Tree of Savior Forum

New Elememe Build

since there’s new patch on wizard, will there be alternative to elememe beside warlock ?

will something like wiz3 pyro3 ele3 any good ?
or something like wiz3 pyro2 ele3 runecaster ?

I wanna know how would you build your elememe after patch.


At most you could try Ele3RC1Shadowmancer2 for rune of ice hail I guess. But DPS meta is gonna be the same. Pyro bring damage but not as much as Warlock or other upper circle classes can bring.

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i somehow want to put pyro in for that 5 hit meteor attribute.

also how bad it is if kino combined with ele ? like wiz2-pyro-kino3-ele3 ?

Not bad, everything will depend on your weapon. Heavy gravity will let sandstorm deal full damage vs flying. Magnetic force will group enemies easily for sleep+lethargy+skill combo. Pressure still works on fireball for firework, and fireballs do not get pushed anymore. Kino damage cannot match warlock damage due to lower % skill. Kino will give you a bit more cc and utility. Wiz2 + pyro1 for meteor combo will outdamage wiz3. Pyro2 for stunlock fire pillar is possible too but you will not have surespell.

does electrocute and hail still have 2s cast ?
how about wiz3-pyro-kino2-ele3 then ? losing raise and pole but 1/2 cast speed.

i dont think fire pillar worth the surespell though. isn’t sandstorm also lock enemies ?
also, does fireball+pp combo damage depends of fireball dmg ?(which means higher fireball lv needed)

btw, that 5hit meteor means 30k% damage for 2 overheats ?

someone posted a video SS of the combo in other thread!, it seems to be 5 hit’s, but is not true hit, the value is more or less 2,5 of a normal meteor!, so we would have 20k% not 30k%, but is still pretty good.

it’s been so long that i’m not sure as well, if you have a Kino feel free to pm me so we could meet up and test it out!.

reposting video

Post mentioned ‘firework combo’ depends on both fireball and psychic pressure damage. Still testing. Agni necklace effect is unknown. Fireworks do not hit flying, please use heavy gravity before this combo’

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hahaha is alive!!!
the problem that someone mentioned before about only doing one hit per PP hit even if you summon more fireballs?
if you can test this out. and one more question!, what is the Matk of the player on the video?

Quite low magic attack. Her normal attack hits ~2200 , and fire pillar around 4400 (with a ~150% skill factor). Fireball hit 2200 too. Notice this is fire skill vs Earth mob, increase damage a lot.

Is not a big problem, you can just use 1 fire ball per pressure-ball combo. Yes, only 1 hit per firework hit even with multiple fireballs.

For the best of damage, few builds of possible:

  1. Wiz3-Elem3-Warlock3 Original build, stronger only with both elem/warlock massive buff
  2. Wiz1-Pyro2-Eleme3-Sorc3 Meteor Build (Hybrid summoner-caster)
  3. Wiz3-Elem3-Chrono3 Unlimited nuking with everything (save a lot attribute cost)
  4. Wiz3-Elem3-RC-Sage2

It is hard now to get an ultimate build having everything necessary…
You could either go w3,Pyro(1-3)Ele3,XY(1-2) using meteor/pyro combo
or w2,pyro(1-3)Ele3, XY(1-2)RC not rely<ing on meteor because the loss of QC - instead u would be knockdown/back immune due to rune of protection.
Even cryo comes in handy like w2 cryo3 ele3 RC -50%buff to all cryo/ice ele spells.
because of the change in hail - half duration - double= 4times the damage than before and elecute changes (4 overheat, greater hitbox) and the general RC changes like RoD magic dmg debuff.
I think u have to make trade offs now like - extreme fast cast or immunity to knockdown/back. Because of the general changes of ele its hard to get full potential out of all skills without the correspondenting preclasses.
You even could build something like W2Psy2Ele3Shadow2
getting the ability to lock bosses via shadow fetter and making all enemies ground type to do full dmg with storm dust, earthquacke and all shadow spells it just feels a bit disapointing (for me) not having RC in that kind of build (RoD,RoP,RoI :confused: )

what would you guess about those ways?
Ele would be abel to go 3 routs in general - fire ice and earth…xD (not concidering the meta *roll eyes)

lol what ? that’s weird.
but seeing that video, her damage jump from 2k to 10k. so it’s pretty strong I guess.

