Tree of Savior Forum

New Swordsman Class Suggestion - Essedarius

I’ve received a lot of information regarding future classes such as Luchador, Matador, Taoist, Lama, Onmyoji, Hackapell, Pied Piper, etc. Some of you may have realized that IMC is implementing classes based on real world culture from different countries from all around the world. :grin:

From what I’ve seen, compared to the other class, looks like Swordsman has fewer class choices and doesn’t show much prowess for late game PvP. I know that Swordsman will get Retiarius and Murmillo later on. Maybe Centurion if it’s not deleted from the game just as some rumors said. But in any case, I just have an idea/suggestion for new Swordsman class concept. I think it is best to be placed at last ranks of Swordsman branch or even hidden class.

“Essedarius”, a Rome gladiator who rides a chariot. Overall, Essedarius has the same movement speed than Cataphract without its Trot, but Essedarius is still faster than most classes. Essedarius skills don’t have any weapon restriction as they utilize their chariot more than their weapons. This is a PvP focused class especially for arena, the perfect place for gladiator to shine. In my opinion, this class is best for hidden class, or the last rank of swordsman class (rank 9, 10, or 11 if it is the max).

Skill concepts :
- Build Chariot (60 sec cooldown, lv 1 max, 50+ SP consumption)
Essedarius builds their own chariot by using certain ingredients (woods, etc) + pet. There will be a 10 secs duration animation where Essedarius is setting up the chariot. To get inside the chariot, you can stand near it and right click the chariot or press alt up (same mechanism as riding normal mount/pet).

- Remove Chariot (10 seconds cooldown, requires chariot, lv 1 max, 20 SP consumption)
Essedarius removes their own chariot. Removing their chariot means they can ride your pet as Cataphract, or use your pet to support you in battle, or keep your pet. Your pet can’t attack if they are still in chariot mode. However, a pet is still a pet, and they will follow you when you get out from the chariot. The chariot will be treated as your pet and has the same stats as your pet. If the pet dies, then the chariot will be destroyed.

- Chariot Charge (Strike type, 4 AoE atk ratio, current movement speed as starting charging speed, 100 as starting charging range and the range will increase by 20 each level, 5 seconds max charging/casting time, each second casting time gives 2 bonus charging speed, 32 seconds cooldown, requires chariot, lv 5 or 10 max, 120-200+ SP consumption)

Essedarius channels his power into his chariot, then charge forward in high speed, deals multiple hits to enemies that stand in front of him, deals damage to the enemies that stand near the chariot during the attack duration, pushing away enemies that got hit and cause knockdown effect in the end. This skill has similar concept like Monk’s Energy Blast. The difference is, Monk is standing at their place during the blast duration and the blast is treated as ranged attack, while Essedarius is the blast itself and treated as melee attack.

Each skill level will increase the damage and range. In order to use this skill, Essedarius must channel/cast. During channeling period, Essedarius can’t move, but the casting will continue even if they get hit (except if they get affected by CC). The duration of the channel/cast will determine max damage, max charging speed, and how far the chariot will run/charge. This skill concept is like a bull’s charge. Note that you are still vulnerable to any attack while charging forward with this skill. If you get hit by normal attack skills while charging, that won’t affect anything. But if you get hit by CC while charging, your charge can get cancelled.

It has bonus damage attribute, remove knockdown attribute, bonus range attribute (20 range per lv, max lv 3).

- Sweeping Strike (Strike type, 4 AoE atk ratio, 2x overheat, 24 sec cooldown, requires chariot, lv 5 or 10 max, 70-120 SP consumption)
Essedarius moves his chariot in a sharp curve, damages all enemies in large area in front of him and causes knockdown effect. There will be an animation when the chariot moves very quickly in a crescent shape.

It has remove knockdown attribute, bonus damage attribute, bonus AoE atk ratio attribute.

- Stampede (AoE buff, 90 seconds cooldown, requires chariot, lv 5 max, 60-110 SP consumption)
Essedarius leads nearby allies to follow him into a ferocious charge. Allies who stand near Essedarius (including Essedarius himself) will gain bonus 15 movement speed and reduce any incoming damage by 50% (physical and magical) for a few seconds. This effect only applies to allies that stand near Essedarius when Essedarius casts the buff. Any enemy who collide with allies that are affected by Stampede will get damaged based on Essedarius physical attack and affected by knockdown effect.

Each level will increase the duration. It has 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds duration per level.

