Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Elementalist+more skills questions

so i now read quite a lot in this forum about different builds and skills
and am not sure anymore what is useless and usefull
i wanted to first go
but after seeing c7 i wanted to add runecaster so it would be
but after seeing that most runecaster skills are worthless i got some questions
which damage skills in wizard,runecaster,elementalist,psychino,cryomanzer
are strong and usefull?
please mention the strong skills and mention the trash/useless skills
oh and if some buffs/skills dont really work like the ice rune please mention them too
thank you very much

Well… I think what you want is probably Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock. That’s the max cookie cutter. I’ll at least take the time to explain wizard and maybe someone else can explain the rest.

  • Energybolt: 1 point wonder. It does 1.5matk but you can attribute it of course which of course means you can double the matk on it so 3 matk fully attributed and then you have the sleep attribute on top of that if you’re soloing and using sleep. It’s cheap to attribute a little bit and decent for early game. You do not put more points into this. The damage you get will be meh and the SP cost which is already a huge pain in the early game will be horrible.

  • Lethargy: You’re second 1 point wonder skill. This doubles the damage of earth quake. And it doubles the damage of many swordsmen attacks with the Blunt Damage attribute. You don’t want more then one point in this because later mobs will down thousands of damage this means little.

  • Sleep: You max this. It’s a very useful skill for soloing in some parts of the game. Keep in mind that it wont work on insects, flying things, or dead/spirits. Which when you’re solo will feel like every bloody zone you like cause that’s the way your mind works.

  • Reflection: The most annoying skill in the game both visually and audibly. 7 points cause you don’t have another place to put points. It hits the whole party. Some maybe argue to just put in the full 15. But f’ that.

  • Surespell: cap it cause you hate reflection and you have no where else to put points.

  • Magic Missiles: God damn sexy. Cap it again cause you don’t have a place to put points. You play Final fantasy 6? You remember Sabin and how he suplexs trains? Well this is your Suplex skill.

  • Quick Cast: You cap this because it gives you 50% extra magic damage. This is applied to final damage not base damage. So it just takes the final hit and adds 50% onto it.


Please explain why runecaster skills are worthless. + massive hp and x3 ice damage seems like very good to me. nuke with x4 magic damage scale seems also pretty good especially with wiz3

Put at least 3-5 points in energy bolt or do not get the skill at all (but you have have nothing better if you go wiz3, so…). Simply because the more points you put in it, the faster you will cast lvl 1 bolts. If you leave it at lvl 1, you will have to wait for the cast bar to be full to do damage. It is not worth it.

Reflect shield prevents knockbacks and mobs tend to spam knockback, up to you though.

I’ve read in several topics that reflect shield does not prevent knockdown anymore

What about earthquake? It really seems to be annoying to level up to ele1 with only such few weak skills.

You can toss the skills you would put in reflect into it. That’s honestly how I leveled. But it does up the mana costs.

I haven’t seen a patch yet that fixed it so it would not longer break Joint Penalty. So that really awesome looking synergy–Linkers with earth attributed Joint Penalty. Well… You’ill just break links and make your party angry. So basically as far as the early DGs go you’re just kind of a leech. Once you get Frost cloud and you’re running with a chronomancer though people will start liking you! So just suck it up and use the dungeon finder till then! And… maybe level as a duo with a friend. Actually I kid… once you get magic missiles it’s actually pretty enjoyable. It wasn’t the fastest at leveling early on but I’ve had the most fun as Wiz3.

And if it’s your second character or you’re slow you’ill have access to bless and sacrament scrolls which will let you blow through the content.

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The Ice Rune effect does not work with spells that are ground targets. That means no 3x Frost Cloud. So Ice Runes really not that great with elementalist. Outstanding with Cryos though. You can get basically 100% up time on this if you use a Cleric with Diev1 and a Chrono3 in your party and you use a Gem and Divine Might.

The HP rune shuts off abilities. So you’re just able to do primary attack and secondary attack. It’s good for walking around town as a giant!

Oh and that Rune of Destruction that sounds like a sweet ToS version of DotA’s Echo Slam? Well that actually just divides the damage up among the targets.

And Rune of justice? It’s an Ice Spike with a cast time and a 50 second CD.

So short answer do you want Runecaster to ‘buff’ Elementalist? No. Long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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It doesn’t prevent cast interruption anymore, but it prevents knockback.

If a mob knocks you back while you are casting a skill with surespell on, your cast will be interrupted. If you have surespell and reflect shield on, you will finish the cast.
However, you might be able to finish your cast (not chanelling) even without reflect shield if you hold the key long enough. Not sure if it is just a ping issue though.

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With surespell on, knockback can’t interrupt ele’s cast as long as you still hold the hotkeys so reflect shield is not needed.

You know whenever I think about this… I think about Gandalf looking wizard dude perfectly reciting lines while on one of those Japanese game shows where they torture their contestants by slapping them with huge rubber slap sticks.

what about earthquake no one mentioned it
and which elementalist skills are trash and godlike?
thank you for the previous and incoming answers guys

Late game you will use it as a CC. It’s a medium AoE targeted directly in front of you. It knocks targets up and away from you and is relatively instant cast. You can move it from 1xMatk to 2xMatk if you cast lethargy first. It’s the 2nd cheapest spell to attribute so you can bump it up a bit for cheap. It’s ok for leveling.