the problem without quickcast is, can you release 2 meteors on 1 flame ground ? since flame ground only 8s long, and meteor is 3s cast time (+ you animation). It’s also quite hard without surespell.

to all:
what do you think about magic shield ? -20% damage looks pretty good, but since ele is somewhat int build do you think it’s good taking ?

also do you think it’s worth to take kino2 only ? losing raise and pole seems big to me.
oh god, wizard class have so many good class…

Psychic pressure + fire ball skill factor perhaps. Base magic damage 2k + skill factor + def formula -> 10k? Please remember fire type skill bonus vs Earth dogs.

Wouldn’t the best build for Elemental be:


Quickcast is 50% cast reduction
Thaum has a new attribute on swell brain:
New attribute Swell Brain: Fast Operation applies the same level of Quick Cast as Swell Brain per attribute level. Quick Cast is applied only to the caster, and does not require Quick Cast (Wizard C3 skill).

If both can stack than 100% cast reduction?
I could be totally wrong about this and could be the same buff applying twice.

wait I think fireball bugged ?
her 1st fire ball hit is almost 20k, but then the next fireball summon does no damage ? at around 0:51
also that 10k might be her PP ? I dont really get this combination

I believe you can only stack up to 90%, but I don’t really follow thaum build though.
does swell brain get another cast time reduction ?

Yes, sometimes fireball can only deal damage once.

indeed a problem, but you can Enchanter scroll to craft 1 more flameground.
main prob is surespell though

she is doing 10-11k per explosion so is safe to say that the damage of the explosion is calculate by the fireball damage, right? so going pyro3 would have more damage than pyro1 or 2!.
but on the other hand, she hits 18k with fireball first hit, and only 10-11k per explosion, so where is this difference coming from? maybe the explosion is not fire damage and thus is not gaining the bonus against earth( i guess), or someone pointed out the reason in the forum?

it seems that the attribute where it allows the fireball to hit only one mob(so it can stay on the field for longer time) is working with new fireballs too, and not by each fireball, if this is intended or not, we do not know!.
about the damage i too have the same doubt, why it hit’s 18-19k normal and 10-11k with the combo, and the reason could be like what i wrote above, the explosion is not fire damage and thus is not receiving the extra bonus against earth and because of it , it only hits 10-12k!.

or it simple is a complete new dmg calc, just like shards that uses 100% of matk, the explosion now have a complete new % value that we do not know yet, and this in my opinion is better, since we can have the combo as simple pyro1 kino1!.

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if you see properly her damage is somehow 2 lines. one is the 10k, and another one is 6k I think 1 from the PP and one from the explosion. I think the 10k is from pp damage, and 6k the explosion.

the 1st fireball is from 500++% matk * 1.5 from earth element weakness I believe ? it would result 18k ish damage with 2k matk.
the as I mentioned the 10k might come from pp.

and I guess the explosion is just like double matk ? so you got 6k ish damage ?

if we follow the %, would be the other way around like i wrote ; after all PP have close to half the fireball damage and far smaller area as well.
so would make more sense for the 6k being the PP, and 10-12k fireball explosion!.
and like i wrote the extra 18-20k, being explosion +earth.
at least if we follow the numbers it would make more sense at this order and if choice to just follow the video , ; PP have a very small AOE, the mob at >> only takes 10-11k, from explosion because is too far from PP, the mobs at the back of the character as well, where you can clearly see the mobs at melee range taking 6.xk+10,0k where the ones that are not close only taking the 10-11k so the explosion is without doubt the 10-11k , it becomes clear once you see the mobs at the back of the character only taking up 10-12k + burn damage of 2,6k and not the 6k hit (because PP have small AOE) so the only question is!, because the value is 10-11k? we do not know but at least i will still believe that must be because it loses the fire against earth value, at least is the only thing that makes sense so far.