Tree of Savior Forum

My last feedback to the game

Then rank 10 comes out and old players lose 50% of their shards switching from the old to the new.

reply to other threads pls, we need to know youre actually listening to us. repling to only the threads that have 30+ likes doesnt tell us ha youre listening, be more ative, we need to know youre listening

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eeeerrā€¦no? o.o

Well, pass it onto the game design team if you can :slight_smile:

higher lv weapons have higher base damage?
imagine if transcendence came out earlier and pple upgraded circle rod to stage 8. After r8 that stage 8 circle rod is only comparable to like a stage 4 lv315 weap.

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Personally, I think this game is just absolutely Fcked.

Just from looking at the patches released every week, it is painfully obvious that IMC is ā€œcutting hoursā€ sort of speak over at their headquarters. I doubt there is a team of even 20 people working on ToS collectively. I believe the reality of the situation with ToS can be drawn from either of these two conclusions:

First, IMC has invested x amount money into creating ToS, which, because it is business afterall, wished to receive nice profit margins. ToS dropped 90% of itā€™s player base in the first month. Therefore, IMC is not receiving sufficient amounts of money in order to assign more members to update and bring TOS back to life.(Too many people is too expensive)

And secondly,

Looking at how capitalism works in the world today, it is highly plausible that IMC is potentially making a substantial amount of money from ToS, but, to keep profit margins nice and juicy, they assign only the very least amount of members to ToS.

In any of these cases, itā€™s clear to me, and hopefully to you guys playing as well, that IMC will not be assigning more members to ToS. Regardless of whether or not they have the resources.

ToS could be a tremendously great game without all the game-breaking bugs. But, the cold reality is that they just will not assign more members to make ToS that great game. Hate to be redundant here but every week the patchs are minimal to no progress at all.

All in all, I will continue to play ToS, but, I absolutely hate how little IMC is progressing ToS, regardless of whether its their fault or not.


Why does a staff member respond to another negative thread that is on the verge of turning toxic? You do not make sense at all.

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u still keep more than half the shards, so u will be months ahead of any new player

hrmm, you do make sense you knowā€¦ like

Based on this, those who have more time(more bot) to farm silver/mats, max their skill attribute/+15 equipment/gem, will be unfair to new comer.


so competitive content like PVP/GVG should have a standardize/normalized equipment/attribute ?
so its a pure fps/latency/player-skill fight?


iā€™m talking about transcendenceā€¦ u get 2 shards / day. if u play for 1 year u will have 700+ shards while a new players will start with 1.

if both of u continue playing every day the new guy will NEVER catch up to u, thats why i said the older players with best weapons will be top dps and new players will end up going support cus they will take 1 year + to catch up weapon dmg and even more for defense

its PVE, if u want to PVP just make any meta build and u are fine

well, not sure whats the solution hereā€¦
like, everyone get max transcend in 6months is the solution?

loyal-hardcore-senior-player deserve that extra dmg you knowā€¦

i didnt play TOS doing daily saalus for 365days just so another new-comer can perform the same as i do

i worked so hard 365days for that transcendence so atleast let me enjoy my reward for another 365days until the next person join me.

plus, not like rank8 gonna last 365days anywayā€¦
rank7 didnt even last 180days
rank9 gonna come sooner than you think before you can transcendence lv10

also, transcendence not working in pvp/gvg ?
sorry i had to ask coz i didnt pay attentionā€¦

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The game promoted the gameplay that players would work together as ā€œsaviorsā€ with the many classes available and enjoy diversity. With 4 base classes and only a maximum team size of 5, someone is bound to get shafted out of the group. Hence the war of metabuilds and player rejection started. Itā€™s like IMC designed the game to kill itself.

Then it became DPS ranks for World Bosses. Whatever happened to teamwork?! Shout chat is : GRIND>LF AOE/DPS/TAUNT/HEALER/LINKERCHRONO.

Itā€™s sad that the swordsman class got reduced to a Taunt/mob gatherer class.

Now with rank 8 creeping around the corner, the power gap between those whoā€™ve reached 280 and had the time to farm all their silver/mats/recipes/ and not 280 will widen even further. I can imagine playing TBL and watching my whole party die to ONE attack from a rank 8 class.

With that being said, Iā€™m waiting for Halloween costumes to come out so I can blow off the rest of my TP and quit with my characters looking pretty :smiley:


Yes that part about class diversity and party size of 5 really confuses me. Itā€™s so contradictory, Why???

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you can, u know, buy Token and sell it for 1silver, just to mess with the market (or minimum market price, or trade with 1taltā€¦)

quitting TOS in huehuehue style

asking the real question


its not hard to understand, lol its really easy. u start playing 1 year from now, playing 24/7, even if u reroll all saluus cubes and have all atributes maxed, weapons +15, best gems in the game, u will need to wait MONTHS to catch up to older players, no matter how hardcore u play.

when casual players see this, quit or reroll for support, or play with alts for a year till u catch up

when hardcore players see this, quit or reroll for support, or play with alts for a year till u catch up

the older players advantage should be achieved through grind and farming, not a time wall. thats why we have expensive atributes, weapon upgrades and gems

its not hard to understandā€¦

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Iā€™m trying to inflate the token to 20 million seeing how everyone makes 1m a day easily. 2.5mil isthe maximum and itā€™s chump change for those rich guys.

WIth 20m silver, I can buy that max peta and leave that stupid dungeon xDā€¦ maybe max a few attributes too

I actually tried giving a token away to a friend, but you canā€™t trade tokens that you buy from TP shop, can only sell it away. We both had tokens tooā€¦ =_=

but grind/farming require timeā€¦ which sometime involved more than 1hour per day

saalus, you can complete leisurely/casually , then log outā€¦ just limited by the daysā€¦

i get you, u prefer that, instead of making game tedious-routine for a year, IMC should shorten it to 3months etcā€¦

so casual or hardcore alike can enjoy the same TOS

is that the trend for MMO now?
year2016 is the year for easy MMO?

huehuehue, nice try bro

imma destroy my Stat Reset/Skill Reset etc when i quit and make a youtube so people would cringe/triggered/amused/meh

ok man u are right, i will never convince u
ill just stop the discussion here, really, now u are not making any sense
good bye
have a taco :taco:

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And also trying to chase new player away huehuehue

Meanwhile old timers sit on their stockpile of cheap tokens they brought from the BR DLC exploiter and hue till their face turn blue

(Also. buying new TP stuff with free TP token compensation. IMC so troll)

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