Tree of Savior Forum

Need Help on FeatherFoot Concept

Wait, you can’t drain HP as featherfoot in pvp? That soo baad why on earth would they implement it that way?

I was hoping of making a linker c3 into featherfoot for annoyance/ high sustainability and was even considering c1 cryo with that, mostly for the shield passive though, But if it won’t work on guild wars and pvp and duels then what’s the point of featherfoot really?

in a build of either wiz 1 -> pyro/cryo -> linker 3 -> alchem 1 -> is featherfoot or warlock better? In regards to both pve and pvp. I’m asking you since you seem knowledgeable. I played a linker 3 last international beta so I know what I’m getting into, I just don’t know much about rank 7’s.

actually i know that blood bath doesnt drain HP from Players (only beast,insect bla bla), but blood sucking doesn’t say anything about it, we need to check as the PvP goes. I’m going wiz 3 - linker 3 - featherfoot probably (still considering after the nerfs on linker)

Can anyone tell me what the curse effect does? And if ngadhundi is any good as a filler skill while waiting for cds.

ngadhundi sounds good with 12 seconds cooldown considering it’s high base damage. Featherfoot problem seems to be the limitations of skill use (monster types), the meele aspect and the completely lack of AoE. But i think the class has potential so i will stick with it, and the costume is awesome anyway)

After thinking alot i think i’m actually going for wiz 3 - ele 3 - featherfoot. The amount of DPS i will get with this build sounds better than anything else. I definitely gave up on linker synergies cause DPS-wise wont be so good, cd’s are higher now and CC is gone.

Spamming magic missiles from level 40 to 200+ i think i would just kill myself before i get to rank 7

nah bruh you’re going ele3 you don’t need to just spam magic missle. Although featherfoot works better with linker because of single target type attacks

Featherfoot is really just for PvE for all I can tell, like I listed it has some crazy good support options for both solo and group play in dungeons and grinding.

I would probably go Cryo simply because of freeze chance (both as a support in PvE and to stop people in PvP), but I don’t think it’s a giant decision. Still, I would go Cryo 1 there!

I would also definitely go with Warlock if you plan to go PvP as well as PvE, it has very long cooldowns but these can be more easily managed with Linker in both PvE and PvP (this combo would be especially good PvP I would think, your AoE burst could be insane with Linker and Warlock alone!)

That’s what I would suggest! It may not be the best advice since I don’t have much PvP build experience but I hope it may help you come to a decision! :slight_smile:

Honestly its fine, unless hangmans knot is buffed there is no way I will play my build sadly. HK was the pillar of it, without the ability to hold mobs together it doesnt work :cry:

Does it no longer bind them? Or do you mean it doesn’t work in PvP? :open_mouth:

It apparently binds them but for a duration of 0.2s x level. So… 3s at level 15. Not enough to do anything really so I jumped ship :cry:

Still would like to see if bloodbath stops player movement despite not healing in pvp, unless it doesnt cause bleeding, gg

it’s actually 4 seconds at level 15 ( calc is 1 + 0.2*levelskill). The problem is the animation takes out 1 - 1.5 seconds from this, making it not great, even after spending 15 skill points on it.

I can tell u it’s pretty unbalanced now, they may change it for 0.4*skill level or at least add/change something to make it worth investing our points. Right now u just spend a whole circle to get 1 more disable duration and 25 more SP for using HK -.-, so the scaling is terrible. And linker is a class with so few spells. Maybe some atributes to reward c2 and c3 investment

Glad I heard this now, removes any concern I had about going Cleric as my first main lol

thoughts on this two build featherfoot?

Build 1 is solid the second one however is a “for fun” build. Switching ele3 for RC is a poor tradeoff.

ok thanks for the insight arkova :slight_smile:

Have you considered Wiz3>Linker>Thau2>Feather? Any thoughts on this build?

im considering any possibilities bro as long as it’s good with pve/pvp

FF is mostly a PvE DPS-debuffer class, that being said these are probably the best combinations for it have Wiz 2/3 for surepell and quickcast and would look like this:

Wiz 3 > Link 2 > Necro > FF (3 decays to stack)

Wiz 3 > Link 2 > Thauma > FF (full int(~50 con if needed) transpose with FF heals and possibly Linker 3 in the future to share absurd CON.

Wiz 3 > Link > Thauma > Necro/Thauma > FF

Wiz 3 > Linker 3 > FF

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > FF

Wiz 2 > Linker 3 > Thauma > FF

Wiz 2 > Linker 3 > Necro > FF

Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > Thauma 2 > FF

Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > Sorc 1/2 > Necro 0/1 > FF

Wiz > Pyro 3 > Linker 2 > FF

Wiz > Pyro1/2 > Linker 2/3 > Necro > FF

Wiz > (Pyro 1/2) > (Linker 1/2) > (Sorc 1/2 > Necro 0/1) > FF

sorry im new to the game so can you elaborate more on:
Wiz3 > Linker 2 > Thauma > FF vs. Wiz 3>Linker>Thauma2>FF (this is my curent plan of path)?
Im also considering Wiz3 > Linker> Thauma>necro>FF (idk if this one is good) im more pve oriented, i want to solo/do world boss/Support and semi-dps…

Fireball moves if you hit it with PP. Would be better to get Kino1 if you have Cryo.