This skill has an attribute for damage, an attribute to remove knockdown effect, an attribute to cause Armor Break effect by chance.

- Carrier (12 seconds cooldown, requires chariot, lv 5 or 15 max, 10-30 SP consumption)

Essedarius takes one of his party members into the chariot, but it will lower Essedarius movement speed by 10 or 15. There will be a few seconds animation when the teammate is getting inside the chariot. Each skill level will decrease the movement speed penalty by 1.

Teammate who is carried by Essedarius can use their skills and attack from the chariot, but the usable skills are restricted because of the animation (similar like Cataphract’s & Scwarze Reiter’s skill restrictions). Basically, all characters that are carried by Essedarius will be treated as they are riding a mount. Teammate that is carried can get out of the chariot when the chariot stops moving. If the carried teammate dies, they will be forced to get out from the chariot. If the Essedarius dies, the chariot will be destroyed, both Essedarius and the carried one will be forced to get out from the chariot.

This skill has an attribute to shorten the animation duration when a teammate is getting inside the chariot.

- Drop Off (12 seconds cooldown, requires chariot, 10-30 SP consumption)
Essedarius drops his carried teammate when the chariot is not moving. The teammate will also have an option to leave the chariot by themselves by pressing alt up or right click the chariot.
This skill has an attribute that allows teammate to get outside the carrier while Essedarius is still moving.

Other attributes :
- Scythed Chariot

The modified chariot’s wheel deals slash damage to any enemy based on overall physical atk who gets near the chariot while the chariot is moving. If the chariot is not moving, this skill will have no effect. The concept is similar to Cataphract’s Rush, but the difference is, this is an attribute.

-Scythed Chariot : Bleed
The modified chariot’s wheel has a chance to passively cause bleeding effect to nearby enemies while the chariot is moving.

- Armored Chariot

Essedarius gains bonus block and physical defense from its chariot.

-Strong Mount
Chariot Charge and Sweeping Strike gain bonus damage based on Essedarius’ pet’s physical attack

Note :

  • Some skills have very high SP consumption because this class rank should be placed between rank 9 or 10 or hidden class.
  • Chariot Charge is one of the best skill this class has. Some people might find it OP, but remember that you can’t move during casting and you must take your time to cast it a bit longer for maximum impact. You are also still vulnerable while casting and charging. You also must aim well for enemies you want to hit or you won’t get a second chance. Once you’ve started casting, then that’s it. Different from Monk that can cast while moving around. Chariot Charge is also 1 out of 2 damage skills that this class has.
  • Carrier and Drop Off are the main charm of this class. Swordsman class really lacks utility for PvP, but this class can provide it. This class is pretty much a taxi if you combine it with Cataphract’s Trot.
  • Stampede is also the main charm of this class. It has high cooldown compared to the other skills as it has great effects.
  • This is just a suggestion, not forcing my opinions. :wink:

@GM_Erick @GM_Fuji


Good concept for a class but i got a few questions:

  1. Wouldn’t this class make your actual pet obsolete?
    I mean, if you took the cataphract path in the swordy tree and you spent all that time leveling your pet and then you reach the class, would there be a reason to use your previous pet at all? Meaning that both pets gives you more movement spd but the difference being is that the chariot gives you access to all these cool skills. And you may say the SP consumption of this class is very high, well yeah but there’s nothing like good o’l Concentrated Large SP potion to fix that problem.

  2. How balanced this class would be in a GvG situation?
    Not saying this class will be OP, in fact, i’m talking how well it will hold against all that massive damage you will be receiving considering this class is gonna be a tank, will your chariot have enough HP to last all that hell?

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Thank you for your questions. You made me realize some things. :grin:

  • Are you trying to say that this class need to give the players a reason to level up their pet until they reach this class? To be honest, I didn’t thought about it, but I can see where this is going. I can think of more skills that makes this class will utilize the pet more. Maybe something like, bonus damage for all Essedarius skills from the pet’s physical atk? That can work as an attribute.

  • The concept of this class is, when you ride a chariot, then that chariot is treated as your mount/pet, not as an object. It is exactly the same concept with Cataphract’s mount. I use phrase “chariot” just to distinguish it from regular pet but their mechanics are basically the same. To make it simple, chariot is an upgraded version of your pet. Is it balanced? The reason why that Chariot Charge looks powerful is because I know very well this class is a “rambo” type class. And if someone said that “Carrier” is an OP skill, it is not. If you carry your friend along with you, that will make the enemy to hit you easier.