Tree of Savior Forum

[NOT build]Knightwalker's Deleted build

I got it mostly for the krivis’ debuffs for PD’s incineration. Thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Hi Black, i follow your guide i think is realy good for pve but idk if work well in pvp.
The owls is static and enemy can easily dodge the damage and we can not reach them or do damage running after which limits us to a purely defensive role with a view to gvg or siege war.
In arena 2VS 2 can not do much if the enemy attacks us at a distance such as a musketeer but I think in 5 vs 5 we can exploit our potential being defending and protecting our allies.
I do not have much experience of pvp so I was wondering how does this build work.

sorry for bad english

Why not choose Cleric > Krivis > Diev C3 ?

Krivis would make it much easier to level due to Zaibas, and also you get Daino (extra buffs) and Zalciai (more crit)

Wouldn’t that be better than slightly more time on safety zone?

i think is for heal lev 10

Yup, exactly.

Owls are static, you can telepath an enemy in front of your statues and into carnivory (telepath ATM cannot be cured/prevented). It requires set up and planning. Cleric by no means is a guaranteed win in pvp, but I try to make them more viable in my build.

As raiko said, it’s for heal level 10, better safety wall as well. Heal is pretty important in pve. I think level 10 is the best amount, no more, no less. I don’t want to get one circle of a class just to make it easier in early levels, and not help as much in later levels. IMO, I feel that cleric c2 is better than Krivis C1 for my build.

Guys why in the skill tree simulator the owl skill have 105 sec CD? In this guide i read you can use owl with 10 sec CD. I miss something?

The effective CD of the skill is 84 sec cd with Laima out (which isn’t hard to do/set up). With owls lasting 70 seconds, the cd IN BETWEEN the owls is 14 seconds (I said around 10 because I didn’t really bother calculating 20% of 105)

yes but in dungeons you have to move, you do not have the time to sit still for 70 sec. It 's true that you can do to bring the monsters from your team close to the owl but is not that for every area you can feel then stop to wait for the recharging of the cd, so I’m thinking that in the pre boss stage where you travel a lot you it is virtually useless.
Vs bosses the damage is amazing and I can understand the strength of this build, but in the previous stage where you have to move inside the dungeon?
sorry if I make so many questions but I am close to choose the third class and I would not make mistakes

Interesting build - but what about leveling? will be hard? usually if get 1 krivis it help not bad. with skill zaibas.

im level 36 and i can’t exp… really hard to kill enemy, need wait for they coming on my heal, cant’t kill fly mob and we dont have any aoe.
I think i change class.
In end game this build is funny (i suppose) but now is really frustrating.

Should change title from Plague Doctor to Diev so no one will argue about Priest lel.

Going cleric C2 is not recommended for some players, because they can get frustrated at the lack of damage.

The early game you will do a lot of basic attack, until you reach Dievdirby, and if you have TP I would say its better to get Carve max level so you can level up with more ease.

When you are Dievdirby C1 you should stop spending you skill points at level 7 so you will have 10 points when you reach Dievdirby C2 you can get Carve level 10 and Owl level 5 asap. And at the end you can get a skill reset pot and respec the right build.

As long you keep doing quest, talk to every NPC on all the maps most of them will have a quest for you, and exploring map 100%, only go for the next map when you know there is no more quest and get EXP cards Wings of Vibora on the main cities, from both side you can keep grinding near 0, keep looking at your map there are some maps near the start that have to go back latter on.

When using EXP cards don’t use them as soon as you get them, try to stay the same level as the map so you don’t miss on too much exp, don’t worry if you are too ahead of the map level you don’t loose that much EXP

Do dungeons as much as you can, and at level 100 do missions too.

Clerics are not easy and nor recommended if you want something easy to play, they have a lack of damage on some builds, but if you get carve you can level solo without suffering.

Right now I am leveling something similar and I am level 107 playing solo.

Hope this helps


As of experience, moving is not an issue. As said before, even in PUGS, if I tell people to bring the mobs towards my statues, they actually do. And by doing so, they make runs go a lot faster. I haven’t really noticed anyone outdpsing the owls as of now since they stay for a good while. Nobody in the parties I’ve been to can consistently dish out the same damage as my owls due to SP or CD constraints. And usually, thew owls are fully utilized as the time it takes to kill 5-6 mobs in 2 waves is about a minute.

As the sole healer in the party, people listen.

Also, sometime using the PUG searcher, we end up with no peltasta or even any warriors. I end up drawing aggro and leading the monsters into my statues with no problem at all. If I feel a run is going too slow, I sometimes run ahead and draw around 3 big mobs and can clear them myself using a combination of safety wall and 2 owls.

It’s definitely useful for early game. But I don’t want to waste one circle for 1 attack skill just to have it easy early game and when I hit late game it’s almost useless. You can go Krivis over Druid at the end, but I like the DPS and the debuff that Druid brings for Incineration (correct me if I’m wrong, but Chortasmata turning monsters into plants counts as a debuff right?).

Solid advice, that’s basically what I’m doing as well.
Also, if grinding, try to party with a peltasta or anyone that can draw aggro long range and just stay near statues.

I analyze lot of build, made some researchs, and I guess you build is one of or maybe the best around.

Got to say I don’t like the idea of DRUID(DPS) 1 too much, but looking the other possibilities, its sound the most viable.

When talk about skills, I made some changes that I personally like more:


*0 Deprotected Zone -> No “time” for casting it
*5 Divine Might -> Can’t understand why you speak só poorly about this, it’s still one of the best skill you have (IMO)

  • Less points in Cure, since I used some in DM /\

Dev and Druid: had so MINIMUM changes, that don’t even worth to go deeper

PD: I moved 1 Bloodletting point to Pandemic, lossing 5 seconds on the buff do not look like a big o deal, and pandemic one give you the possibility of spreading incinerate

*0 Spirit (Zemyna) Make you SP regen tic (15 sec stand and 5 sec Sit) Instead of (20 - 10) respectively. Remembering to be considered in a sit position you just need to sit for basically 0,01 second.
So if you “Insert/Insert” as fast as you can each 5 seconds, you will make you regen STUPID fast.

Not sure about it yet, but CON is just so strong in PvP. When i say 1:1 i don’t mean distribution in this fraction, since INT get a Rank buff. I mean letting CON and INT at the same value.

But at the END of the day I am changing about 150 (M.Damage) for changing the life from 12k~23k, it’s kind of sounds good, since I’ll not be a completely DPS.

BTW: Before lvl 50 it’s suppose to be hard of leveling since you will cleric 2. But if you buy “Blessing 15 and sacrament 10” In city that durate more then 30 minuts you will be able to rush, I mean hitting like 600 in church creatures.
I managed to get LvL 1~65 in 7 hours…

What do you think about krivis>diev>diev>cleric>diev>PD path?

@pedrinsotero Sound good to me… The classes looks good but I would go for another “path”

Cleri - Cleri - Diev - Diev - Diev - Krivis - PD

Heal is too strong early, and you want owl lvl 10 as soon as possible. Krivis is just an “complement” to the build

É mas já escolhi a parte do krivis e pra falar a verdade não me arrependo estou usando bem mais rápido e os boss simplesmente caem por causa do dps me dando um gameplay mais simples :slight_smile: