Tree of Savior Forum

Need Help on FeatherFoot Concept

So, i’m here looking at the featherfoot classes which really happens to interest me, but i cant really find the optimal build to go for. At this point, i assumed that a featherfoot requires linker for good synergy since it’s skills are all single target.

I’ve tried to work around something like a linker c2 - feather But i dont know what else to go for. I’m actually considering going for wiz 1 - pyro3 - linker2 - featherfoot but it seems like pyro 3 will just get irrelevant later on. I’ve been thinking in wiz 3 - ele 3 - featherfoot but it just seems like there is no synergy at all with the rank 7 (warlock would just be a better choice).

Can u guys help me decide on this? I’m looking for the optimal builds for a featherfoot either its a support or DPS build

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I think Featherfoot is a really good class for pvp (I could be wrong, not really sure since I didn’t try it so far) but something like this should work if you are going for it.


Cryo2: CC and utility.
Psycho: Ice Wall Combo and mobility.
Linker: Damage booster.
Featherfoot: Burst Damage and Vampire spell.

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Yeah this is a possible build, but i’m not sure about the synergy beetween cryo and linker, i could easily sacrifice 1 circle of linker for cryo c3, i think it would make more sense with frost pillar and snowrolling , also subzero shield at full potential.

Linker c2 to me is more for PVE, since in pvp a level 5 JP is quite efficiency (people will be more spread out so catching up to 8 people with JP sounds a little bit unreal), and spiritual chain is great on PVE not so sure on PVP compared to cryo.

But at the moment it seems like featherfoot spells dont work on PVP, so not sure xD. I know something like wiz 1 - cryo 3 - psycho 2 - warlock is pretty strong in pvp right now.

If you are taking off Linker I think wiz>cryo3>psycho2>feartherfoot is a better option for pvp, not really sure, but you could burst to any one with no problem. Btw, Linker works really fine with cryo, it is not a popular option, but I already tried it and it works.

What do u guys think of this one? is it viable to be an elementalist without c3 wizard? there are some synergies with frost/eletrocute/JP stuff, JP - featherfoot, but maybe is too hybrid to be efficient.

I think i saw someone saying that Linker must be rank 2 to be relevant.

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I have heard people say that Featherfoot needs Linker to work well, and I also want to add that if you get Cryo and Linker you can use the Ice Wall Bullet combo still (it will be slower than if you got Psycho but it will work.)

This build also allows for viable group support:

  • Frost Pillar, Freeze chance, Joint Penalty, and Subzero Shield + Spiritual Chain all work to aid in group play, as does Kurdaitcha’s Curse, Blood Bath’s Bleed, and Ngadhundi’s Decay.

Keep in mind, though, that this build, as all Featherfoot builds are, is best in a PvE setting (Featherfoot can’t get HP from enemies in PvP :frowning: The Linker/Cryo combos should be quite viable in PvP though!)

Still, the support options give you group value and the linked Featherfoot skills like Blood Sucking and Blood Bath give you amazing sustain while soloing. It will be slightly less damage than if you went with Warlock, but Featherfoot is a trade off for survivability and debuffs vs. straight up damage.

Something like…

  • Wiz 1 > Cryo 2 > Psych 1 > Link 2 > Featherfoot 1

…would work good as well if you wanted to have a faster, more burst DPS oriented build, but you would have less group support. Your boss killing potential would greatly increase, however! It’s all in what you want to play.

Personally, I can’t decide what I want to build, but it would either be one of the two builds above, or something super left field, like…

  • Wiz 1 > Cryo 2 > Psycho > Chrono 3

…for a different kind of support and really frequent burst damage, but I can’t prove whether or not it actually works xD

Whatever you choose, good luck to you sir! o/

Edit: I forgot to include any Pyro based builds! Basically just replace Pyro in the Wiz -> Cyro x3 -> Linker x2 -> Featherfoot build.

It would be an even more damage oriented build than any of the previous mentioned, but keep in mind that Pyro has a few scaling problems currently and it’s damage falls off rank 6 + (of course this will hopefully be eventually rebalanced, but in case it doesn’t I wanted to warn you.) Cryo has continual value because of its CC skills so even if its damage was awful (which it kinda is without using the Ice Wall combo) it still would be considered viable in a lot of builds because of the support it can provide.

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Thanks for the comments guys, i’m really considering a wiz 1 - cryo 3 - linker 2 - featherfoot just cause even if is not the best set up to go through PvE content it seems pretty legit and doesnt seem to fall off in late game (linker is pretty much universal and Cryo CC’s as well).

I’ve been reading some posts about late game scaling and how some builds are meant to fall off accordingly to the dev’s of the game themselves.

So i’m either considering the build above or this one: wiz 3 - ele 3 - featherfoot1 even though the synergy in rank 7 isnt the “optimal”, just cause they seem to matter all game long (first one with linker and CC’s and second one with quickcast(50% amplified damage is just absurd actually).

