Tree of Savior Forum

Newbie Wizard help, please

Hi! I haven’t played since the beta, so I could really use some advice.

Would wizard be fine to roll for a first character, or a cleric? And if yes to wizard, what are your ideal PvE builds or could you point me to a guide that has your ideal build?

I REALLY am clueless when it comes to this game’s acronyms, btw so if you could type an entire class name/phrase out for me that’d be great, haha. Thank you :slight_smile:

most of builds are NICE now u can check this thread: Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

thank you so much!! :smiley:

btw we have a event with free build change every day so u can check new builds every day for like week or two

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Also don’t forget to check your mailbox for returning savior pack and the event board for rookie even pack.

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thank you so much! i just did :smiley: