Tree of Savior Forum

My feedback on linear progression and other stuff

Ro was ok but far from game is perfect.

Some people are just too damn dense to understand what OP is trying to say.

Of course it wouldn’t be the same as RO was back then, at least most were expecting the game to offer something different and entertaining, but the game in ToS was just too small, people are expecting more.

Talk to NPC > Talk to Stone > Fight Boss > Talk to Stone > Talk to NPC > Quest Complete > Rinse and Repeat.


The game is awesome. I love everything bout it besides the linearity :slight_smile:


Omg if this is all you do in game the you beter delet it for me there exploring ,looking for new quest,hunting world bosses for loot and silver, achievements,dungeons, understanding how 2 do a good build for the character i want.if all of this is not good for you i am sory but looks like mmorpg in the last 10 or mor years is not for you.but i know one that is.RO its a bit old and show it but you can go play it and have fun and not try takingthe fun from people that like the game.:innocent:

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Ok nothing is perfect

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Stop being a pitiful fanboy and comment the game for its betterment.
Nothing is perfect indeed, but don’t make urself look like a fool defending something that’s already in bad shape.

The game is slanted towards linearity, and I am talking about it’s CORE GAME PLAY.
Your argument is as non-constructive as yourself.
You’re trying to make a point, but by telling others to remove the game, how stupid and dense are you?

Game play is repetitive and linear, which part of this you did not understand?

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I dont telling them 2 just delet it.i am telling them that if they cant find the game fun then do it.
As for fan boy i am not.this game have alot of problems .“linear” game play is not one of the problems.i did all 4 starting classes,didnt fell the boring repetitive game you did.sorry for this.classes play so diferent thats it fun for me.

that right there bro, you just harassed players into deleting their game.
please understand we’re trying to help the devs make a better player experience for US players. TS gave his opinion, a valid opinion and should not be attacked.

yes the game is linear, but most games are like that, if you haven’t gotten bored of trying all the classes then you probably do like linear questing as a game mechanic.
the game is definitely fun, but getting bored isn’t a crime. ideally yes they should’ve had more towns/hubs to work around with not just Klapedia, but it’s understandable. especially considering that this is still CBT, if you don’t understand other people, or just rage at them for giving constructive criticism, i’d suggest getting out of the “feedback” section of the forums. it’ll just make you a little saltier than you already are.

I dont rage at no one.but if you do onlly one thing at the game and say its not fun for you then how any one need 2 take it.there is so much more 2 the game that get 2 max lvl in 1 day.i understand that some people(me as well) want more starting maps.after lvl 50 i started 2 see more that one map 2 farm need 2 explor more 2 fined one will take you there by hand.but this is how it was in i am sorythat you cant have fun in the game the way it is.but its onlly close beta 2.we dont have all the things in yet.we dont have all classes in yet.
So botom line go out there and fined more things 2 do,people 2 party.

Well, I see there are people that like the linearity. I guess my disappointment was the fact I was expecting a sequel to RO. That’s how people announced this game to me. Perhaps if I just had seen this as a different mmorpg I could have enjoyed it way more. Yet, it would just have been the same as all other mmorpgs I’ve tried (except for RO): two weeks playing, and I’m out. I don’t mind them keeping ToS as it is. But I do hope they, one day, will make something more like RO.

If they could make grinding give more exp than questing it would be fine for me. I mean, not solo grinding, but grinding in a big party. Perhaps make quests as fast as grinding in the sense that solo questing = solo grinding; party questing = party grinding. Then each type of player could choose what they prefer. But this would be hard for ToS for many reasons, being two of them some maps are blocked to those who didn’t complete the quests and it isn’t easy to calculate the exact amount of exp rate that makes them both equally good. And… it would still be very far from RO in many other aspects.

So, unfortunately to me, ToS won’t ever be RO. I think it was a big mistake allowing people to announce it this way, as all other times they tried it (RO2: The Gate of the World and then RO2: Legend of The Second) it failed badly. But I do hope it works well enough for IMC.

WoW is a lot like it, but RO is a bit of a better example =P. And both RO and ToS were created by Kim Hakkyu, so he should be aware enough. Probably Hakkyu just didn’t really want a new RO.

