Tree of Savior Forum

My thoughts on- Nerf to Cryromancers - Thoughts, Discussion, Skill order

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All the nerfs to cryo were only on Arena? :open_mouth: i thought only the ice bolt nerf applied to arena

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nevermind i miss understood RIP

:open_mouth: what do you mean you misunderstood?

–sent you a pm

I thought the ice wall missiles damage was only nerfed in arena, but its nerfed also in pve, ive added a annotation to the video to clarify xD Thanks for pointing that out for me.

So what’s your thought on this? It greatly affects the capability of cryokinos on doing boss.

I think that instead of doing ridiculous damage, they now do pretty good damage xD. If you can do the 16 ice wall missile set up, the boss is still gonna melt, most videos shows bosses being blown up with an 8-10 ice wall set up.

You are sure they are still very viable? I just hit 210 and I’m not upset with this nerf. I haven’t lost a battle with my cryo yet, because it was so op. I hope I can still kick butt in pvp with my cryo.

I’ve been on the edge trying to decide on going cryokino, wiz3>kino3 or ele3. Now i guess its gonna be kino3 or ele3?

I’m very sure, because blood letting from plague doctor was nerfed! meaning there is a huge window where you can CC them. Ice spike is still 100% freeze chance as far as I can tell, I have never not freezed people with ice spike, (unless they have ridiculous spr).

Ice Tree is always gonna be relevant in PvP/GvG/Arena, it doesn’t count as a debuff so it cannot be countered (except from fade), and Ice wall im also pretty sure that it has a ridiculously high chance of freezing and so does the ice shards. Ice wall will make cryo remain relevant even if they are nerfed further, there is no other class that can create impassible terrain (that freezes on touch).

If you went Wiz 3, I’d go ele 3, your wizards fast casting would be wasted on a class like kino 3. Most people are going wiz 3> ele 3> warlock.

hey, what u think about cryo3>sorc3? using frost pillar + templeshooter special atack?

i want pvp and pve well, but i didnt know cryo>kino was that strong

Cryo3 > Sorc is a great choice in PvE, however the AI of sorc is pretty stupid and will be hard to use especially in PvP where your targets is running in random directions. With the hard hit to ice bolt, Its harder to chain CC long enough to get your temple shooter to kill your targets. You may want to consider the mass summon build, that includes C1 Sorc and C2 Necromancer.

sorc sumon has an atack that deals 20 AoE hits, my idea was to combo that with frost pillar, and its easy to use anywhere cus u just ride and aim the summon

another question, u goin full con? what are good stats for cryo>kino?

Yes wiz3>ele3 will be a good choice but i do plan to go and do PvP as well and ele is…subpar on that matter from what i’ve read.

It could work but frost tree isn’t guaranteed that they will get pulled into it so its unreliable unless you are in a really narrow alley xD.
Full con is pretty standard for most PvP Wizards, as magic cannot miss.

I’m pretty sure Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock is a PvP based build, take a look at some of my other videos on the channel, a name pops up a lot which is Xalkryriez, he is a Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock and he gets most of the kills for our guild( if hes in that current fight). We run 4 support + him in a party and we wipe out their guild really easily xD.

hmmm is this build good pve too? if u can do that dmg to bosses, i guess u can get all cubes and kill bosses faster in dung too. and u can do great with mob packs too cus u can cc it to hell.

another thing xD, and GvG, i really think cryo3>sorc3 could be great, with a lot of cc and dmg (from riding skills). whut u think? i dont really care for battle arenas, but GvG is cool xD and this way i could do a lot of pve as well
i duno why most ppl ignore riding, templeshoter have some pretty good skills in there

and thanks for ur help, i’m new to this wizz thing. if u have any problem with swordsman u can ask me =)

Really? Ele is amazing in PvP? then where to do the stigma in the forums that ele sucks in PvP and kino3 would do ■■■■ tons more than eles will?

You both got it wrong. Both changes are only for team battle league, the translated changelog just has horrible formatting and leads to mistake.
Here is a screenshot of the original patch notes (translated via google):

Now a question, I’m currently Wiz>Cryo3>Kino1, am I crazy wanting to add Necro2 to that? xD

Edit: Regarding Ele prowess in PvP, It can be great in my opinion, but it has to be very well supported, Cryo-Kino can, kind of, manage on its own.