Tree of Savior Forum

No more PVP content please Tree of Savior are not Ready for this!

Calm down please
we have a good start giving suggestion and debating
let’s keep this thread civilized
shall we just focus how to balance PVP content
and make PVP great again please

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I Agree! …

not to mention crowd controls that last 15s and 20s…
quite hard to move.

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His guild was afk in the boruta while Paradise killed him, I was there and I saw, he did not have pvp, but an agreement between guilds not to kill themselves …
Please stop talking lies …

“You say that there is no difference, but at the time of pvp this has a proven difference generating imbalance.”

Did you have any prove of this? I post a picture before showing dmg in TBL with my weapon +11 vs weapon +24.

“I have the right to suspect that Is not.”

I’m totally agreed with this, you have the right to suspect. But you mix “suspect” with “affirm”. Every player who actually got a +21> weapon is a cheater for you.

“His guild was afk in the boruta”
Only & just only when paradise let us stay afk for mutual convenience.

“while Paradise killed him”
We never stay AFK with out any type of “peace treat” meanwhile we enter to fight/suicide.

“he did not have pvp”
aham… sure… yeah yeah. I never pvp, on boruta, TBL or gemstone.

“Please stop talking lies”
I’m a totally lyar, you demostrate that with your pictures, videos, and your words with any identity from you, are a super solid argument.

Plus all people who actually pretend changes in TBL, Boruta, etc, are Anon players. No one are knowed for playing TBL or Boruta.

And others are unactualized.
“And others say " I took a “BREAK” just before R8 introduced and only return, when re:build

I don’t have anything agains you, but complaining about one mode who apparently no one play, what’s the point?

I don’t know if some of you or your guild plays TBL or Boruta (or pretended to play GTW) if i’m wrong, pls excuse my self & i’ll retrive my words.

Everybody dancing Despacito on Boruta!!! :laughing:

video of our guys pvping in boruta > your screenshot

also, what’s your point? I copy paste what Yoshi said in case you didn’t read/want to read
“His guild was afk in the boruta”
Only & just only when paradise let us stay afk for mutual convenience.

“while Paradise killed him”
We never stay AFK with out any type of “peace treat” meanwhile we enter to fight/suicide.

Yea yea, bad fame invented by jealous people like you, it’s a common practice present in almost all mmorpgs with the TOP ranked guilds.

BTW, I am not friend with Yoshi, I only see him on TBL,Boruta (unlike you) but have never spoken with him, and yes, he can be 100% sure if he saw my enhancement vídeo.
To disagree with someone does not automatically mean that the person is biased(or fanboy like you put) towards someone else.

I would advice you to actually try to know whats really happening (also participate in content you are complaining about) before making any claims/report or whatever is that you do.
I will not feed your nonsense anymore, have a good day.

“I am not friend with Yoshi”

So we wont eat pizza together? =(

A: First of all, it’s not me that gave the title of cheater to your guild, it was the majority of the Silute server. Funny you guys think everyone is jealous right? But why only your guild has a bad reputation? My friend, accept that it hurts less.
Congratulations on being the top guild of a PVE server with 70% novice playerbase wearing Berthas+1 while your guild fight with your tons of Gears +999 enhancement full set.

A: I do not give a damn if you know Yoshi or not, none of you concern me and I’ve never posted anything on either of you. I just questioned, the fact that someone who has no bond with you, come here to state that you are a holy man who does everything right. If you did your equipment honestly, my congratulations, if you used a hack, I do not know, and also never checked your items to request a inspection for suspicion of hacking. I just did not even know you until now.

A: You do not know me, and you do not know what my character is in the game. So do not draw conclusions that I do not participate in the content you mentioned. About “Feed my nonsense” know that I’ve fed even more than I should to your foolish comments. To be honest, you do not deserve my attention, neither you nor your guild members, that no one respects in Silute! We are all envious hahahaha! What a jerk.

Fighting top guilds with worse gear 101:

Boruta Raid is just badly designed in general, but all the salt over it :crazy_face:

I never said we can’t be friends
I am down for pizza anytime =)

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I enjoy TBL even back in R7 era, I did it everyday back in those time, and yes the TBL community is almost dead especially is my EU server. That’s why I hope with my suggestions which lowering the gate of TBL and closing the gap between players of different equipment progression would save the TBL community or make it popular again
Feud and Boruta are the only PVP element left in EU server, but the lag and freeze just make it hopeless to play

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Sry, i totally forget the situation in others servers and i understand your point. But the original problem with this server population, when servers start to lack of people, this kind of differences becomes bigger.

I have high hopes that this thread will produce more drama than this AFK necro/sorc/bokor is apparently back


Is imposible to us to fight in that level, but if you want, check “silute” frist thread and thx me later(?).

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