Tree of Savior Forum

Why the Neutrality System?

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As a lvl 270 and a member of a small, but fairly strong guild that once participated in a war (not that lively here on Fed), I still welcome Neutrality. Because guild wars are pointless at their current state and I don’t see a reason why I have to be interrupted while levelling/farming if I don’t want to.

I wish for PvP myself and I wait for Arena and Guild Siege Mode. Just not that open world cancer.


tl:dr Theres already another topic discussing that.

Well… Was about time for it to be implemented.

As a leader of a pure PvE Funguild we had two wars upon us so far, the second one is ongoing right now. ASAP as it ends i will declare neutrality i guess.

I wrote a pm to the leader of the ongoing war, stating that we’re PvE and don’t even have a handful of 200+ chars. So fun (his answer when i asked why he declared war) would only be there if it’s fun for him/his members to permkill little chars.

In the end our tower was destroyed without any fight at all, the guild leader stating that his members “want to rage and he can’t hold them back.” (poor!)
The “revoke war” was no option, only if our guild could do it since we would have “lost” then on a server message. (What to loose with no war before…?)

After getting promised that they understood we’re low level pve and won’t attack us again our guild tower was destroyed another time by that guild yesterday.

So yeah, if there are idiots in the game there should be options to handle with them and shut them out of your gameplay.
I’m fine with not spending 100k silver on a new tower every two days.

m2c :wink:


how many of this do we really need :expressionless:

what next people questioning the why of neutral nations in our planet :hushed::unamused:

whatever!!! it gives me an excuse to post this…