m sure you will too!

Now back to the screenshots I got of KCBT3…Let’s see if we can push 160 to 170…


Thanks for the hard work, translators! Uploading…

I’m just waiting you guys, I’ll help for sure with the English -> Brazilian Portuguese translation.
(That’s the only I know. Some of japanese and spanish…)

Thanks for everything.

Thank you so much! It’s great to see an update and I’m so excited to see yall’s work in the next round of testing.Even better to hear that it’s fun work for the team;I think that makes for some polished lines that we all get to enjoy.