Tree of Savior Forum

New Elememe Build

Am I the only one who feels that ele + WL skills are good enough, without pyro. Sure pyro do have more viable skills to use now + meteor and flame ground seems nice, but at the same time I feel having quick cast in order to cast electrocute (4 overheat), hail and meteor does help? Surespell does help in allowing you to cast the skills without being cancelled, but if we were to take pyro1 instead of wiz3, will we even have the luxury to use pyro skills? Maybe only flame ground + meteor but everything else seems a bit wasted?

you definitely use flame pillar. it’s 10s wide radius CC.
enchant fire extra line attack for 5min.
and fire wall cast and forget.
and flame ground 5 hit meteor.

I just like pyro or kino theme more than wl.

RC skilled casting give level 1 quick cast might be enough? to trade wiz3 to pyro for Staff attribute that increase all fire magic damage…

The attribute is for the rod I think, so it’s not that good, RC and Elem likes quickcast I think the core for full DPS build should be wiz3>elem3>( RC>Sage2/SM2 or WL3) SM brings better single target damage and PvP, Sage AoE and more support/PvP and WL full AoE DPS

Pyro = staff
Cryo = rod
I would like to know how well these attributes peform in practice, but didn’t see any information about it. I could give up wiz3 for pyro 1 in my build just for this

Well Rune Destruction magic defend reduce were nerf to 15% from 50%
might as well give up rune caster, almost permanent pain barrier still good tho.