Tree of Savior Forum

Neutrality is a griefing tool

Im hoping something more like so:

Long live FA.

People who want pvp should declare war against those who also enjoy pvp so they actually hava a challenge and actually willing competitors and leave the ones who don’t want to pvp alone and don’t cry about neutrality. Why do people insist on “pvping” with someone who doesn’t want to pvp? This is not a pvp game, dont force your pvp-desires on others. Those who can pvp can still declare war on eachother.

About the other reasons (people placing towers in annoying locations, constantly switching guilds in order to exploit neutrality) there should be other solutions.
Against guild-switching there could be a limit how often you can join a guild per week, to prevent excessive guild-hopping.

However : the 3 war limit is stupid.


I see no valid points in your thread. In fact you made it immediately apparent that you’re clearly talking out of your ass and not even a guild master or you’d know you can’t place towers near NPCs so there is no way to grief with them by blocking statues or quests. Try again when you actually know what you’re talking about.

The idea that you need more than 6 guilds involved in a war is ludicrous considering the game can’t even handle 2-guild wars if even half their members show up. Guilds can piss people off but so can people not in guilds and so can guilds that don’t place towers “warmongers can swap back and forth into alt guilds blah blah blah” again you’re talking out your ass, this is never going to happen, and if anything is a good argument FOR neutrality.

And of course while it wasn’t mentioned in your OP the thread is full of people claiming neutrality is cowardice. Which is, of course, the opinion of a child who glorifies conflict for no gain or reason. What’s cowardice is hiding your tower in some obscure location and then declaring war on a bunch of guilds, hiding until they’re offline and then destroying their towers. That’s been the sole extent of any guild wars I’ve been involved in. Sometimes they’ll hang around the tower for a while after declaring and we’ll show up and destroy them, eventually they get sick of dying and go hide but inevitably once nobody is around to defend they’ll just destroy the tower.

We could sit on our tower 24/7 and never sleep, sure. We could go scour the entire world map looking for which remote corner they tucked their tower in and destroy it, but that doesn’t ‘win’ the war anyway. We could just hang around all of the dungeon entrances and kill their players to prevent them from doing dungeons until they concede (assuming they don’t just go destroy our tower while we’re doing these things). But the bottom line is, there is absolutely no value or purpose in a guild war right now for anyone but bored children.

I’ll be setting my guild to neutral and turning it off on occasion for some agreed-upon PVP in the future. I’ll also be buying a great big bag of ice to turn the tears of cowardly griefers into a refreshing summer beverage. Sorry you won’t be able to just avoid any real fighting and freely destroy my tower any more. The system is ■■■■ and there’s no gain in it, so why would I participate? There are plenty of games that do PvP well, I can just play those.


lmao they killed their own game with this, nice imc nice.

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It was focused on pvp and its pvp was the worst crap ever created in a MMORPG.

I’m guildless and I talk ■■■■ to everyone… How is anyone going to take revenge on my neutrality?

You need to take this whole guild war thing less serious. It’s not about taking revenge on people you hate. It’s still a game and they’re opponents, not enemies.

You are ignoring that Guild Towers aren’t just there to be attacked by others. If you feel that is their only purpose, that shows that you are part of the problem.

Yet with no neutrality joining a guild was a very risky thing to do previously. You might get griefed when leveling, because any guild that declared war on yours could attack and kill you at any time.

In other words, a lot of players lost benefits because of a group of warmongers. Guild neutrality helps against this.

IMC should borrow ideas from other games and mash’em together. Something like Dominion and Destroy the Base combined. Either get the most points, or destroy the enemy base within an hour. It’s really easy to think up of fun gvg modes and they decided to go with the current one.

Seems like a lot of you can’t read. It says you have more guild wars now, not less. It’s like you just read this post without actually reading the patch notes lol. Oh god IMC making it so that I can’t declare war on a random guild who doesn’t want to fight back. Waaaaa limitations and restrictions, giving people an option that should of been there to begin with. Such and bad company I’m quitting now since the game will die cause no pvp.

what i sense in this post is a disappointment of person/group of people who are fully dedicated into PVP/GVG and plans everything, then update ruins it all.

