Tree of Savior Forum

Nice silent patch

or some kind of emergency patch just to be fair with the players, Most of us cannot READ korean, is not like english, its tottally different, they should inform everything

+1 week of reset pls.

Iā€™m 100% fine with this. Oblique shot was obnoxious. It is not my main source and actually on twitch when people asked me why I didnā€™t utilize it, I said that I thought it was a bug and didnā€™t want to build my falconer around that nonsense. I have no attributes in it outside of slow and at r2 it was destroying mobs within circling. Meanwhile, my other sapper skills still destroy mobs within circling and I never built a reliance to it.

Iā€™m upset they didnā€™t let people know about this via patch though. It is a very shitty thing for IMC to do because some people may have believed it to be intentional.


yeah itā€™s sad and I can see how someone might confuse it to be legit because lower lv dungeon mobs almost always die instantly now, especially bosses. they need to make them have about X3 hp and bosses to have about 5+X hp.

You canā€™t ask those types of hard-hitting questions on the forums because people will become belligerent.


:joy: :joy: :ok_hand:

Edit: I was going to reply with something legible but I think Facebook posts are good enough.


There is only one truth.
This game is F2P.
Donā€™t like it - get the hell out. Devs donā€™t owe you nothing, because you are playing this game for free.

Nerves your guys have still whining after 2 weeks of free resets - something completely unimaginable and more than generous.


This is a nice misconception.


Nope. Its just ppl these days are too accustomed to freebie

Wakfu does the same thing and thats the main reason why i stayed and played a very long time, this shows how much they care for the playerbase, however IMC dont give a ā– ā– ā– ā– , they nerf/buff characters out of their asses and then we have to either stop playing untill the char gets fixed or start a new char. Also their idea of balance its prettty clear untill now it always goes like this, look at the meta classes and the bottom tier classes, proced to turn the tables and tada!! thats balance for them.

Just afk for 1month in dina bee farm with your sorc/necro and you have enough money for a piece of endgame gear, in 4months you are going to be ready.

After one year of imc lies, or imprecise informations, and you still feel surprised for imc actionsā€¦ Just leave the game with me, and teach this company a lesson o/\o


It stops being F2P the moment you purchased something from their TP shop. Iā€™m afraid your argument is invalid.


They support the game on wishes and dreams then, according to your logic. The game is supported by the TP shop and investors that generate traffic revenue. They do owe it to players who play their games.


All nerfs and buff information are important because it can impact on your gameplay and play style. For me i think they should put all infomation in the patch notes rather than ninja nerf it. Come on type all infomation in the patch notes not that hard unless they are lazy or they are retarded enough that they have no idea what are they doing. Also look at Dota 2 patch notes each time they update to new version it longer than IMCā€™s patch notes and they have full information about changes and bug fix.
I agree with your point some classes are buggy and people exploit them. But when IMC fixed it and they didnā€™t mention it was a bug in patch notes then people start complain about ninja patch.

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Yeah itā€™s almost like being able to abuse a bug is a really dumb thing to create a build around.


Eh, no? No one force you to buy TP. You can play and have the whole content without paying a single $.
Its your own choice, so stfu right.

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That guy is just complaining because the play is ā€œp2wā€, he always state that all the times iā€™ve read him lol. Itā€™s kind of annoying when the devs never aimed a gun at his head to buy TP tho. But anyways, is there any way to block people here ? lol

Lol ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  true. Never seen him in a player-helping-player post. Only in one of these ā€œF*ck IMC for their P2Wā€ shets.

IKR?! heā€™s always complaining struggling his sh.its out like man if you wonā€™t play anymore why he is here? @khoa2106

i canĀ“t believe that some people are defending this, i was playing paragon some months ago they forgot a buff to a hero in the patch notes and they were the whole day saying sorry to all those F2P users, and you know this only affected them a 1 match(45m) instead days-months playing to make a build.

also they know the server is alive because them because i am paying but i wonĀ“t play in empty server but this also help them to encourage player to keep giving feedback with clear patch notes.

so yeah they are professional but also they are paying them enough we are not sure how IMC treats their employee.

also alot people are coming back and they were not watching the ktos 2.0 post.