Tree of Savior Forum

New Class Costumes! Updated

My take prediction or wish on Fortune Teller
I really expect the class to revolve around Tarot Cards

open shop and tell fortunes on people which gives them temporary both buffs/debuffs these are in forms of fortune +/- effect, like bonus or minus Exp Rate, Drop Rate, Weapon Damage, Crit Rate, Magic AMP, Accuracy, etc.

Also throw cards at enemies like Twisted Fate/Gambit.

While monk Fortune Tellers can pretend to be Kenshiro


There’s some models/textures which I’ve not seen posted, so here they are. There’s models for some of these textures we’ve seen as well as new textures, which you can check here. This way you’ll have a better idea of the class outfit.

Note, there’s artefacts around some of the models still in the form of blocks, they’re not part of the costume. Most of these don’t have textures applied to them either.

The only model which has a texture applied is Lama (Male):


Strange that no one has shown GM model yet (it is located among Female Cleric models). Whats also strange is that GM model is female only, there is no male one (yet?).

Nice one, It would be fun :joy:

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They could just be universal, it looks pretty unisex if you ask me.
Knowing MAGGI that’s probably what she wants tho so who knows if the rest of the team does it with that in mind.

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lol this krivis symbol is everywhere
nice find Disck, thanks for sharing

Apparently, yes. All the GMs ppl saw were females toons. It also included a special hair model, which now is available in the Cash Shop. When there was a male toon, it never had any special costume (the only thing denoting em as staff members was a unique tittle, like ‘IMC something’).

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It’s pretty important to the game’s story so that’s expected. It’s the symbol of the World Tree, ‘Austras Koks’ and it also seems to be a symbol which is synonymous for the game’s religion, which is the worship of the goddesses. That’s why you’ll see a lot of Cleric classes with that symbol, and a lot of altars with it.


Where are throwing dagger skills (kunai) or shurikens? Or teleportations using decoys to appear in your place and other stuff? Sure there are punji traps, invisibility and 1 skill for using with dagger, but thats about it, so i’d say its not enough to make a ninja out of 3 classes there.

You could as well say there’s no point to have fletcher because we already have archer and ranger, please.

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God no we don’t need a ninja/archer 0_0 LMAO.One type of ninja is enough…

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there’s enough for the classic sneaky archer though.

What we need is a dual-wielder gunner for the archer class ALA akimbo Style!



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Schwarz Reiter says hi

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@Jariu @nizidr

Tis IMC tradition.

GMs in Granado Espada are only qt angel females aswell…WITH BANHAMMERS!

Their faces freak me the heck out ngl.


Indeed, they look like Madonna on crack.

Lolis with guns, hell. Why not!

And can we get more Alucard in the game please?

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We don’t need more edgelords like that guy on the picture, there’s enough Corsairs named Kirito as is I don’t want to even know the next wave if this happens, I know there’s some anime dude out there that fills the dual wielder ■■■■■■■ popular enough to fill the servers.

GE is from 2007 era…go figure what other mmo graphics then looked like


there might be more Monks named Saitama this 2016 if there is no SAO season3

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