Tree of Savior Forum

New Class Costumes! Updated

I also assume Shepherd would be one of those Guild specific classes, it gains bonus on raising animals and planting crops in the guild base.

plus the dog skills like Rinoa from FF8

hopefully we can select which breed of Dog we can raise. As Shiba Inu would probably be the most popular.


WOW! Really. Lancer, Enchanter, Fortune Teller and Runecaster are SOOOOO cute! And Shadowmancer looks cool, perfect for the evildoers wannabes (lol!). Now, I really loved the Matador one, if ONLY it had trousers…

Oh, dont get me wrong, but Im under impressions u never saw/watched anything in the ‘professional’ wrestling circuit, esp the japanese one? The Scout outfit looks far more S&M than that.

Awesome i noticed that in the poll alot of people want to stay on the korean voices +1 for that

Those Sage and Enchanter’s costumes!!! I can’t resist!!! my summoner build gonna be wreck !!! HELP!!!

Hopefully we will have 11 ranks or even more :scream::cry:


Fortune Teller, i like the sound of that class name

more archers plssssssssssssssss… come on, all the datamined archer classes we have already known like months and months ago.

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Now i am in conflict to what class to go xD.

Sir, ure wrong. Nothing screams bravery more than charging into battle with ur trusty Pug or a ferocious Chiwawa.


nuuuuuu for shepherd I want an army of cute fluffy sheep like they’re so fluffy, everyone’s gonna die :blush:


True story. The smaller they are - they louder and more ferocious they get.

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As a shepherd you already have a… herd that you patiently train to stand together for buffs and heals. They obediently farm silvers and lootz for you and you dont have to do anything. For some reason it is called “party” in game.


I wanted to make a bokor-shepherd with zombie herd for fun…and I secretly hope they will have some synergy…because it would be quite fun…X)

…and I would rly like it if even just for cash shop we could get a traditional hungarian shepherd costume with our quite unique Puli or Komondor doggie. I even wanted to suggest it to them to make shepherds from different countries but it’s a bit too early I guess and I’m not sure they would want to make a lot of costume versions for 1 class…nvm XD

xD i call it “slave train”.#

Good old ro times. I was a buff and heal slave … but seen from my viewpoint.

I had legions of slaves i could acess for easy money making!


his name is JOHN CENAAA

What a powerful crowd control and single target ability !!!


OMG that sheep control…


OMFG… this feeling I cant resist…

Hi im a luchador

john cena theme plays


I predict Luchador will be the most picked class from Swordsman branch. From the wrestler description alone, it should have tons of lockdown moves / CC with potential DoT.
Hoplite and Cataphract will most likely go for Dragoon or Lancer, while Fencer fits Matador very well (I remember that Matador use some kind of rapier irl with cape as sub weapon).

Shadowmancer is basically Shikamaru from Naruto, controls shadows. Possibly a heavy CC focused class.
Enchanter looks like an upgraded version of Thaumaturge.

Lama is the title for the highest priest from Buddhism, I expect tons of buff.
Shepherd is basically a cleric’s version of Hunter-Falconer.

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