If not for the leveling problems, i would even consider something like wiz 3 - linker 2 - whatever the rest just to set up so much support for the later ranks that will matter after all (since eary ranks as far as damage comparision can’t win against rank 7 and so on)

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Oh no, what I’m saying is that wiz 1 > cryo 3 > link 2 > featherfoot 1 IS one of the best PvE builds, so it will be just fine for dungeons and other party content, it just won’t excel in PvP, so regular arena matches may not be able to be your speciality :3

I’m actually considering a wiz 1 - pyro 3 - linker 2 - featherfoot, reconsidering the comments i did before about pyro, just cause i realized people are overthinking too much the “late game”. We dont even know the direction the game will take from rank 7+ (rebalance, changes in skills, whatever) cause its so fresh yet.

And people are just flaming stuff around like early game classes wont matter and bla bla. But if we take a look at some cooldowns down to rank 6-7 they are pretty long and thus you wont rely on them all the time.I think the answer to the “fall off” idea is just the cooldowns themselves, with a little bit of better scaling balance here and there for the early ranks( or not) , more builds should be viable.

That said, running a wizard c3 - linker 2 would be so painful just to wait for some “awesome ranks” that may have such long cds we cannot just build 5-6 ranks just to be ready for them.

Having a pyro-linker will actually give me potential to be really useful in parties (linker 2) and have some reliable DPS, which are really low cd-based and i will probably use them no matter what rank i will be at.

Any opinions on that? thats funny cause if pyro will fall off like in rank 7, what makes elementalists dont fall off in say, rank 9?

Lel if elems fall off in rank9 watch all the people remaking their wizards

wiz 3, psy 3, featherfoot 3, quickcast+surecast+ pressurestunlock mixed with life steal skills are unstopabble, telekinesis+ life steal too.
Basically lock someone untill you suck it dry

Still not sure if bloodbath locks players like it locks mobs

you use the psy skills to lock and the feather ones for damage/lifesteal

No im talking about if bloodbath stops a player from moving becauae it seems that all mobs that are hit by bloodbath immediately stop moving, could be wrong but I dont see much featherfoot vids

Ya i’m considering putting 1 circle in psycho, just cause pyro 3 itself doesnt bring so much compared to c2(which is awesome). And PP has some synergy if u use Joint Penalty in the fireball and hit an enemy it will still shot some fire spins. So:

Any suggestions?

forget pyro, wiz 2 and 3 dont have as much offensive power as pyro but it has some skills that make a surprisinghly good sinergy with linker and psy (not so sure about feather since I hast tested it). Sure cast makes imposible to stop your skills and they deal 50% more damage, quick cast ncreases the “tick” of hold skills, ex psy pressure deals damage every second, with quick cast itll deal damage 3-4 times per second.

magic missile is a missile skill that has a growing radius, always it hit someone it becomes 2 missiles, Ive already cleaned my screen more than once wih it mixed with the extra 50% from surecast,also the bone dagger skill makes missille skills deal extar damage so itll make the magic missile barrage ridicously powerfull.

Wiz 2 and 3 is seriously underated, it dont do much by itself but makes all the other classes you pick latermuch more powerfull

Are u sure quick cast increases the tick of hold skills besides the damage itself? like it will do (1.5Matk + damage skill)x(1.5ticks)? that sounds too strong, it should either increases damage or ticks but not both. And not sure about surespell stopping channeling skills from being interrupted, need to check on this.

How about magic missile with linked mobs? will it “hit” more than 2 times? cause it’s not a AoE spell, it’s multi target, but i’m not sure what is the threshold of hits applied to linked mobs in this case.

I am considering a wizard c3- linker 2 build, do u think something like this will be viable to go to rank 7? Feels a little bit off to pick psycho in rank 6 but the options are not that great (ele 1 sux, runecaster not great, sorcerer 1 doesnt worth c1, pyro and cryo meh)

If the damage output with quick cast + linked magic missiles keep up throughout the game till rank 7 i may be running this:

never tried linker before because I was alone on cbt 1, from my 2 friends on cbt2 that werent busy with the college 1 was having problems with the girlfriend and the other was a healer untill be became a monk so I coulçdnt foucus on suport, but I heard that magic missiles + link is broken (on the overpowered way, it works);.

he multi tick is from psy pressure, its channeled and untill youre hit or stops channeling itll deal damage (tick) once per second, if you accelerate the cat you do more ticks per second, since the sp use is in percentage per second it dont change.

I soloed the mummy boss in the chapel with a quick cast+sure cast+ psy pressure combo in some seconds before my sp was over. You can sol.o bosses with this combo. I went untill psy 3 and on psy 2 I got a atrribute for psy pressure that each tick had 50% chance to stun per second… I started to stun lock and slaughter everyone in fron of me (literaly, psypressure has aoe)

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