Tree of Savior Forum

Murmillo and High Guard

The info around this skill seems to be all over the place. Do you ignore it completely, or do you level it up to lv 6 to benefit from the High Guard: Umbo Blow Speciality?

Alternatively you can level it up to 6, get the attribute then use a skill reset potion and leave it at lv 1.

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You level umbo blow to 6. Same for rim blow. To get the specialty. Not high guard. High guard itself requires 3 lvls to unlock 50 physical defense attribute

I sort of regret leveling it on my DEX murmillo. Rim and Umbo blows benefit a lot more off STR than DEX being a Pelt > Rodel > Murmillo.

If I had the chance to reset now, I’d ditch Rim blow and max Guardian instead. Rim’s knockback is too annoying. I would probably get Umbo again only because of lack of better options.

Are you sure, because database seems to suggest differently? It claims that you need to level up High Guard to level 6 in order to activate the Speciality attribute. I guess they could have coded it wrong.

What would you say deals more damage Umbo Blow, Butterfly or Umbo Trust?

I have a peltasta 3 myself. So u can trust me. Umbo blow specialty needs lvl6 umbo blow, and rim blow specialty needs lvl6 rim blow. high guard 1 is fine but i took mine to 3 to buy attribute for defense during high guard.

On damage, by default its butterfly>umbothrust>umbo blow but because umbo blow gets more dmg when you turn on high guard with the specialty, so the dmg is much higher but i still think its butterfly>umbo blow> umbothrust. Thrust just for armor breaking.

All skills also get amplified by murmillo helmet if you have the attribute but im not a murnillo yet so i dont know, all know is the multiplier for umbo blow is much higher than butterfly. You can check i think its 400% for umbo blow and 150% for butterfly? So if you turn on high guard and then wear the helmet, maybe umbo blow is higher?

Depends. If you’re a shinobi, it’s obviously Butterfly.

Shinobi clones don’t get the High Guard attribute to deal 330% extra dmg with Umbo Blow nor the 400% dmg buff from Cassis Crista’s attribute.

Because of that, Butterfly from Pelta 3 and Shooting Star from Rodelero 3 are the best dmg skills to use with Shinobis clones (because they have the best dmg by themselves).

If you’re not a Shinobi, it’s probably a good idea to also get Rim Blow cause you’ll lose “less” by not having clones. I think Guardian is really important, though, so ditching Rim Blow for it isn’t a bad idea either even without Shinobi.

Umbro Thrust you can keep only lvl 1 for armor breaking.

Shinobi clones can also copy Butterfly now?

Woops, my bad, don’t think so.

I am looking at the following path, but I’m trying to wrap my head around few things:

First, Umbo Thrust gets a 400% increase from Enhanced Peltasta Shield Attack Attribute, why is everyone leaving it at lv 1? In comparison Butterfly only gets increased by 150%. They both share the CD of 25 sec and Overheat: 2. Langort has no endgame scaling, so it’s better to ignore?
How far should I take Swash Buckling?

Second, why is everyone taking lv 15 Montano, as it doesn’t scale with Enhanced Rodelero Shield Attack attribute? Shield Shoving and Shield Bash both get increased by 200%. High kick is best keept at lv 1?

I’m a lv 310 Dragoon C2, but I haven’t got a clue about these 3 classes.

Butterfly is multihit. Umbo Thrust is one. Langort is 4 hit. Pierce dmg which counters your weakness: leather

But once you hit lv 330, Langort does absolutely nothing? I don’t mind struggling through early circles to optimise my endgame.

Its your choice. U may not need it if ur like a hoplite or some other combat classes. My pelta is a squire not a rode. I lack skills in my rotation so i took langort to 4, umbthrust to 3, butterfly to 5. 12 umbo and 6 rim. 10 taunt. 2 guardian, 3 high guard.

Butterfly is multi-hit so it deals a lot more dmg than Umbo Thrust.

Langort is pretty useless not having Cassis Crista attribute for it and being Pierce dmg it’s actually much worse since you won’t get benefit from Slithering 100% dmg to strike and High Kick another 100% dmg to strike.

It doesn’t look like a terrible idea maxing Umbro Thrust. I can’t really tell you for sure because I went Shinobi 1 instead of Peltasta 3. But my build is very close to yours.

Why max Montano? I have no idea… I have it lvl 1 and barely ever used it…

In my opinion the really important skills to max in Rodelero are Targe Smash, Shield Bash and Shooting Star. High Kick doesn’t need to be maxed but I maxed mine cause I seriously hate Shield Shoving’s damage area.

Shield Bash has a (slightly) better AoE than Shield Shoving, but it doesn’t provide the 1.5 seconds CC. As a shinobi, it’s more important getting Shield Bash cause clones can copy it, though.

Swash Buckling is the core skill for Peltasta. I suggest always keeping it max. Pulling more mobs and getting more aggro from them is always nice.

