So, after maxing 4 chars (thanks to the Get Ahead event), I decided to build my 5th char from archer (thanks also to the extra x8 EXP tomes from the event. Combine the free x4 expirable tomes to x8 and it becomes yours forever).
I was planning to build a1 / qs3 / r3 / (scout / mergen / hacka), and pure STR build (since DEX is nerfed hugely)
1 year ago I saw some awesome vids of Rogue soloing dungeon bosses with burrow. I inspired my new build from this, and then I hit rank 7 with rogue 3, which is really disastrous !!
- I can only use archer offensive skills
- cannot buff running shot
- cannot buff sneak hit
- cannot melee while on burrow (which could have been a bit useful).
- attach is so slow.
What I wished I should have done:
- I think I should have gone with pure DEX for attack speed instead,.
- I should have gone with ranger 3. running shot became useless.
Any idea how can my disastrous build be saved? I’m on the verge of using Rank reset, but hopefully I would not resolve to this solution.
Side question: With Rank reset, does it reset your stats also?