Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

that sucks :rage:
IMC please make it tradable XD
Just kidding hahahahaha!

Well, since this thread have so many repliesā€¦post the link here please :wink:

I seeā€¦I dunno but you mentioned about thisā€¦

This is what i am talking about if you use Concentrate Skill.
But Iā€™m not sure on what your are talking about this.

It will be a disaster if it becomes tradeable because everyone will practically hunt for it and sell it on the market for ridiculous prices @_@

And also, a link to what? haha I just updated my reply earlier :open_mouth:

Oh and probably in 1-2 more weeks Iā€™d be able to share information regarding Mijin and Katon no Jutsu with Invisibility attrib as well as information on the duration of the invisibility on both of them.
Wonā€™t be able to share detailed vids and stuff because my upload speed is insanely low so Iā€™ll just detail the important specifics in words.

Will greatly depend on my progress though as I am still Level 154 and 225 is the mark for Rank 7 + the absurb amount of mats that I need for Scout Masterā€™s special chemical haha

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hahahah i mean, Just quote it in your next reply regarding your ā€œupdated replyā€ :laughing:

Well, if that is the case, Iā€™ll sell the yellow flower for 10M hahahahahahhaa!
Yeah i agree, it wonā€™ be ā€¦

Hey thatā€™s great! You can PM to me your info or if you have any videos about it, you can send it to my email, Iā€™ll PM you about my email if you have videos. It would be great right? :wink:
Once I have your info, mine and other pips info they can giveā€¦Iā€™ll update this thread, and donā€™t worry you will be credited to this as well :slight_smile:
In fact, this is for the Ninja Community :slight_smile:

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Yeah no worries, itā€™s for those interested in being a Suicidal Ninja Terrorist :joy:

But yeah I canā€™t really promise videos because my internet bill will wobble up if I just leave it uploading for the whole night
The bill is kinda dependent to the amount of time that I use it but in exchange I get reasonable download speeds
P.S. PH upload speeds are very inferior

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Well, its ok :slight_smile:

Info would be enough and a screenshot of you being a Shinobi :sunglasses:

hahahahahahhahahahhaha! Imagine in GvG, 1 Guild have full of Shinobi Classes, and the other Guild have mix classesā€¦
Imagine if all Shinobi Classes will use Spear Lunge and Mijin to the other Guildā€¦
Oh well, Victory!!! hahahahahahahaahhahahaha!

lel Shinobis will die in a full Cryomancer vs full Shinobi fight assumming that the Cryomancers are spread out in case Shinobis commit teleportation with Mokuton :open_mouth:

Gonna be GGWP too if enemy has Stone Skin which negates our damage @_@

  • Safety Zone
  • Subzero Shield
  • Reflect Shield (minor)
  • Golden Bell Shield
  • Statue of Goddess Ausrine

Technically Shinobis are Assassins and would most likely work well on a party of Scout, Rogue, Linker C2, and a healer XD

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We donā€™t have to fight them head onā€¦
Use out invi skills and BOOM!!

I just wish Long Stride has a bigger AOE Ratio -_-
to knock them back hahaha!

Just ask a friendly Monk to commit Energy blasto and knock em down :thumbsup:

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Concentrate at lvl5 should be able to buff only 11 hits.
If you use Moulinet it will buff all 5 hits, then you can still use 10 normal attacks buffed with concentrate.

Well, looks like I got lucky again. The very first time I go to check for the flower in Alemeth Forest, lo and behold, it was there. Zero time spent camping period, since the same thing happened to me with the scroll.

I found it at 1:44 AM server time on channel 1 in Klaipeda.

Now all I have to do is get my class level to 15 and Iā€™m good to go.

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itā€™s not the best part, its the worst part.
I want to use this skill to get close to enemy, if the skill has knock back itā€™ll make distance again and i canā€™t hit the enemy

  • Iā€™m talking about PvP
    How far the knock back ?

Try This
I was thinking use Long stride then Mijin, can Mijin range hit the enemy that being knock back with long stride ?
Ah itā€™ll be nice if its knock down not knock back, coz Mijin cast suck

What do you mean by uninterruptible ? canā€™t get hit / cc while we in the air ?
also this skill have no cast time right ?

Itā€™ll do, but when you use keel hauling enemy can act again
they can hit, CC you
Also normally weā€™ll use Iron hook with katon Hiding

  • PvP again :smile:

Hey guys , now I am sw2>barb2>cor1 and I think i will go dop then shinobi. Do u think is it good or not? I go dop because i want deed of valor and tornado. Cor2 vs dop1 what do u think?

This will be my opinion and may be subject to changeā€¦

In your build, I prefer to go to to Cor C2 since you already started as Cor C1. Hey its one of the common builds on CBT. However, if you really insist to go for Dopple, I think that would not be a problem, because of Deeds of Valor and Cyclone. I agree theyā€™re great skills. However, since you started as Cor C1, its really a waste in my opinion unless your reason for getting Cor C1 is just for utility. In Cor C2 there are 2 skills that are great as well, Double Weapon Assault and Hex Dropper. Theyā€™re great synergy with auto-attacks.

Going to this build SwordC2 > BarbC2 > CorC2 > Shinobi is not a bad Idea at all. Look at the buffs you can make plus the Dust Devil, DWA, and Hex Dropper. If you have great crit rate and crit attack, Good luck to the opponent XD

If you wanna go for Dopple, I would suggest to go to this build,
SwordC3 > HopC2 > Dopple > Shinobi the explanation is at the beginning of this thread.

But Honestly, if you really insist going Dopple for DOV and Cycloneā€¦Why not?! Cor C1 for Utility, mainly Jolly Rogers and Iron Hook/Keel Hauling. Then here is the fun partā€¦If and only if the newly improved Cleave skill will be implemented in iTOS, since you got barb skills specifically Cleave, you can use it with Cycloneā€¦
Here is the rumors, in kTOS or Korean Tree of Savior, the Barb has newly improved version of Cleaveā€¦it debuffs the enemies for few seconds, and the enemies will be vulnerable for Slash-Type attacksā€¦so, since Cyclone is a Slash-Type damage skill, Cleave can be applied :slight_smile:
That would be sick as hell! :imp:
However, its not yet implemented to iTOS for nowā€¦I honestly have no idea when. I just hope it will.

So, donā€™t be afraid on experimenting thingsā€¦look at the bright side of your buildā€¦The decision is all yours :wink:
Since you asked for our opinionā€¦I gave you mineā€¦but its just meā€¦
You decide :slight_smile:

Hello are u still play this build i just wnodering about Corsair c2 buff is it still good ?

Iā€™m not even corsair 2 yet, sadly :frowning:
But Iā€™m corsair c1 lv 11 already, so 4 more to go

Hey guys, i am stuck atm with my Swordman.
Highlander 3 - Peltasta 1 sso far. Initial plan was going for Doppel 2. But if we get the changes from ktos, this wont be any good without Barb.

Now i thought what about Shinobi? But i donā€™t know if Highlander 3 has any synergy with Shinobi.
Also i dont know what to take at rank 6 if i go shinobi. Would Fencer 1 be a good choice? Because of Rapier+Dagger and alot of extra Evasion.
And i really donā€™t know how the bunshins work and if they would benefit from the build.
Can someone give me advice?

SC3>BC2>Fencer>Shinobi is it real or not ?

I didnā€™t read this whole thread, but I am 99% certain you have the wrong idea of Deeds of Valor. Itā€™s when you take damage, not deal damage.

Colifly Stamen at SEA Server are already being sold in the Marketā€¦ for 30k per pieceā€¦ guess ill just have to farm it when i reach 175+ sighā€¦