Tree of Savior Forum

Need to stop botters? Lets destroy the economy!

I’m sorry are we on a dictionary forum? No, so calm your face. You don’t need to over think my definition of a bot, nor do I care enough about your misunderstanding to explain it to you. Regardless, stop flaming.

when i saw the price of repairing


holding down the z key is not botting idiot. IMC just released a so-called botting patch that did nothing. people where not botting in mass.

I’m pretty sure they will implement something like no movement and staying in one play will trigger a code to enter

basically, repair price would ruin them nicely.
Unfortunately, it ruins any other player too.

Why you cry - squares provide nice and cheap repairs.

This is not way to deal with botters. Simple make resp time higher. Even if it will be only 10 min it will ruin botters (reduce income 20x) and wont be big deal for players to f.e. team up to kill it.

Are you retarded? Holding down 1 key is not botting lmfao. Obviously you don’t know what botting is yourself.

Squires ran out of mats super fast. And “cheap” isnt as cheap as before

Sigh. I was really hoping you would be smart enough to not continue to flame. I’ll break it down for you.

Urban Dictionary:

Automated gameplay. Generally by using programs to play games for you.

Want the definition of generally? Because it doesn’t mean always - you “idiot”. Want the definition of automated game play? Because holding a button in place to [automatically] kill enemies and [automatically] collect loot, counts as being automated.

Because you have such a hard on for flaming me (lord knows why), you apparently forgot to even look up the dictionary definition. Sure enough, you’re wrong, and I’m right – not that I care, keep in mind, that I’m only doing this because you decided to be rude and disrespectful for no reason.

Here’s the definition of a forum:

If you’re too lazy to click the link, a forum is a place for people to share opinions and discuss topics. My post, not a complaint or an argument, is simply my personal observation of the current issue. If you open your eyes and look at the forum, you’ll see over a dozen threads that are very similar to mine. Some are complaints, some are arguments, mine is neither.

I apologize if my reply seems a tad rude, I really didn’t expect you to escalate this into calling me a “cunt”. Just please don’t criticize me for “not being helpful” when all you’ve done is been disrespectful for NO reason. Why don’t you go troll someone else.


Apologize to imc for spreading this false rumor. It’s shameful how you run into an unintentional bug and make up some conspiracy theory to attack the developers with.

You’re a hardcore no lifer. I’m a hardcore elitist and you’re higher level than I am, so you’re the opposite of casual.

Perhaps you should stop flaming imc and stop lying first.

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An awful lot of trolls are lurking the forum I see.

-1. It wasn’t a bug, IMC deliberately changed it, and my comment wasn’t a rumor. It was me poking fun at IMC for their decision to crash the economy. Their decision to do so, is fact, not rumor. I’m not upset about it, as you can see from my post (or can’t see, because all trolls are blind to reason).

I think you’re the one who should apologize for doing nothing but flaming. If IMC posts asking for an apology, I’ll happily do so, because I love IMC and ToS. As I explained to the previous troll who decided to show his rudeness for no reason, my comment was an observation and my opinion, which is what these forums are for. They are not however, for flaming. If you disagree, you can ask the GMs.

-2. It literally doesn’t matter how you define casual and hardcore players. With the 5-10x exp rates, level 80 is easily obtainable within a week with less than 4 hours a day. If you still think that I’m a hardcore no lifer, then what does that make the people above 80? The people above 100? The ones above 120? 150? 170? (If you didn’t know, yes there are players in the 170s) Please open your mind before trying to insult someone for no reason.

-3. I didn’t flame IMC. As I have no reason to lower myself to your level. What did I “lie” about? You do understand that the forums exist for us to discuss topics and share our opinions right?

I’ll give you the same courtesy as I gave the last troll trying to flame for no reason. Come to your senses and stop insulting people on here for no reason. If you want to chime in, that’s your right, but flaming is against the forum rules.

Lastly, they fixed it, yay - I can repair again.

Sure, being in the top 10% of the player base is CASUAL player indeed.

It can be…The top 10% players just did all the quests they could find and the recipes…cause your adventure level isnt based on your level…but on things you did in the the game…so sure…anyone who did all the quests u can find along the way ill be on 10% and high level

botting is an offence that will be banned by any decent online game company , pressing a button repeatedly in a location does not constitutes as botting , it’s called a macro. These are legal and safe to be used in most games, some keyboards or mouse also have it built-in so it does not count as 3rd-party program.

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Its not a macro when you can be afk and the game plays by itself…the correct definition is bot…as mantioned bot is a AUTOMATED GAMEPLAY. GENERALLY by using programs to play games for you, a macro needs you to activate it on the right time not to just put something heavy to hold Z for you…
Its totally unfair with the other players…
Imagine if this kind of bot is ok in the game…what would happen?? there would no players…why should i play the game when i can leave my char grinding for 24h a day while i do anything else???
It would make the MMO pointless at least…
So if you are too lazy to play as it should be just play something else…

Ya sure, being more hardcore than the 90% of the player, and you are still a casual player.

I guess being in the top 10% of school made you an average student… Being top 10% in every other thing and you will still be an average one.

By being hardcore you mean play 3h a day then yeah im pretty hardcore…since to have to work and study…its being a week since the start of the CBT and if you played since the frist day and now you arent 8x or 9x. Well, you are not doing any of the side quests at all… you can get to 7x or 6x with 5 or 6h of game as long as you are smart enough to do the quests in the right maps even a solo player can do it…

Regardless, being not casual than 90% of the player doesn’t make you casual. The results speak for itself.

Did you go to school with 50,000+ other people?

(I created a new character to be sure, there are 95,000 players on Zemyna)