Tree of Savior Forum

👔 Closed Test Server Speculations 👔


So SOON is just another way for IMC to get people to keep their hopes up while most likely SOME of you are under NDA and playing the Test Server for international.

  • ToS patched days before ‘SOON’ annoucement
  • some players manage to log-in and play for awhile
  • IMC removed ToS from steam

This would means some of you are playing it but are under NDA. Its only natural for publishers to run testruns before OBT.

IMC right now is busy with preparations with the 10th year anniversary of their first mmorpg Granado Espada

as shown in their official GE FB. I dont speak korean but surely there will somekind of meet up party with prizes to give. So it will not be March for ToS as their busy with their 1st mmorpg events.

With that said aswell alot of old games will have a April Fool event which will lower the chance for players to try ToS during april as many players will be returning to try old games due to april fools events. So it will not also be on April.

With that said,



D: nooooo

twentee kerekters

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The last time I checked , we still in March…did we? :open_mouth:


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While it’s true that IMC may be busy with GE events, it doesn’t take the entire dev team to do so. Usually they have a team specifically for that.

Regardless, soon ™


Yep, they are busy, not to mention N.Korea is threatening S.Korea with their Nuclear bombs.

Its either SOON or NO MORE ToS. :sparkles:
PS: that art so cool, who draw it?


dunno found it in a korean ToS fanart site…i dont speak korean so i dont know who was it credited to.

Nice art. I expected more art work like this, just like what people has done to RO :smiley:

hopefully IMCgames will pick some of these fan arts for loading screens.

That’s what I was saying! Seriously, I need more people who thinks like this. I couldn’t draw during my RO days. Now I can, and I want to contribute. :cry:

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What did I tell you about crediting art, man!
This ■■■■ is important!


Oh noooo! /twentycharacters

Meanwhile brazilians facebook fanpage are spreading to the winds that iObt will start 14/03 … silly ppl


go to ‘a certain magical message board’ and ask its inhabitants for their source credit. good luck with that.

You see, this is why I avoid forums in sites I don’t know the lenguage, because that way I can generally find enough leads for a source. And if not, I JUST DON’T FUGGIN’ SPREAD IT.