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Yeah probably. It’s sad people assumed the game would be like a sequel and spread false information, this has brought the game a lot of unneeded negativity that could’ve been avoided.

I don’t think the game should or needs to stay the way it is currently I understand the frustration of repeating the same stuff over and over again, while I don’t mind it and in some sense I even enjoy it, I wouldn’t mind the game getting more open. I hope they can come up with some balance that could make the game at least enjoyable for those of you who were expecting something else. I’m pretty sure IMC even wants to reduce the linearity I think the game is supposed to offer some challenge after all. I definitely wouldn’t mind grinding as a valid option for progression. Who knows maybe they will open up some maps for lower levels near different towns? :grin: Nice suggestion on the grinding/questing balance I could see that somehow working out.
Anyways as I said it’s cbt and a lot will most likely change for the better, whether it’s good enough or not we’ll just have to wait out.

So you dont like the game because people tell you iys like ro but its not.really?why not watch some videos of game play befor?after watching one you will see that it not ro.did the developers ever sayvthis eill be a game like ro?and forvgring give more exp that quests ,it is.go get a 5 people party. Fined a good spot( quests will notvtake you there) and start grind.did this for somthing like 30 min and got from 60-62.not sll the maps are opebd from far in to the game you go you will see morevof this.
So stop cry and syart having fun or go play ro. Its there . ro is out there

You are very annoying. And I don’t say that to many people ‘-’.
Of course I did watch a few videos before playing. But unless I spend hours watching videos, they don’t show me enough to judge the game. I only saw a bit of grinding, a bit of questing, a bit of build testing. No video ever showed me it wasn’t an open world or that it had a completely linear story I should follow from the beginning til (at least) a high level. Plus, I don’t like to get much spoiler on a game before playing it, I just watch enough to know whether I want to try the game or not.

That said, nobody here is really crying. We are just giving our feedback, as I’m sure it is the reason why we have access to the CBT. Of course you are allowed (and welcome) to give your counter-opinion on the feedback. But you are going beyond any limits. Not a single reply from you is constructive, or adds anything to the discussion, they’re just offensive.

As a good example of a counter-opinion, Val doesn’t agree with most of the people in this thread either, and that’s fine, because he gave some arguments showing why he prefers the game the way it is to sustain his opinion. He didn’t need to be offensive in any point. That’s the reason why his replies are welcome and yours aren’t.


Look when your problem is that the game is not ro then yes its not ro.there is nothing that will help the devs in this.they know its not ro.
As for video for me i see it not open world like wow or bdo after 5 min of Video but its just me.
I am sorry if you get offended by is not real oen world as well as you have lots of small maps.

haven’t you noticed that the majority of the people who commented on this post agrees with OP?that means our experience as majority has more weight than yours because this game wont live long if the developers will listen to minority. I’m not expecting this game to be like RO but to be a MMORPG not Single Player RPG. I dont even treat other players as players because theres no need to communicate with them all the quest are enough to figure out everything. this games feels like im playing a 50$ JRPG

What a beautiful post. Truly, these points should be taken to heart, as they obviously came straight from yours.


This game is an mmorpg.all the people you see ate not bitsvthey are people .the game dont need 2 give you a reason 2 talk 2 them.the fact you dont whabt 2 talk 2 people dont male the game solo game.
As for majority, you a majority on the forums asvall the real majority playing the game. shocking i know.
So you are notveven a minority.the devs need 2 ask all the players 2 have majority and minority.
So your problem is that you are dont want 2 talk 2 you did 4/5 man dunjeons?or is it one more aspect of the game you are not willing 2 do and then say the game is onlly the bot so good story.dungeons give good exp and silver and crafting materials.

Lol the fact that this linearity topic is being discussed at the world chat by the players means that majority is thinking that the game is too linear. and im done talking to you I only read half of your paragraph coz you write like a 10 year old boy. I know my grammar is not that good but come on at least type your words correctly.

majority on the many people comment in here?if this the majority then its sad.but the real majority playing he this topic dont even represent a my be represent 100 people.there may be way more people that think like this.but most of thm are in the game or moved on.
sorry for my bad english😰