Tree of Savior Forum

Non token shared storage use~!

i just wanted to suggest this its a win win for everyone. giving the ability to non token users able to use shared storage to transfer items BUT any item they trade becomes should become soulbound/account bound and can no longer sell it so they can only trade it to other characters on their account. so if they want to sell an the item they cant transfer them. but at the same time giving them the ability to transfer tp shop items they bought such as costume hair and contacts. if not i understand. just not everyone can afford monthly tokens. so to me it seemed like a win win. you give them a reason to eventually buy one but not make the game outright p2p and with out the total harsh restriction turning away players. cause i made a new account a couple of weeks ago and i want to transfer some items but im completely reduced to no trades no marketplace use and no shared storage use until a set date. which i cant buy a token right now so i have had to wait like two weeks until i can buy one off of the market because of said restriction. and in order to make the money i have to sell thngs on the marketplace which i have been restricted from using. and when i finally do get to use the market i can only list one item and on top of that i have to wait two days to get my money. so i have to wait over two weeks just to be able to transfer items between my characters when all i want to transfer is cosmetics. to me this isnt really fair. all because i cant buy a token with real money right this moment im SOL? seems practically P2P. that is why i wanted to suggest this to make it a little more free player friendly and still give people a reason to buy a token its a win-win. thank you for taking the time to read this :smiley: