Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Revamp Necromancer

Although the necromancer is a fun class, they are the center the cancer of the game which is afk farming.
Although trying to level up in this game is interesting and fun, it was also terribly difficult because of afk farmers, especially in tenet garden and some other smaller maps. A side quest to kill enemies near a certain area that I have to be in would take around 2-5 minuntes would now take me 10 minutes minimum because whenever I try to kill something, the necromancer minions steal the kill since they are higher leveled and hit faster than my low leveled self.

I would like to make changes to the necromancer skills in that they should have a certain amount of time before the minions are de-spawned from the game to prevent afk farming which is running so rampant in this game. No one can do missions since they kill steal and are not the correct level to even be in there. I was level 50 trying to do a mission and a necromancer is level 150 stealing all the kills from me so I almost gave up on the quest until the minions moved far away.

Summon Salamion - Duration changed to 300 seconds
Summoning - Duration changed to 900 seconds

Raise Dead – Duration changed to 300 seconds
Raise Skull Archer - Duration changed to 300 seconds, Increased attack speed of archers
Create Shoggoth - Duration changed to 300 seconds

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As arctur post…
There already change incomming and yeah necro/sorc will have a time limit on their summon.
But you also need to expect to see way more macro/bot user now it will be impossible to 100% LEGIT afk farm.
Some people will probably use macro to respawn their summon once the time limit end but it still a bannable offense as same as botting.
Before as much you could hate it, afk necro/sorc farmer was legit whiteout breaking any rule.

On the other side, Summon will be viable to use compare to now.