Made me think, if Umbro Blow is considered to be a filler skill at rank 8, if we take the base damage 500 and add a gracious 1500 base attack from STR to it, multiply that with 730% (and let’s be honest, it’s actually less, because High Guard only has an uptime of 50%), we end up with a base damage of 16600 if the mob has 0 physical defence. This kinda makes me want to take any points out of Umbo Blow, max out Umbo Trust and Guardian and dump the rest into High Guard. But then again, applying the same logic to Butterfly and Shooting Star, base damage 2492(992) and 2140(640), which only get boosted by 150% with attributes, the numbers just seem ridiculously low, even with multihit (6230 and 5350). Now if go down the DEX route, then all of the first 7 circles seem to be worthless, with the exception of skills that increase our damage (High Kick, etc.), at least in terms of damage. The guy in the video is using a ridiculous weapon, the base damage seems to be around 6000. Umbo Blow then hits for 80008,5, or 68000, Butterfly hits for 384922,5, or 63690 and Shooting Star hits for 48140*2,5, or 81400. In comparison to that, R8 skills seem completely worthless, even with full DEX. It almost feels like a waste not invest into Rim Blow as well.
What I understand from all of this, even when going full DEX, the “filler skills” seem to do a lot more damage than any of the rank 8 skills, when combined with a proper weapon?
EDIT: Thinking about it, going lv 6 into Ombo Blow and Rim Blow seems like a must, going beyond that adds almost nothing, because the base damage of those skills is almost non existant (we are talking about 3k damage difference).