Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

So i went to alemeth at lvl 111 and waited there cause i had internet issue (at mid night) and reading through forums is just … how hard it is to get but after 45-60m i got it and the two guys who was camping the place log off b4 it spawned (they said they camped there for days) so its just luck i geuss :grinning:

I was thinking of mass shinobi clones using double slash with slash weakness and kunai with pierce weakness

Not only that but the sweet concentrate buff gives the build more scalability.

But idk I’ve never played fencer, just theorycrafting :smiley:

Yeaa i noticed, its good tho. and also i notice that you want pelt in your build so i suggested fencer because its good for pierce and slash attack.

so you can go sw3-pelt-any-fencer-shinobi

I thought double slash was bugged with bunshins and only the first double slash works with Bunshins*?

Quote from capi514 in Reddit:

It’s not just clones, mokutun jutsu has such a big delay when you land on a person because of the animation, that basically it puts you at a disadvantage because they get the initial attack on you…Also the clones don’t even replicate the swordsman skills either, they usually just use the first overheat and don’t replicate the rest. To make matters worse you actually need to position the clones in order for them to hit your target, which means using a portion of their uptime to run them into the proper spot…The clones should be an extension of the character and just transfer the damage to be added onto your character, kind of like equipping 5 extra weapons or something or just add a “skill multiplier” while using clone capable skills and according to your bunshin lvl. So for example if you have lvl 5 bunshin and you use double slash, it should just do doubleslash x6 dmg.

It works but you need to time it. Same with Kunai and Pommel Beat. I give it about 2 secs between button press and they all land. With lv5 Bunshin all that delay is still enough for me to land full rotation including Pommel and lots of Thrust.

Thrust is the only skill that doesn’t suffer from this as it already has delay and you can spam it unlike the other skills so it’s important that you up the attribute to at least 50%. Even with lv1 Thrust it’s like you’re doing a Hexen Dropper each second.

Still they really need to fix this. Either remove the clones delay or better yet just make them add to your damage like that guy said. Here’s hoping for better days.

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I’m curious about something:
If you use DWA will the clones mimic your DWA?
Because I’m a Pelta>Hop2>Cors2 and I was planning to go Dragoon, but if the clones can DWA then going Shinobi maybe an option =)

Thanks in advance

As far as current knowledge, clones only copy Swordsman class skills.

Unfortunately no to DWA or normal dagger attacks. Only basic attack, Sword1-3 skills, and Kunai.

getting mad at PWICE is getting mad at RNG. RNG doesn’t approve of you becoming a shinobi, lol so deal with it and go goon #gitgud #spade #takesonetoknowone

#hashtag #swagswagswag #yolo4jesus


My Dragoon is already finished.

#wenewspeaknow #backtoreddit

With the new skills added to the Bunshin list, I guess we can do something like this now:

Bunshin skills:

  • Bash

  • Moulinet

  • Umbo Blow

  • Rim Blow

  • Synchro Thrusting

  • Kunai

…and Spear Lunge for the debuff.

Bunshin > Spear Lunge > Kunai x2 > Synchro Thrusting x2 > Moulinet > Rim/Umbo Blow x2 > Bash x3

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honestly that will not work, if you want something risky but rewarding, you could pick sw3-highl2-barb1-shinobi, that way you will have 50% slash dmg, cross cut with double slash x5, moulinetx5 and could stagger some mobs for the 100% increase pierce, but it would be to insane to lvl up and to pull it off.

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Pelt1 can be replaced with Barb1 (once we get the Cleave debuff) and it would still be better than going sw3 IMO.

Thrust is useful, Yaayyy

going sw3 and highlander2 with barb 1 (upcoming cleave debuff) will let you proc bleeding (doubling the dmg of double slash wich has 3 cd meaning of a total of 1200% more dmg, with cleave would be 1800% total dmg, now adding moulinet a 5xhit skill =500%dmg with cleave 750% then net you a total of 2550% total dmg then if we add clones to the formula you get 12750% of dmg, and i’m not even considering kunai that’s a 500% skills (multi hit of 5) with the stagget effect (doubles pierce dmg)), the burst is insane but i doubt someone will pull something like that out.

Swap out Pelt1 for Barb1:

Synchro Thrust with attribute is 150% pierce, 50% strike.

Spear Lunge + Kunai x2 + Synchro Thrust x2 = 1950% pierce (1300% x1.5) + 100% strike, 2050% total. Cleave + Moulinet is another +750%, so 2800%. With Clones that is 14000%.

Also, with Kunai cooldown, you can fit in another set of Spear Lunge + Kunai x2 before Bunshin ends (if you start the rotation early enough).

Too bad bleeding doesn’t double the damage of Double Slash, it just adds 200 damage so it’s different to Skyliner.

still no flower? sucks to suck. wanna know who has one? PWICE does lololol

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Yeah, I don’t know what he’s complaining about… I walked into Alameth to clear maps and picked it up while exploring. Thought about going Shinobi since it would be easy with the flower on my lvl 156 swordie… but decided to quit and delete instead with the bugs going around.

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Btw I thought much about that since our previous conversation and I have to admit the spear variant wins in the end. Tho one thing - are you going to protect this char via dex or some insane amounts of con + plate? Cuz theoretically this char doesnt need much dex for cRate, neither does he need AoE ratio (do shinobis even need it generally?) in insane amounts cuz Finestra Splash, but won’t it die really fast if won’t dodge attacks? Basically, str-oriented build would probably be better for damage, especially with sissels and 0 dex, but how much con will it need? 200? lawl.

My main is hoplite2-cor3 with 100 con, I generally have no problem with surviving in plate and without shield (exception is ET ofc), but I also dont get x5 dmg time to time…