Tree of Savior Forum

NEW! Guildies Gather Up!

Login to TOS with your guild members and get Talt and Attribute Points gifts every day for three weeks!

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Er, I don’t think many guilds will be able to get 40+ members logging everyday.
I Lol’ed at the 50’ attrib pts item, soon we will be getting the 20’ and 10’.

Ok I need to do the math here to see if it’s worth CREATING a guild for the event :slight_smile:

Let’s see…

Any character of level 40 and above can create a guild at the Templar Master Knight Commander Uska for a fee of 1,000,000 Silver

Not that much…

1-9 members: Talt [Event] x10 Attribute Points: 50 x1

That’s 100k per day (event talt can still be sold for 5k right?), so 2 mil after three weeks if you log on every day. Yes, could be worth creating a guild for the event… :wink:

Can the Talts be sold in npc? I hope it cant, make them only usefull for upgrade the guild, so the event makes sense.

Event Talt = unmarketable :zipper_mouth_face:

But it can be sold at NPC? I hope not

unmarketable & not saleable to NPCs

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Ok I feared it would be the case. So basically you create a guild for 1mil and get 1mil worth of attribute points. Sounds more logical…