Neutrality is a Function included for a Guild. if you want to satisfy your thirst for blood. do it the other way, or if there is no way as of now. then wait for an update.

i Honestly want to PK those who players are annoying in certain maps. but since no PK is implemented here. better wait for a good news. until then, wipe your tears.

IMO there should be specific PVP territories where you can plant towers for the purpose of open PVP with a purpose. The same way they have PVE ratings for maps where you’ll get higher PVE rewards but the difficulty and death penalty are increased, PVP territories would basically mean forging alliances in your chosen territory or being constantly at war over it, but at the same time there would be rewards for having your tower planted there.

I cant find any guild of my language ppl. And theres no arena. I’m stuck at PVE state and i hate it so much.

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Guess i made the wrong decision and wrote into the inactive topic. :wink:

Clearly for the neutrality feature, direct experience.

Before, your templar could throw you into pvp by building a tower. Now he can do it by clicking a button. Guild neutrality doesn’t solve anything.

Why are you asking for guild neutrality instead of individual-specific neutrality? Giving individuals personal neutrality would solve the problem of ganking people who were unwillingly signed up for pvp by their templars, but guild-wide neutrality won’t solve that.

You don’t seem to understand the concept of games. Games are played for the sake of the games themselves, and they’d be called jobs if they were done for gain. You’re a classic example of the kind of griefer who wants to ruin everyone else’s fun: you openly admit you’re out to cause tears, your post is nothing but insults, you admit you’re going to avoid real battles and hide behind neutrality until it’s convenient to attack an easy target, and you’re opposed to the very concept of games and sports. You’ve perfectly illustrated why some people want neutrality: they want to use it as a griefing tool.

What’s a trblmkrs? Troublemakers who wouldn’t join a guild to begin with aren’t relevant to the change, so they’re off-topic. Guilded ones like the guy above want to throw out insults while hiding behind neutrality. Without it, I, who often pvps against higher levels and larger numbers, could pull people like that into a battle. Keep in mind this is an MMORPG, so social aspects like that are at the core of the game. It’s like a football game where the other team can just sit on the sidelines forever without getting a delay of game penalty and then claim they won after you go home.


From what I see here and the other thread about guild neutrality… It boils down to 1 thing.

The PvPers are bored as there is no other PvP/GvG content and the only pvp content they had now is further restricted. Just give IMC more time, when RO first started there was no WoE at all until they implement it in a patch, everything was pretty much pve all the way at that time. So, give the devs more time since they already state that they are implementing more pvp features.

As for guild neutrality, do note that guilds function more than just for wars and gvg, they function as a gathering place for players from all walks of life, with all different ideologies (pvp and/or pve), to get together to do content. Dropping a guild tower is a feature in the game, and so as guild neutrality (which is not implemented until this patch), both sides should be able to do it.

Fret not that all other guilds will turn neutrality on, there are many many like-minded ppl like TS who wants to wage war since ‘WoE’ isn’t implemented yet. Have fun in playing is key priority, but not at the expense of others.

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I’m not from Synapse, and belongs to one of the guild getting war declaration by Synapse.

I can safely tell you that the war declaration don’t mean anything if you don’t give a fk about it.

Though, what we really need now is an incentive to go for non-neutrality, or the pk field, which is actually one of the fun aspect in this game that made many so-called snowflake build viable, is basically dead.

If you ever try to join in an open field war, you will know that it open up many possibility for a viable build other than the current stale meta build.

I didn’t expect you to refute anything I said (because you can’t, your position doesn’t have a leg to stand on, and I’ve already shown you don’t even know what you’re talking about) but I got a good chuckle out of how warped your interpretation of what I said is. You’re pretty clearly just an angry kid in a tower-sniping coward guild and not actually interested in good PVP.