I maxed High Kick because it has a really fast cast animation. The dmg scaling with skill lvls isn’t so bad (though it will be pretty minimal at rank 8) and it also has a really fast cooldown. Against most common mobs during questing you’ll just use High Kick + some shield skills cause using Slithering takes a lot longer than just High Kick. Since you end up using High Kick a lot, having that extra dmg during ranks 6 and 7 makes it worth maxing.

Great info, appreciated!
So this should do the job, right:

I guessing as everything seems to be based around the base damage, the focus should be CON > STR?

Looks good but I wouldn’t skip Headbutt from Murmillo, it has an attribute that increases strike dmg by 50%.

Watch that video closely. You can see that like 60% of the boss’ hp drops from Butterfly + Shooting Star. Those are the really important dps skills for you. The rest, like Umbo Blow, Shield Shoving, Shield Bash, etc, are just fillers at rank 8. Scutum hit also deals a reasonably high amount of dmg, so I would max it (though it’s not multi-hit and doesn’t have Cassis Crista attribute, it has an insane amount of base atk and three overheats). Scutum is also Strike dmg, which benefits off High Kick, Slithering and Heabutt while
Evade Thrust and Frenzied Slash don’t. Those strike dmg multipliers are your best friends.

The STR x DEX debate is complicated. That murmillo is probably high DEX build since he’s getting a lot of crits. I can’t tell you for sure which one is better since I haven’t played a full STR murmillo, but I can tell you that STR benefits skills with low-base atk and high multipliers a lot more than DEX (Umbo Blow, Rim Blow, …) while DEX benefits skills with high-base atk and lower multipliers a lot more than STR (Scutum hit, Headbutt, …).

Made me think, if Umbro Blow is considered to be a filler skill at rank 8, if we take the base damage 500 and add a gracious 1500 base attack from STR to it, multiply that with 730% (and let’s be honest, it’s actually less, because High Guard only has an uptime of 50%), we end up with a base damage of 16600 if the mob has 0 physical defence. This kinda makes me want to take any points out of Umbo Blow, max out Umbo Trust and Guardian and dump the rest into High Guard. But then again, applying the same logic to Butterfly and Shooting Star, base damage 2492(992) and 2140(640), which only get boosted by 150% with attributes, the numbers just seem ridiculously low, even with multihit (6230 and 5350). Now if go down the DEX route, then all of the first 7 circles seem to be worthless, with the exception of skills that increase our damage (High Kick, etc.), at least in terms of damage. The guy in the video is using a ridiculous weapon, the base damage seems to be around 6000. Umbo Blow then hits for 80008,5, or 68000, Butterfly hits for 384922,5, or 63690 and Shooting Star hits for 48140*2,5, or 81400. In comparison to that, R8 skills seem completely worthless, even with full DEX. It almost feels like a waste not invest into Rim Blow as well.

What I understand from all of this, even when going full DEX, the “filler skills” seem to do a lot more damage than any of the rank 8 skills, when combined with a proper weapon?

EDIT: Thinking about it, going lv 6 into Ombo Blow and Rim Blow seems like a must, going beyond that adds almost nothing, because the base damage of those skills is almost non existant (we are talking about 3k damage difference).

I have no idea where you’re getting those multipliers from.

Butterfly and Shooting Star get 100% from High Kick, 100% from Slithering, 50% from Headbutt, 150% from Cassis Crista.

Umbo and Rim blows get additional 330% from High Guard but with -7% atk and 400% from Cassis Crista instead of 150%.

I don’t see how you can multiply Umbo/Rim by 8,5 and Butterfly/Shooting star by only 2,5.

Also, I highly doubt those multipliers will just add up like you’re trying to do. They’re probably different tiers of multipliers.

I don’t know exactly how the formula goes, but I know my Umbo/Rim deals pretty crap damage when compared to Shooting Star. I don’t have the Cassis Crista attributes maxed as they cost millions of silvers, but I highly doubt Umbo Blow dmg could be on par with Shooting Star.

I mentioned I disliked Rim Blow because of the knockback. It’s okay to use in boss fights but pretty annoying to use against normal mobs since it’ll knock them back everywhere also annoying your party members.

I believe you can also get the skills lvl 6, get the attribute, and exploit the system by doing a reset and keeping the skills lvl 1 after reset.

If you have the base damage of 100 and you multiply that with 100%, you get exactly 100, or 1001, so you have to multiply with 2x to get the initial value + 100%, or 1002. Similarly, you get additional 330% + 400% bonus out of mentioned attributes, or 730%. 100750%+100 = 830, 1008,3 = 830.

I haven’t included Slithering, High Kick or Headbutt debuff, but only 150% bonus from Cassis Crista 481402,5 = 4*((8140*1,5)+8140) = 81400.

Your Umbo Blow/Rim does crap damage, because your base damage is low, 2000 base damage makes you hit for 16600, 8000 base damage makes you hit for 68000 using Umbo Blow with all of the attributes.

You seem to have your mind set on what you want. So I’ll refrain myself from giving you further advice.

Good luck.