Tree of Savior Forum

My Issues with Wizards

Not sure if trolling but, please no, I don’t want a nerf hammer to my class. There are many people already crying how broken Wizard 3 is.

Energy Bolt deal 1.5x of your magic attack, 2x with quick cast, 2.7x or 3.2x with sleep, and this can grow up to 6.4x with attributes. That’s one of the skill the actually scale with your INT greatly.

Or you know, you stop worrying about the single monster and go find the pack of monsters you should be killing as an Elementalist.

If you’re wasting your time in the single enemy, then you aren’t using what your class is built for effectively.

If only there is actually a pack of monster at later map except in grinding map. Thanks IMC, great game design.

Wizard 3 is only broken because of the 50% Magic Attack bonus of Quick Cast that makes it seem like if any class wants to seriously deal damage at all as a Magician, they NEED to take Wizard C3, which goes against the whole diversity in regards to classes in this game.

It’s broken because of the Magic Missle.

Before the Magic missle buff (you need sleep to make it bounce), everyone is crying how useless Wiz 3 is and bash every Wiz 3 player.

Also, there is diversity in this game? Look at Swordsman without Peltasta. At least Wizard can still be played without Wiz 3. If you want DPS, go Wiz 3 or pyro. If you want support, go linker. If you want CC, go cryo/kino. That’s pretty diverse to me.

Main gripe with Wizard is #4 at the end. Long ass cooldowns with no auto-attack damage. I never would have got to Cryo3 without Blessing, and I’m done with the game because of my experience with this class. I probably would have stuck around if I was still playing my Swordsman.

And you would probably quit the game at level 200++ because the easy mode swordsman you are referring to is not needed by party after level 200++.

Seriously, I see most of the complaint with this thread is that they can’t get through the early game. Wizard class is a late game class (except pyro linker), you will have it harder at early game to gain great power at late game. If you want an easier early game, go choose an easier class and complain that you can’t do sht later.

I don’t really mind someone complaining when a class is actually useless at late game such as most of the dps swordsman, but complaining about having a hard early game when you are playing a strong late game character, seriously?

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lvl 10 energy bolt explain that u had no idea what u were doing lol

lol i’m cryo 3, never used any blessing only auto atacks, and the class is just awesome. now going kino 3

So I’ve heard. I cut my losses early after reading a lot of stuff about balance and endgame. God I miss so many old MMOs.

You shouldn’t be forced into a class if you want to deal damage in the late game like that. There should be different forms of damage. A “50% increased MATK” works for all Mage classes that its mandatory for dealing damage, otherwise you’re gimping yourself choosing anything else. Pyro isn’t even an option until Wiz 3 is complete, otherwise you’ll hate yourself later for not having it.

You’re bringing Linkers and Psychokinos into it when they’re support classes. Well, I’d say Psychokino would be a perfectly good DPS class, I just wish their AOE for Psychic Pressure wasn’t so bad.

And who’s fault is it that Swashbuckling is the only taunt in the game? At least its Peltasta C1 if anything, and it doesn’t get in the way of other choise as Highlander and Swordsman C2 are both pretty poor and classes like Hoplite and Barbarian at Rank 3 are much more appealing, especially when your end game choices are Fencer which can make good use of Barbarian’s Damage Boosts/Defense Downs due to their fast attacks, and Corsairs which can make use of Swashbuckling with a Dagger for the Health Boosts and Crit from Finestra (Spear + Dagger).

Highlander is just not appealing, and neither is Swordsman C2.

Level 10 Energy Bolt is a strong spell. Except you level it up to have instant cast level 1 energy bolt instead of fully casting it.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. There isn’t much choice before Rank 3 anyway. It’s either DPS/Support/CC depending on your class choice. You can even build a strong DPS class with cryo kino without wiz 3, or sorcerer with linker without wiz 3. That’s diverse enough to me.

but u dont need lvl 10 o.o or i’m totaly wrong lol

It depends on the latency. For my latency, I need quick cast + level 10 to quick tap.

I will try it out after I switch to SEA server again, to check how much do I actually need.

I was full CON. Donno about you. It wasn’t unplayable, it was just slow and unpleasant when I compared it to Swordsmen. Once they fixed the mana pot rewards from quests it got less bad.

I was planning on Chrono3, but it was going to take too long. I’m not desperate enough to play a game that feels broken only to be hit by a nerf bat by the time I got to endgame.

the nerf alredy hapened and its not as bad as ppl say lol. ice wall shards do -50% dmg in pvp arena and u dont have the 50% bonus freeze chance to ice bolt, also inside pvp arenas.

theres no big reason to nerf more (maybe ice shards freezing chance in pvp arena, but as i say below, they nerfed dmg and left CC), u are choosing a class or two (cryo/kino) and giving up all ur dmg for CC. they will not nerf the CC, its like removing trot from catagoons, will not happen

if this happen ppl would:

  1. rage quit
  2. reroll (and be angry as hell, cus i’m alredy rerolling from some build they possibly fucked up in kTOS last patches) for another OP combination like wiz>ele>warlock or chaplain>PD or scout>musketeer

Again, don’t compare the levelling of a support class with a solo DPS class.

You will probably be super useful once you touch level 115 and above. especially in dungeon. Anything before that is more likely that you don’t know how to level up efficiently.

I can probably take any class, not using any skill, and level up without trouble until at least rank 4. That’s how easy the game is before rank 4.

Your build starts to shine when you are Cryo 3. Not sure why did you stopped when your road is supposed to become easier very soon.

i honestly dont know y wizardc1-c3 is lited as a dmg class… seems more utiltiy and supporty than a dmg class.

Again, its the 50% Magic Attack bonus you get which turns your future DPS Classes past what anyone else would be capable of if they didn’t go Wizard 3.

I’ll just leave it with I wasn’t enjoying the build because Ice Pike was my only real damage source on a long cooldown. This is compounded by everybody I know that tried early access has quit. I think I would have stuck around if somebody I knew seemed interested in the game. I’m also turned off by permanent class choices when the game is incomplete and imbalanced. Sudden balance changes could hit some builds hard.