Tree of Savior Forum

New Wizard Rebalance/QOL Changes in Ktos

-Wizard Branch-

Reflect Shield – Buff range increased by 70%
Sure Spell – Duration changed from 15 seconds + (skill lvl * 6) TO 45 seconds + (skill lvl * 18), Cooldown changed from 45 seconds to 90 seconds.

Enchant Fire – Duration changed from 60 seconds + (skill lvl * 10) TO 300 seconds, Buff range increased by 50%

Swell Left Arm – Duration changed from 25 second + (skill lvl * 5) TO 300 seconds, Buff range increased by 50%
Swell Right Arm – Duration changed from 25 second + (skill lvl * 5) TO 300 seconds, Buff range increased by 50%
Swell Brain – Duration changed from 25 second + (skill lvl * 5) TO 300 seconds, Buff range increased by 50%

Pass – Buff range increased by 45%

Summon Salamion - Duration changed to 300 seconds
Summoning - Duration changed to 900 seconds

Raise Dead – Duration changed to 300 seconds
Raise Skull Archer - Duration changed to 300 seconds, Increased attack speed of archers
Create Shoggoth - Duration changed to 300 seconds

Invocation – Durability of Evil Spirits created by Invocation increased from 0 to 10 hits. (So monsters dont destroy the spirits instantly now when they attack it)

Missile Hole – Cooldown and Duration changed TO 60 seconds, Total Skill points to max this spell is set to 5, Buff range increased by 50%

Enchant Lightning - Duration changed from 60 seconds + (skill lvl * 10) to 300 seconds, Buff range increased by 50%

Rune of Ice – Buff range increased by 50%
Rune of Protection – Buff range increased by 50%


Do they forgot about haste and quicken :roll_eyes:
Good patch anyway

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prepare for …Exploooooosionn

Assuming you used Google translate, this is wrong. The number of hits that the evil spirits can withstand (aka durability) increases from 0 to 10.

Ah yes, consulting with my KR friend over the translations, it seems like IT IS durability indeed, will change to show that, thanks!

sorc necro afk farming mitigated???

Nice, the durability of evil spirit is what bothered me the most as warlock.

My Thauma Enchanter lOo. No longer any problems with buffs running out inequally, + I can buff and then use Rune of Giants without any problems. Me gusta :slight_smile:


Reflect Shield is a very nice party buff if a SPR wiz (sorcs, necros) is casting it.

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Now griefing others(or your friends) with MORE RA N GE


i don’t have any ‘-’


I wasn’t specifically addressing this to you, telling you to grief.

Let me fix my previous post.

Now where’s the shared swift step distance increase?

How about elementalists? i saw in some korean thread Meteor and Electrocute were getting 2 OH.

that was on an old patch, this changes are recent you can seach for the past patch but if you want confirmation about that, then yeah, electrocute and meteor are getting 2OH some day…

nice longer duration buffs… now please increase buff capacity which makes sense and it’ll be perfect.

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I’m gonna assume that the block count for missile hole hasn’t changed. Shorter duration and increased cd for MH is good.