I play on the KR version with a rank 6 Wizard and some other chars at low-medium level.
I don’t think Double Punch should stay as is. Having 3 charges and 4~5 seconds cooldown would be ideal, since free spamm is too much. But outside that, Monk is not as OP as people try to make it.
He should do considerable damage and have a low cooldown physical skill, since he is THE class STR Clerics go for and is high placed on Ranks.
Monk’s Heals are bad since he doesn’t build INT. Each tile healing 200~250 HP for people with 10~17k max HP on level 200 is laughable, and that is not even close to the max level we will have eventually.
He can be a “tank” on PvE because on evasion, like any other character building DEX. For PvP people will hit you anyway, since accuracy comes easier than evasion, and magic can’t be evaded. They can be displaced or CC’ed when using Safety Zone, or the skill can even be stolen/swaped.