Tree of Savior Forum

New card system on kToS [new card descriptions] [wizard thread on the matter]

aparently all cards are stackable (best ones i found for wizard):

ring crawler = 10 int
rexifer = 10 m amp
chapparition = +10% matk 10 sec after SP Pot
helgasercle = 10 matq
yeti = 1200 hp
blud = 10 con
manticen = +10 mov speed stampot
dullahan = 5% ress 10%hp chance
spector gh = +10% SP pot effect
reaverpede = +10% damage medium size (player)
kubas = 1% sleep chance on magical attacks [EACH CARD]

these thoughts on stackable or not come from the fact that some cards have star counts and other number counts. Also there are some who would be too op if stackable.


CryoChrono going to have more HP than a tank xD

What about Templeshooter?
Missile attacks have a [card count]% chance to silence for 5 seconds


so itā€™s for archers

sorcerers will probably still use it for summoning though.

I saw cards that give %increased damage against each of the elemental mob types, size types and bosses. Thereā€™s also a card that reduces the interval of SP regen. I think all of those should go on your list.


just say the cards and iā€™ll add them to the list.

the ones I put there are the ones Iā€™m personaly going after.

Thanks for your contribution. That kubas card seems interesting. Wonder what the length and hit limit on that is.

As for now, was posted on the KR thread that Chapparition is stackable for +70% matkā€¦ (so probably all other are as well)

Hopefully it will be patched to be non-stackable SoonTM.


woah, hope it gets fixed, there are some combinations that would be too OP I believe.

Also with the possibility of getting so much CON/HP would make people able to put more points into INT if all those are stackable (stat reset needed?)

This is good i am only at 50 con right now i think i will leave at 50 and stack 5 blud cards and go rest all in int

Honestly if the "killing mob gives x% chance to regen 10% sp, as a sorc if this works off of our card summons killing stuff, it could be worth stacking that instead of silence effect from TS, just to help the upkeep time on summon being out. (Thats assuming the 10% regen is a flat 10%, if its like an SP regen over time to = 10% then the sorcā€™s SP regen with pet out being 0 could cancel out that cardā€¦)


I wonā€™t stack sp stuff, got potions for that

1200 HP

10 INT

10 CON

+10% damage on players

+10% matq per sp pot 10 sec

these are the ones iā€™m going after.

For Sorcerers the best path will probably be to get the 10 CON x 7+ and use all available points on INT

Onion the Great Card : [Card Slot Equip] Increases damage against large size enemies by [card count]%.

Mitris Card : [Card Slot Equip] Increases damage against small monsters by [card count]%. [Summoner Tome] Can be used to summon Mitris with the Summoning skill.

from the thauma thread.

My favorite part of this pastebin is how sorcererā€™s grimoire and wugushiā€™s poison pot are mentioned, but the necronomicon isnā€™t. Dead class is dead.

Bro y not yeti x 5 = 6,000 hp (the other 2 cards whatever) you can hit 10k hp as a wizard and full int build is really possible now? What do u think?

Do you guys remember where drop chapparition card? From which lvl quest?

List of card per effect type

tyvm for ur link , i wouldnt saw that thread at all lmao

Hmm im kinda confused but does any1 have any idea about potion effectiveness means ? ā€œsp potion effectivenessā€ ? recovers more sp i assume ? otherwise it would called sp potion recovery effectiveness no (for faster rate recovering sp)?

Can any1 explain me to this pls i dnt really understand it too sry xD

ā€œDecreases interval between SP recovery ticks by [ā˜…] seconds.ā€

Means like 10 seconds to recover sp becomes like maybe 8 or shorter time ?

Iā€™d love those SP cards. Even though I have Sorc Kitty and 300 SP recovery already _ Iā€™m addicted to fast bar fills. :smiley:

Does any1 knows or have a list of which current boss cards is available now in itos ?