Tree of Savior Forum

New rhevisan item

It is reasonable to reduce 75% of dark damage? R7 classes warlock skill is dark type and they just nerf it with this bullshit item…nerf kino, nerf warlock, good job IMC

next patch will nerf wiz3 i guess, quick cast no longer + 50% damage will nerf to +10% damage with longer duration…hue hue hue

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lol you suck now cuz u cant 1 shot people in arena anymore? Lost your 1 trick pony and now you actually have to press more than one button. ;\ cries


Wow, what a nicely constructed argument! Look, I agree with you DT was rather OP before, but this new set plus the 50% damage nerf it got over a month ago renders Warlocks almost useless (Bokors too). It’s a skill that requieres a squishy to go into melee range, if you’re smart you’ll start running or use cc.

I thought a game is supposed to be balanced, not this one sided bullshit.

Pre-Rhevisan era is bullshit too. Warlocks are pretty much untouchable for melees.

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A skill that requires OTHERs at melle range to activate, its rather a defensive skill that was being used as offensive.

@jynxie10 If you actually read what I posted I said that before rhevisian DT was rather OP, even with the 50% damage nerf, if that was not clear for you. Now it’s been placed at the other extreme. And no, if you’re a melee and try to rush a warlock like a wild animal without any mdef, hp or dark resist then you deserve to die. Catas with this set can easily rush a warlock, consume all the spirits and kill the warlock.

@Bald_Dad what do you mean others? It requieres both players to be next to each other and depending on the target (or if it’s smart enough) that can be dangerous for the 15k HP warlock. In PvP it’s not supposed to be a defensive skill as it doesn’t block most projectiles.

Ummm, warlock2 right around the corner is changing this. They can now launch those orbs as an auto attack and have them trail behind them. so its 100% needed for a melee user or they will never beable to touch you.

I digress, we’re arguing about a game that has by far the WORST pvp I’ve ever witnessed in an MMO (to call it an MMO makes me laugh tbh).

Just try to enjoy the game with what you can and have a laugh, its going downhill from here with new rank8.

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It was impossible what youre suggesting because Rhevisan doesnt exist before. What are these dark property resistance items youre referring to that exist before rhevisan? Are these items enough to tank DT? Give your proof. How much HP? What consequences? Are you saying to not build accuracy on Swordsman? How much HP swordsman needs in order to tank DT in pre-rhevisan era?

@pollacap If you’re bringing r8 then do it completely, swordies have absurd flat damage, debuffs and buffs. And the trail doesn’t look useful at all.

@jynxie10 Dark Theurge received a 50% damage nerf in PvP around july, I’m not talking about items. Also, I’m not saying that rhevisian set should be removed, not all, it’s just overstated as it is, 75% property resist plus all the MDEF it gives is pretty ridiculous.

Meh right now warlock c2 is useless because drain is bugged (the auto attack only gives 700 damage) and sabah lasts only 5 seconds with 40+ CD.

I agree with this, the imbalance is absolutely insane plus the rather low fps…

people still doing this pvp sh1t?

i giggled

according to some whiteknight common sense, if you dont like pvp, just dont do it.

find a workaround, play pve or something, TOS is not all about pvp!

@DrRM , am i doing this right?

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But even if it was nerfed, DT can still OHKO swordsman or if that swordsman survive(Probably high con or full con) just use Magic missle to finish them off. Why do you think that nerf was enough? Give your proof that Swordsman can survive DT without wearing Rhevisan.

+50% dmg and -50% cast time is better than DOV, but ur atacks does not miss, are ranged and AoE
if its true, its a good thing they nerf it

Please tell me where I said that a swordman can survive high attribute DT without rhevisian items because I haven’t done that.

Then you just accepted that wearing Rhevisan balance out the bullshitness of DT for melee classes. Even wearing full set rhevisan is still enough to chunk 25k HP of swordsman. Thats DT alone. Sleep PoA, Sleep FC or whatever you can still dish out against melee classes.


as swordsman the most OP skill i hate is Sub zero shield
Fighting DT i still have hope to attack with skill that has decent range to smash the balls
But against sub zero shield i think there’s no hope
1v1, 2v2

what item are you guys even talking about? the saalus +12 con +77 dark resist ring?

Rhevisan set is bugged since last patch probably, I used to take almost no damage on Dark Theurge and Pole of Agony, and now im getting 1-2 shotted again with the full set.

Only newbie swordman took Warlock for untouchable.

Leave Rhevisan, remove 50% nerf on R8 patch.


How did I do that…? I said that before rhevisian it was pretty improbable that a 25k hp swordy would survive full DT, that DOES NOT equal me saying that rhevisian is balanced. Full set makes DT do 800-900 (and this is 85+ Att) per hit, DT can hit up to 20 times at lvl 5, that’s around 17k damage, and what kind of swordy has 25k hp in pvp? most I’ve seen have over 30k.

PoA is dark att too, fyi, and it does way less damage than DT. As a swordy it’s pretty easy for you to walk out of FC. So, what about earth wave? you know it kills spirits? Also the spear thrust skill.